Das ganze hat letztlich "nur" rechtliche Grundlagen und wer die Klagen in den Staaten kennt, kann sich denken wovor die Hersteller Angst haben.
Von der FDA gibt es sogar Tipps wie man die Akkus richtig behandelt.
Die US Feuerwehr veröffentlichte dazu einen Bericht.
- Risk of disfiguring fire/explosion injury
LG Chem has learned that some individual consumers purchase and use its cylindrical lithium-ion battery cells ("Li-Ion Cells") in ways that LG Chem does not intend for them to be used: in e-Cigarettes and Vape Products that incorporate replaceable and rechargeable individual Li-Ion Cells. The well-known risks of misusing Li-Ion Cells in these devices have been recognized by the FDA, the US Fire Administration and the Consumer Technology Association.- LG Chem's batteries are not authorized, approved or intended for sale or use by
individual consumers as original or replacement power sources in these devices.
Likewise, LG Chem has not:
- authorized the use of its Li-Ion Cells by manufacturers of an e-Cigarettes or Vape Products that incorporate replaceable and rechargeable Li-Ion Cells;
- authorized any retailer, distributor or e-commerce websites to market and sell its individual Li-Ion Cells for use in e-Cigarettes or Vape Products that incorporate replaceable and rechargeable Li-Ion Cells; and/or
- authorized any third party to recommend the use of LG Chem products for any e-Cigarettes and Vape Products that incorporate replaceable and rechargeable individual Li-Ion Cells.
- LG Chem's Li-Ion Cells are not intended for sale to or use by consumers. They are only intended for sale to and use by skilled manufacturers for products that incorporate necessary safety systems designed to protect end users from the known severe risks of fire and explosion associated with the misuse of individual Li-Ion Cells.
- Questions and comments, including reports of the unauthorized marketing, distribution and/or sale of these products may be directed to mob.cs@lgchem.com
Von der FDA gibt es sogar Tipps wie man die Akkus richtig behandelt.
Die US Feuerwehr veröffentlichte dazu einen Bericht.