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Test Ashes of the Singularity: DirectX-12-Benchmarks mit Grafikkarten von AMD und Nvidia
- Registriert
- Apr. 2006
- Beiträge
- 3.347
m0LN4r schrieb:Titan X @1400mhz
980Ti OC jemand?
Ich könnte eine Stellen, besitze aber leider das Spiel nicht

Cat Toaster
- Registriert
- Juli 2013
- Beiträge
- 3.544
m0LN4r schrieb:Titan X @1400mhz
355.60 Drivers
Normal - 72.2 FPS
Medium - 59.5 FPS
Heavy - 49.6 FPS
355.82 Drivers
Normal - 81.1 FPS
Medium - 70.7 FPS
Heavy - 59.6 FPS
+12% - normal
+16% - medium
+20% - heavy
980Ti OC jemand?
Hab gestern Abend mal mit einer 980ti @1450MHz getestet und bekomme mit dem 355.60 und 355.82 Treiber +/- dieselben Resultate.
355.82 Drivers
Normal - 72.0 FPS
Medium - 58.8 FPS
Heavy - 48.7 FPS
Preset war "crazy" und als CPU verwende ich einen 3770k @4600MHz
Hast du bei beiden Tests dieselben Grafikeinstellungen verwendet? Mit den hohen Einstellungen bekomme ich ca die Ergebnisse die du gepostet hast beim 355.82 Treiber. Oder bei mir ist irgendwas nicht in Ordnung?

Edit: Irgendwie hab ich das Gefühl, dass alles noch ein wenig buggy ist. Als ich den Treiber neu installiert habe, (355.82) hatte ich beim ersten Durchlauf eine GPU Auslastung von fast immer 99%. Leider hab ich da das Resultat nicht angeschaut, weil ich so fasziniert war, dass ich nicht mehr im CPU Limit war. Mit dem 355.62 brach die die GPU Auslastung immer wieder bis auf 70% ein und mein CPU war bei 99%
Leider konnte ich das nicht mehr nachstellen und jetzt hänge ich komischerweise wieder sehr oft im CPU-Limit, trotz dem neuen Treiber. (355.82)
Auch wenn ich das Game im DX12 Modus über Steam starte bekomme ich schlechtere Ergebnisse als wenn ich es über die Desktopverknüpfung starte.
Vielleicht hat jemand von euch einen Tipp für mich? Oder ich mache grundsätzlich etwas falsch?
Edit2: Ich muss am Wochenende nochmals alles genau testen. Ich glaube, ich hab da ein kleines durcheinander mit DX12, Dx11 CPU und GPU Benchmark sowie den Settings. Darum kommen in den verschiedenen Foren auch immer wieder verschiedene Resultate, weil nicht jeder dieselben Settings und Resultate miteinander vergleicht. Verschiedene Grafik Presets, dann doch eine Einstellung verändert, einer mit MSAA der andere ohne, CPU und GPU Benchmarks verwechselt, verschiedene Treiberversionen und und und.
Wie gesagt, am Wochenende wird nochmals in Ruhe getestet und die GPU/CPU Auslastung genau angeschaut.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Prozessor Knox
Cadet 4th Year
- Registriert
- Juni 2015
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- 76
Aus dem 3Dcenter-Forum:
Nochmals Riesenschub für AMD durch den Cat. 15.8 Beta.
Nochmals Riesenschub für AMD durch den Cat. 15.8 Beta.
- Registriert
- Sep. 2007
- Beiträge
- 7.251
Wobei +20% bzw. +60% schon beachtlich wären...
Bin mal gespannt, falls noch mehr Leute was dazu posten bzw. auch ein paar HW Seiten hierzu was berichten.
Bin mal gespannt, falls noch mehr Leute was dazu posten bzw. auch ein paar HW Seiten hierzu was berichten.
- Registriert
- März 2014
- Beiträge
- 2.332
Prozessor Knox schrieb:
Und dann heisst es, dass man unter DX12 mit Treiber kaum noch was machen kann. Was ist denn hier passiert?
tic-tac-toe-x-o schrieb:Und dann heisst es, dass man unter DX12 mit Treiber kaum noch was machen kann. Was ist denn hier passiert?
