Exception during Controller._UpdateClient
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "lib\controller.pyc", line 543, in _UpdateClient
File "lib\update.pyc", line 627, in GetStatus
File "lib\update.pyc", line 205, in GetStatus
IndexError: list index out of range
Locals by frame, innermost last:
Frame __bootstrap in threading.pyc at line 503:
self = <Thread(UpdateManagerThread, started 2724)>
Frame __bootstrap_inner in threading.pyc at line 530:
self = <Thread(UpdateManagerThread, started 2724)>
Frame run in threading.pyc at line 483:
self = <Thread(UpdateManagerThread, started 2724)>
self._Thread__args = ()
self._Thread__block = <Condition(<thread.lock object at 0x04378530>, 0)>
self._Thread__daemonic = False
self._Thread__ident = 2724
self._Thread__initialized = True
self._Thread__kwargs = {}
self._Thread__name = 'UpdateManagerThread'
self._Thread__started = <threading._Event object at 0x0768C510>
self._Thread__stderr = <__main__.Stderr object at 0x02144650>
self._Thread__stopped = False
self._Thread__target = <bound method Controller._UpdateClient of <lib.controller.Controller instance at 0x07657080>>
self._Verbose__verbose = False
Frame _UpdateClient in lib\controller.pyc at line 576:
cancel = False
gaugeRange = 1000
infoText = u'Download: 587.53 KB, 8.65 KB/s'
pe = <lib.ui.frame.BottomPanel; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPanel *' at 0x45d7218> >
percent = 0.25
progressText = u'(1/3): EVE_Online_358079-359766.patch wird erstellt: 25.0% - 0 B / 0 B wird heruntergeladen'
self = <lib.controller.Controller instance at 0x07657080>
self.app = <wx._core.App; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp *' at 0x25fff18> >
self.folder = u'D:\\Spiele\\Eve - Kopie'
self.model = <lib.update.UpdaterModule instance at 0x0766F760>
self.settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings instance at 0x0766F530>
self.view = <lib.ui.frame.LauncherFrame; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxFrame *' at 0x45a0f08> >
Frame GetStatus in lib\update.pyc at line 627:
self = <lib.update.UpdaterModule instance at 0x0766F760>
self.average = 8867.549944268183
self.bps = ' 8.65 KB/s'
self.cache = u'D:\\Spiele\\Eve - Kopie\\launcher\\cache\\Download'
self.dxFolder = u'D:\\Spiele\\Eve - Kopie\\bin\\DirectX'
self.folder = u'D:\\Spiele\\Eve - Kopie'
self.hashdb = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\Spiele\\EVE-KO~1\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
self.info = <function wrapper at 0x07682770>
self.isRunning = <threading._Event object at 0x07673430>
self.lastBpsUpdate = 1334231516.298
self.lock = <thread.lock object at 0x04378650>
self.proc = <lib.update.CreateHttpPatch instance at 0x0768E5D0>
self.server = 'SISI'
self.settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings instance at 0x0766F530>
self.startTime = 1334231397.185
self.successful = False
self.totalLast = 601640
Frame GetStatus in lib\update.pyc at line 205:
base = 1.0
cancel = False
ln = 0.0
self = <lib.update.CreateHttpPatch instance at 0x0768E5D0>
self.cache = u'D:\\Spiele\\Eve - Kopie\\launcher\\cache\\Download'
self.folder = u'D:\\Spiele\\Eve - Kopie'
self.hashdb = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\Spiele\\EVE-KO~1\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
self.info = <function wrapper at 0x07682770>
self.patchFile = u'D:\\Spiele\\Eve - Kopie\\EVE_Online_358079-359766.patch'
self.progress = <lib.update.UpdaterProgress instance at 0x0D20F2D8>
self.stepWeight = [(0, <function <lambda> at 0x07682B70>), (0.25, <function <lambda> at 0x076829F0>), (0.75, <function downloadFunc at 0x07682BB0>)]
self.url = 'http://cdn1.eveonline.com/359766/RepairData_359766.dat'
self.z = <zsync.zsync.CreatePatch instance at 0x0768E800>
step = 3
stepPercent = 0.0
text = '(3/7) Downloading recipes: Initializing ...'
tot = 2971412.0