News Windows 11 2022 Update: Erster Feature Drop auf „22H2“ jetzt offiziell zum Download

@G00fY Ich habe bereits selbst nach einer Fehlerlösung gesucht, als ich das Update installiert hatte.
In Reddit gab es einige Beiträge dazu, aber eben noch keinen Workaround oder gar eine Lösung.
In Forza ist es mir dann aufgefallen, weil ich das selbe Verhalten habe, wenn ich noch im "Energiesparen"-Modus bin.
Der Fehler tritt wohl am häufigsten in Zusammenspiel mit einer NVidia VGA auf (bei mir RTX3070Ti).
Meine Meldung bezog sich nur auf einen Workaround, nicht um eine Lösung.

EDIT: hier ein Reddit Post mit einem NVidia Statement:
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Reaktionen: G00fY
Der Junge hat mich anscheinend auf ignore, denn er reagiert nicht und beantwortet meine Frage nicht.

Jetzt schreibt er plötzlich von "Energiesparen". Dass man da Drops hat ist normal, weil die CPU da überhaupt nicht richtig bzw garnicht hochtaktet.

Ich habe jetzt ein paar Rennen in FH5 gemacht auf Ausbalanciert und ich habe keine Drops, läuft ganz normal. Nvidia Karte. Intel CPU.

Meine Symbole auf dem Desktop sind auch nicht zusammen gedrückt. Habe die ganz normale 22H2 drauf. Kein Insider.
Luxamman schrieb:
Man wollte ja einen "Neustart" machen.
Das wäre der dümmste Move überhaupt. Es gibt zwei Dinge, wegen denen man Windows nutzt:
Kompatibilität und "das war schon immer so, alles andere ist deswegen schlecht".
Also wird man nen Teufel tun, irgendwas größeres an der Codebase neuzustarten.
@Tiara G.
1. Wurde ich heute 34, also kein Junge mehr 😉
und 2. hab ich auf der Arbeit eine Threadseite übersprungen, sorry! War keine Absicht!

Zu deiner Frage: Ja und nein! Ich habe es mit und ohne Speicherintegrität getestet, es brachte nichts.
Mein normaler Flow: beim IDLEn, surfen etc. schalte ich in "Energiesparen", der bei mir die CPU auf min. 5% und max 15% taktet/belastet (manuell angepasst).
Beim Spielen wechsel ich in den "Ausbalanciert" und selten mal in "Höchstleistung", da ich da bisher kaum Unterschiede bemerkt habe.

WENN ich aber mal FH5 gestartet habe und vergessen habe auf "Ausbalanciert" zu wechseln (also noch "Energiesparen") dann ist das Verhalten im Spiel dann ähnlich: das laden dauert länger, FPS-Drops beim sehr schnell Fahren, starke Ruckler.

Und da ich in Reddit und co. gelesen haben, dass EINIGE Benutzer mit einer NVidia-Grafikkarte Probleme habe, habe ich eben zum Testen auf "Höchstleistung" gestellt.

Ich verstehe nicht so recht wieso da jetzt so ein Drama drauß gemacht wird 😂
Das ist doch nur ein kleiner Workaround, auf den ich aufmerksam gemacht habe WENN es Probleme gibt....
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Reaktionen: dideldei und G00fY
G00fY schrieb:
Konntest du Framedrops auf einem Radeon Testsystem beobachten?
Muss ich später nochmal nachschauen.

Was allerdings zu beobachten war, die Framedrops traten bei mir nur unter 22H2 auf. Davor konnte ich nichts dergleichen feststellen.

Ich habe später noch ein Kundensystem mit RX 6800 XT zu installieren. Dann schaue ich mal.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: G00fY
Es gibt kein Drama, du hattest nach Feedback gefragt, ich habe einen Test gemacht.

Wenn es in FH5 durch 22H2 Drops geben würde, dann würde man in den entsprechenden Sammelthread hier und im Luxx etwas darüber lesen, aber da hat bisher keiner was geschrieben.

In dener Signatur steht Windows 10, das is verdächtig. Du hattest also nichtmal W11 drauf, und bist jetzt angeblich direkt auf W11 22H2?
Das kann man machen, aber ich glaub da irgendwie nicht dran.

Ich denke, dass du zu der Fraktion gehörst, die W11 gerne schlecht macht.

snakesh1t schrieb:
Wurde ich heute 34
Alles Gute zu Deinem Geburtstag :).
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: snakesh1t
Tiara G. schrieb:
Alles Gute zu Deinem Geburtstag :).
In dener Signatur steht Windows 10
Gut, dass du es sagst! Natürlich nicht, ich war auf Windows 11 21H2 und bin auf 22H2 gegangen.
Sorry, hatte meine Signatur nicht angepasst gehabt....dann kommts natürlich zu Missverständnissen!
Wenn es in FH5 durch 22H2 Drops geben würde,.....
Bei mir fiel es bei FH5 am meisten auf!
Battlefield 2042 lief okay, Deathloop war zu neu, dass ich keinen Vorher/Nachher Vergleich hatte und Dead Cells waren die FPS eh egal :D
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: LuckyMagnum
G00fY schrieb:
Lese eher, dass das Problem genau einen Nutzer betrifft, oder sehe ich das falsch? Gibts irgendwo auf anderen Seiten berichten zu Framedrops?
SVΞN schrieb:
Nach dem Update auf Windows 11 2022 kommt es bei einigen Anwendern zu Framedrops in Spielen oder kurzen Aussetzern und Ruckler auf dem Desktop, so auch im Forum der ComputerBase-Community.
snakesh1t schrieb:
Irgendwas stimmt mit den Energieoptionen und dem CPU-Takt nicht.
Ich hatte massive FrameDrops in u.a. FH5 (mit "Ausgeglichenerer" Energieoption").
"Höchstleistung" als Energieoption hat bei mir jetzt geholfen und die Drops beseitigt!