Man hat weiterhin den Zugriff, hat sich nicht viel geändert.
BamLee2k schrieb:Sieht ja echt aus dieses DX12.
Leider hat es CB wohl nicht für nötig gehalten die 285/380 zu testen. Schade.
pcgh hatte Probleme mit der 380 und DX12. Die konnten die Karte deswegen wohl nicht testen.
- Registriert
- Apr. 2006
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- 3.347
- Registriert
- Juli 2006
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- 526
Cat Toaster schrieb:Als nächstes zweifelt dann wieder jemand am Ergebnis solang kein Bild gepostet wird.
Anhang anzeigen 513196
Es gibt auch andere Wege, aber dort gibts nur die 0.49 pre-alpha.
Der test ruckelt und ist buggy so wie auf Nvidia, wie auch AMD...
Was mir aufgefallen ist, wie kann dieses spiel so schlecht laufen ?? Was is so schwer zu kalkulieren, darzustellen ?
Hab mir C&C 4: Tiberian Twilight im Multiplayer mit massiven efekten und enormen units auf einem 5 Jahre altem PC mit Q9550+480 ohne probleme laufen lassen... Auch CIV 5 lauft wesentlicht besser, mit dem ganzen planeten aufgebaut und ein/aus gezoomt... Wie auch RA:3...
Welche visualen elemente sind hier so anstrengend, das ein 2015 mid-high PC - mit DX12 schwierigkeiten haben muss?
Jemand eine erklärung?
m0LN4r schrieb:Titan X @1400mhz
355.60 Drivers
Normal - 72.2 FPS
Medium - 59.5 FPS
Heavy - 49.6 FPS
355.82 Drivers
Normal - 81.1 FPS
Medium - 70.7 FPS
Heavy - 59.6 FPS
+12% - normal
+16% - medium
+20% - heavy
980Ti OC jemand?
Poste mal die Batchfile das man es besser nachvolziehen kann was du da gebencht hast. Du findest sie in den Documenten ordner:
Documents\My Games\Ashes of the Singularity\Benchmarks
Lol ich bin im CPU Limit:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
- Registriert
- Juli 2006
- Beiträge
- 526
Die Ergebnisse sind nicht von meinem personal PC, aber sie sind auf Overclockers zu finden.
Weiß nicht genau auf welcher seite in dem aots topic genau... seit dem gibts 100+ neue seiten von posts...
Versuch mal dort zu suchen und vergleichen. Momentan habe ich nur das:
Leider nur: Version 0.49.11978
@Ampre - nochmal mit deinen settings, aber leider muss ich jetzt den Test entfernen
Werd in später wenns neue treiber und neue version des games gibts wiederholen. Bis dann.
Was bedeutet R9 200 Series?
Weiß nicht genau auf welcher seite in dem aots topic genau... seit dem gibts 100+ neue seiten von posts...
Versuch mal dort zu suchen und vergleichen. Momentan habe ich nur das:
== Hardware Configuration =================================
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Physical Cores: 6
Logical Cores: 12
Physical Memory: 17118404608 bytes
Allocatable Memory: 140737488224256 bytes
== Configuration ==========================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16
Terrain Shading Samples: 16
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 4
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
==Sub Mark Normal Batch ==================================
Total Time: 60.023960
Avg Framerate : 28.273180 ms (35.369209 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 29.322136 ms (34.103928 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 9.776383 ms (102.287315 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 4666.366699
Average Batches per frame: 14861.663086
==Sub Mark Medium Batch ==================================
Total Time: 61.937687
Avg Framerate : 35.514729 ms (28.157333 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 36.363636 ms (27.500000 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 13.189580 ms (75.817421 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 4438.207031
Average Batches per frame: 22825.363281
==Sub Mark Heavy Batch ==================================
Total Time: 58.049408
Avg Framerate : 39.570148 ms (25.271576 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 40.007027 ms (24.995609 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 18.863691 ms (53.011894 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5241.158691
Average Batches per frame: 52449.648438
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Physical Cores: 6
Logical Cores: 12
Physical Memory: 17118404608 bytes
Allocatable Memory: 140737488224256 bytes
== Configuration ==========================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16
Terrain Shading Samples: 16
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 4
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
==Sub Mark Normal Batch ==================================
Total Time: 60.023960
