+++ General +++
Commander mode,
Levolution (one large event per map, new paths, switches/elevators/lights),
naval combat (including synchronized waves, limited diving, using gadgets/secondaries),
three factions (US, RU, CN),
integrated VoIP,
spectator mode,
new game modes,
new maps
+++ Gameplay +++
field upgrades ("bro bar"),
5 man squads,
new movement model (slower, acceleration-based),
new revive mechanics (limited "ammo" pool, hp based on charge, can't revive after knife),
redesigned suppression (increased on LMGs, reduced on all other weapons, reduced at close range, scope sway instead of accuracy penalty),
assist counts as kill,
new knife mechanics (slashing removed, counterable),
lean/peek from cover,
tiered reloading,
smoke trails on grenades and sniper rounds,
redesigned scope glint,
critical hits on vehicles,
limited (regenerating) vehicle ammo pool,
high-value targets
+++ Weaponry and Unlocks +++
battle pickups,
DMRs, carbines, and shotguns are common-pool weapons,
AV launcher revamp,
C4/Claymores for Recons,
new attachments/gadgets with different mechanics
(e.g., magnifier, canted iron sights, PLD, Airburst, motion sensor, ammo packs, first aid packs)
new grenades (e.g., flashbangs, incendiary),
redesigned mortar,
scope zeroing,
pistol customization,
default unlocks for starter weapons and vehicles,
+++ User Interface and Cosmetics +++
BattleScreen (real-time map on different screen/device),
tablet/smartphone support (BattleScreen, switch loadouts, join server, etc.),,
Battlelog integration,
new deploy UI with real-time camera,
new loadout customization UI,
new death cam,
directional callouts,
compass integrated into minimap,
squad order shown on minimap,
new full-screen map,
hud customization,
player emblems,
vehicle camos,
adaptive camos
+++ Misc +++
a new classification for servers that don't derive from the default settings too much,
vehicle test range,
player missions,
tiered assignments,
geo leaderboards