Avg Framerate : 28.273180 ms (35.369209 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 29.322136 ms (34.103928 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 9.776383 ms (102.287315 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 4666.366699
Average Batches per frame: 14861.663086
==Sub Mark Medium Batch ==================================
Total Time: 61.937687
Avg Framerate : 35.514729 ms (28.157333 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 36.363636 ms (27.500000 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 13.189580 ms (75.817421 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 4438.207031
Average Batches per frame: 22825.363281
==Sub Mark Heavy Batch ==================================
Total Time: 58.049408
Avg Framerate : 39.570148 ms (25.271576 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 40.007027 ms (24.995609 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 18.863691 ms (53.011894 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5241.158691
Average Batches per frame: 52449.648438
Ergänzung ()
@Ampre - nochmal mit deinen settings, aber leider muss ich jetzt den Test entfernen
Version 0.49.11978
09/05/2015 13:17
== Hardware Configuration =================================
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Physical Cores: 6
Logical Cores: 12
Physical Memory: 17118404608 bytes
Allocatable Memory: 140737488224256 bytes
== Configuration ==========================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16
Terrain Shading Samples: 8
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 6
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
==Sub Mark Normal Batch ==================================
Total Time: 60.031544
Avg Framerate : 16.796740 ms (59.535362 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 17.258240 ms (57.943336 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 8.033169 ms (124.483879 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 4193.741699
Average Batches per frame: 9459.683594
==Sub Mark Medium Batch ==================================
Total Time: 62.005436
Avg Framerate : 20.856182 ms (47.947411 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 21.276945 ms (46.999229 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 9.552372 ms (104.686043 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5327.504883
Average Batches per frame: 16421.923828
==Sub Mark Heavy Batch ==================================
Total Time: 57.963818
Avg Framerate : 23.391369 ms (42.750809 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 23.560284 ms (42.444309 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 12.001787 ms (83.320923 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.964096%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 8510.291992
Average Batches per frame: 36626.320313
09/05/2015 13:17
== Hardware Configuration =================================
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Physical Cores: 6
Logical Cores: 12
Physical Memory: 17118404608 bytes
Allocatable Memory: 140737488224256 bytes
== Configuration ==========================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16
Terrain Shading Samples: 8
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 6
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
==Sub Mark Normal Batch ==================================
Total Time: 60.031544
Avg Framerate : 16.796740 ms (59.535362 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 17.258240 ms (57.943336 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 8.033169 ms (124.483879 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 4193.741699
Average Batches per frame: 9459.683594
==Sub Mark Medium Batch ==================================
Total Time: 62.005436
Avg Framerate : 20.856182 ms (47.947411 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 21.276945 ms (46.999229 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 9.552372 ms (104.686043 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5327.504883
Average Batches per frame: 16421.923828
==Sub Mark Heavy Batch ==================================
Total Time: 57.963818
Avg Framerate : 23.391369 ms (42.750809 FPS)
Weighted Framerate : 23.560284 ms (42.444309 FPS)
CPU frame rate (estimated framerate if not GPU bound): 12.001787 ms (83.320923 FPS)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.964096%
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 8510.291992
Average Batches per frame: 36626.320313
Werd in später wenns neue treiber und neue version des games gibts wiederholen. Bis dann.
Was bedeutet R9 200 Series?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
R9 200 ist eine 290 oder 290x bei mir eine 290x. War bei deinem Benchmark Temporal AA Quality auf off? Da gibt's einen bug und leider erkennt man das nicht in den Settings ob der off oder auf high oder Ultra stand. Wieso musst du den Test entfernen?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Meiner Meinung nach darf man Benchmark posten. Man darf nur keine Screenshots oder Videos davon machen! Wahrscheinlich das andere die Grafik nicht sehen oder das die Konkurrenz nicht weiß welche Waffenklassen hier verwendet werden.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Treiber: 355.82
CPU: 3770k@4600MHz
GPU: 980ti@1450/3750
Preset: Medium DX12
Preset: High DX12
Preset: Cracy DX12
Preset: Cracy + 4x MSAA DX12
Preset: Medium DX11
Preset: Hight DX11
Preset: Cracy DX11
Preset: Cracy + 4x MSAA DX11
Preset: Cracy, 4k, DX11
Preset: Cracy, 4k, DX12

CPU: 3770k@4600MHz
GPU: 980ti@1450/3750
Preset: Medium DX12
Version 0.50.12113
09/05/2015 14:24
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: Low
Shading Samples: 8 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 8 million
Shadow Quality: Mid
Temporal AA Duration: 6
Temporal AA Time Slice: 3
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.020039 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 81.389481 FPS (12.286600 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 80.895180 FPS (12.361675 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 92.698273 FPS (10.787687 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 54.939346 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2097.417236 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 4871.034180 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 62.011559 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 73.728188 FPS (13.563334 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 73.377090 FPS (13.628231 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 90.182640 FPS (11.088609 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 80.038628 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2974.002930 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 8405.106445 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.971851 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 60.598373 FPS (16.502094 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 60.005394 FPS (16.665169 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 76.283791 FPS (13.108945 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 94.146606 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5059.997559 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 20041.478516 Batches
09/05/2015 14:24
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: Low
Shading Samples: 8 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 8 million
Shadow Quality: Mid
Temporal AA Duration: 6
Temporal AA Time Slice: 3
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.020039 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 81.389481 FPS (12.286600 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 80.895180 FPS (12.361675 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 92.698273 FPS (10.787687 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 54.939346 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2097.417236 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 4871.034180 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 62.011559 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 73.728188 FPS (13.563334 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 73.377090 FPS (13.628231 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 90.182640 FPS (11.088609 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 80.038628 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2974.002930 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 8405.106445 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.971851 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 60.598373 FPS (16.502094 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 60.005394 FPS (16.665169 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 76.283791 FPS (13.108945 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 94.146606 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5059.997559 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 20041.478516 Batches
Version 0.50.12113
09/05/2015 13:47
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 8 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 6
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.021751 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 77.455254 FPS (12.910680 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 76.464851 FPS (13.077905 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 101.939224 FPS (9.809767 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 90.858467 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2106.035889 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 4685.785156 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 62.013744 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 66.324005 FPS (15.077497 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 65.589600 FPS (15.246320 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 98.201363 FPS (10.183158 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.762253 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2989.035400 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 8019.360840 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.971176 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 53.388599 FPS (18.730591 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 52.894714 FPS (18.905481 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 78.770714 FPS (12.695073 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.889908 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5259.723633 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 20124.951172 Batches
09/05/2015 13:47
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 8 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 6
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.021751 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 77.455254 FPS (12.910680 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 76.464851 FPS (13.077905 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 101.939224 FPS (9.809767 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 90.858467 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2106.035889 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 4685.785156 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 62.013744 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 66.324005 FPS (15.077497 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 65.589600 FPS (15.246320 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 98.201363 FPS (10.183158 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.762253 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2989.035400 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 8019.360840 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.971176 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 53.388599 FPS (18.730591 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 52.894714 FPS (18.905481 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 78.770714 FPS (12.695073 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.889908 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5259.723633 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 20124.951172 Batches
Version 0.50.12113
09/05/2015 14:47
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.026390 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 64.171776 FPS (15.583176 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 63.035007 FPS (15.864201 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 111.952324 FPS (8.932373 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.903999 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2092.154541 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 4512.432129 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 61.986935 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 53.559673 FPS (18.670763 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 53.122528 FPS (18.824406 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 98.550575 FPS (10.147075 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 3063.581299 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 8172.594727 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 58.005138 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 45.254612 FPS (22.097195 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 41.863125 FPS (23.887371 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 78.740036 FPS (12.700020 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.880966 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5165.000488 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 20003.576172 Batches
09/05/2015 14:47
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.026390 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 64.171776 FPS (15.583176 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 63.035007 FPS (15.864201 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 111.952324 FPS (8.932373 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.903999 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2092.154541 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 4512.432129 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 61.986935 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 53.559673 FPS (18.670763 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 53.122528 FPS (18.824406 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 98.550575 FPS (10.147075 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 3063.581299 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 8172.594727 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 58.005138 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 45.254612 FPS (22.097195 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 41.863125 FPS (23.887371 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 78.740036 FPS (12.700020 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.880966 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5165.000488 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 20003.576172 Batches
Version 0.50.12113
09/05/2015 14:38
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 4x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.052803 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 64.243462 FPS (15.565785 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 63.249332 FPS (15.810443 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 114.269745 FPS (8.751223 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.965408 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 1970.903687 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 4326.941895 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 61.986980 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 52.349705 FPS (19.102304 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 52.010174 FPS (19.227007 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 99.003906 FPS (10.100612 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.952660 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2972.658936 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 8147.393555 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.971436 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 43.969929 FPS (22.742815 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 43.559341 FPS (22.957190 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 78.545464 FPS (12.731481 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.967941 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5058.929199 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 20095.058594 Batches
09/05/2015 14:38
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 4x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.052803 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 64.243462 FPS (15.565785 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 63.249332 FPS (15.810443 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 114.269745 FPS (8.751223 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.965408 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 1970.903687 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 4326.941895 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 61.986980 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 52.349705 FPS (19.102304 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 52.010174 FPS (19.227007 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 99.003906 FPS (10.100612 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.952660 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2972.658936 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 8147.393555 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.971436 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 43.969929 FPS (22.742815 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 43.559341 FPS (22.957190 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 78.545464 FPS (12.731481 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 99.967941 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5058.929199 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 20095.058594 Batches
Preset: Medium DX11
Version 0.50.12113
09/05/2015 15:17
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: Low
Shading Samples: 8 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 8 million
Shadow Quality: Mid
Temporal AA Duration: 6
Temporal AA Time Slice: 3
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.021481 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 80.404549 FPS (12.437107 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 79.736191 FPS (12.541356 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 4798.029297 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 62.002483 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 71.368111 FPS (14.011861 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 71.018730 FPS (14.080792 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 8344.641602 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.979500 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 55.830078 FPS (17.911491 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 55.188778 FPS (18.119625 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 20079.201172 Batches
09/05/2015 15:17
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: Low
Shading Samples: 8 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 8 million
Shadow Quality: Mid
Temporal AA Duration: 6
Temporal AA Time Slice: 3
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.021481 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 80.404549 FPS (12.437107 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 79.736191 FPS (12.541356 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 4798.029297 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 62.002483 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 71.368111 FPS (14.011861 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 71.018730 FPS (14.080792 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 8344.641602 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.979500 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 55.830078 FPS (17.911491 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 55.188778 FPS (18.119625 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 20079.201172 Batches
Version 0.50.12113
09/05/2015 14:55
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 8 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 6
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.028770 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 77.796028 FPS (12.854126 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 76.975243 FPS (12.991190 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 4252.938477 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 61.988060 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 66.706398 FPS (14.991066 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 66.157944 FPS (15.115343 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 8149.030273 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.986584 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 50.597912 FPS (19.763662 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 49.875401 FPS (20.049965 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 19854.656250 Batches
09/05/2015 14:55
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 8 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 6
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.028770 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 77.796028 FPS (12.854126 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 76.975243 FPS (12.991190 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 4252.938477 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 61.988060 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 66.706398 FPS (14.991066 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 66.157944 FPS (15.115343 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 8149.030273 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.986584 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 50.597912 FPS (19.763662 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 49.875401 FPS (20.049965 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 19854.656250 Batches
Version 0.50.12113
09/05/2015 15:00
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.007080 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 71.241592 FPS (14.036744 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 69.472961 FPS (14.394089 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 4076.059326 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 62.022377 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 58.898102 FPS (16.978476 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 57.867447 FPS (17.280872 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 8498.646484 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.978943 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 48.189911 FPS (20.751232 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 46.969711 FPS (21.290316 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 20062.271484 Batches
09/05/2015 15:00
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.007080 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 71.241592 FPS (14.036744 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 69.472961 FPS (14.394089 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 4076.059326 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 62.022377 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 58.898102 FPS (16.978476 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 57.867447 FPS (17.280872 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 8498.646484 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.978943 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 48.189911 FPS (20.751232 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 46.969711 FPS (21.290316 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 20062.271484 Batches
Version 0.50.12113
09/05/2015 15:04
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 4x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.058678 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 70.048164 FPS (14.275891 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 68.389107 FPS (14.622212 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 4437.866211 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 62.000214 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 57.096581 FPS (17.514185 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 55.992012 FPS (17.859690 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 8257.230469 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.953682 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 46.882267 FPS (21.330027 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 45.682293 FPS (21.890320 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 20097.472656 Batches
09/05/2015 15:04
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 4x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.058678 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 70.048164 FPS (14.275891 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 68.389107 FPS (14.622212 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 4437.866211 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 62.000214 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 57.096581 FPS (17.514185 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 55.992012 FPS (17.859690 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 8257.230469 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.953682 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 46.882267 FPS (21.330027 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 45.682293 FPS (21.890320 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 20097.472656 Batches
Preset: Cracy, 4k, DX11
Version 0.50.12113
09/05/2015 15:23
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX
Resolution: 3840x2160
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.019382 ms per frame
[/B]Avg Framerate: 54.132515 FPS (18.473186 ms)[/B]
Weighted Framerate: 52.216537 FPS (19.151020 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 4038.452148 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 61.992531 ms per frame
[/B]Avg Framerate: 43.585899 FPS (22.943201 ms)[/B]
Weighted Framerate: 42.950272 FPS (23.282740 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 8719.651367 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.996769 ms per frame
[/B]Avg Framerate: 37.846935 FPS (26.422218 ms)[/B]
Weighted Framerate: 36.391037 FPS (27.479292 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 21290.433594 Batches
09/05/2015 15:23
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX
Resolution: 3840x2160
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 60.019382 ms per frame
[/B]Avg Framerate: 54.132515 FPS (18.473186 ms)[/B]
Weighted Framerate: 52.216537 FPS (19.151020 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 4038.452148 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 61.992531 ms per frame
[/B]Avg Framerate: 43.585899 FPS (22.943201 ms)[/B]
Weighted Framerate: 42.950272 FPS (23.282740 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 8719.651367 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 57.996769 ms per frame
[/B]Avg Framerate: 37.846935 FPS (26.422218 ms)[/B]
Weighted Framerate: 36.391037 FPS (27.479292 ms)
Average Batches per frame: 21290.433594 Batches
Version 0.50.12113
09/05/2015 15:28
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 3840x2160
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 59.997879 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 45.201599 FPS (22.123112 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 44.101597 FPS (22.674917 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 113.098930 FPS (8.841816 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2675.072021 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 5679.170898 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 61.993565 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 39.246010 FPS (25.480299 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 38.984585 FPS (25.651165 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 100.053253 FPS (9.994678 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 3284.255859 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 8639.614258 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 58.009361 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 34.977112 FPS (28.590124 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 34.729664 FPS (28.793831 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 76.915352 FPS (13.001306 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5176.674805 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 21481.277344 Batches
09/05/2015 15:28
== Hardware Configuration ================================================
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
CPU: GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 16330 MB
Allocatable Memory: 134217727 MB
== Configuration =========================================================
API: DirectX 12
Resolution: 3840x2160
Fullscreen: True
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
Glare Quality: High
Shading Samples: 16 million
Terrain Shading Samples: 16 million
Shadow Quality: High
Temporal AA Duration: 12
Temporal AA Time Slice: 2
Multisample Anti-Aliasing: 1x
Texture Rank : 1
== Results ===============================================================
BenchMark 0
TestType: Full System Test
== Sub Mark Normal Batch =================================================
Total Time: 59.997879 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 45.201599 FPS (22.123112 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 44.101597 FPS (22.674917 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 113.098930 FPS (8.841816 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 2675.072021 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 5679.170898 Batches
== Sub Mark Medium Batch =================================================
Total Time: 61.993565 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 39.246010 FPS (25.480299 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 38.984585 FPS (25.651165 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 100.053253 FPS (9.994678 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 3284.255859 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 8639.614258 Batches
== Sub Mark Heavy Batch =================================================
Total Time: 58.009361 ms per frame
Avg Framerate: 34.977112 FPS (28.590124 ms)
Weighted Framerate: 34.729664 FPS (28.793831 ms)
CPU frame rate (estimated if not GPU bound): 76.915352 FPS (13.001306 ms)
Percent GPU Bound: 100.000000 %
Driver throughput (Batches per ms): 5176.674805 Batches
Average Batches per frame: 21481.277344 Batches

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