Wäre wohl interessant zu wissen, wie der Power Plan "Ausgeglichen / Balanced" aktuell aussieht @snakesh1t, da es mit "Höchstleistung / High Perfomance" ja anscheinend nicht zu diesen Problemen kommt.
Lässt sich leicht teilen via "powercfg /Qh" (=/Qh ist inklusive, nur /Q wäre ohne versteckter Einstellungen). Davor natürlich erstmal wieder auf "Ausgeglichen / Balanced" stellen.

Die erste verdächtige Einstellung, die mir einfällt, wäre [PCI Express] "Verbindungszustand-Energieverwaltung / Link State Power Management".
Gibt aber natürlich auch andere, herstellerspezifische, Energiesparmethoden und auch ein Zusammenspiel mit den C-States, EIST, etc., die im BIOS/UEFI konfiguriert werden (hier als Info: Ich hab nur die C-States bis C3 aktiviert).

Beispiel "powercfg /Qh" von meinem Rechner mit dem Plan "Ausgeglichen / Balanced":
PS> powercfg /Qh
Power Scheme GUID: 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e  (Balanced)
  Subgroup GUID: fea3413e-7e05-4911-9a71-700331f1c294  (Settings belonging to no subgroup)
    GUID Alias: SUB_NONE
    Power Setting GUID: 0e796bdb-100d-47d6-a2d5-f7d2daa51f51  (Require a password on wakeup)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: No
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Yes
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 245d8541-3943-4422-b025-13a784f679b7  (Power plan type)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Power saver
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: High performance
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Balanced
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002

    Power Setting GUID: 4faab71a-92e5-4726-b531-224559672d19  (Device idle policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Performance
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Power savings
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 68afb2d9-ee95-47a8-8f50-4115088073b1  (Disconnected Standby Mode)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Normal
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Aggressive
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: f15576e8-98b7-4186-b944-eafa664402d9  (Networking connectivity in Standby)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disable
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enable
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Managed by Windows
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002

  Subgroup GUID: 0012ee47-9041-4b5d-9b77-535fba8b1442  (Hard disk)
    GUID Alias: SUB_DISK
    Power Setting GUID: 0b2d69d7-a2a1-449c-9680-f91c70521c60  (AHCI Link Power Management - HIPM/DIPM)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Active
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: HIPM
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: HIPM+DIPM
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: DIPM
      Possible Setting Index: 004
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Lowest
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 51dea550-bb38-4bc4-991b-eacf37be5ec8  (Maximum Power Level)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064

    Power Setting GUID: 6738e2c4-e8a5-4a42-b16a-e040e769756e  (Turn off hard disk after)
      GUID Alias: DISKIDLE
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000004b0
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000258

    Power Setting GUID: 80e3c60e-bb94-4ad8-bbe0-0d3195efc663  (Hard disk burst ignore time)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000001e

    Power Setting GUID: d3d55efd-c1ff-424e-9dc3-441be7833010  (Secondary NVMe Idle Timeout)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x0000ea60
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: milliseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000007d0
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x000003e8

    Power Setting GUID: d639518a-e56d-4345-8af2-b9f32fb26109  (Primary NVMe Idle Timeout)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x0000ea60
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: milliseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000000c8
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064

    Power Setting GUID: dab60367-53fe-4fbc-825e-521d069d2456  (AHCI Link Power Management - Adaptive)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x000493e0
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: millisecond
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064

    Power Setting GUID: dbc9e238-6de9-49e3-92cd-8c2b4946b472  (Secondary NVMe Power State Transition Latency Tolerance)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x0000ea60
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: milliseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064

    Power Setting GUID: fc7372b6-ab2d-43ee-8797-15e9841f2cca  (NVMe NOPPME)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: On
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: fc95af4d-40e7-4b6d-835a-56d131dbc80e  (Primary NVMe Power State Transition Latency Tolerance)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x0000ea60
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: milliseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000000f
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032

  Subgroup GUID: 0d7dbae2-4294-402a-ba8e-26777e8488cd  (Desktop background settings)
    Power Setting GUID: 309dce9b-bef4-4119-9921-a851fb12f0f4  (Slide show)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Available
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Paused
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

  Subgroup GUID: 19cbb8fa-5279-450e-9fac-8a3d5fedd0c1  (Wireless Adapter Settings)
    Power Setting GUID: 12bbebe6-58d6-4636-95bb-3217ef867c1a  (Power Saving Mode)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Maximum Performance
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Low Power Saving
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Medium Power Saving
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Maximum Power Saving
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002

  Subgroup GUID: 238c9fa8-0aad-41ed-83f4-97be242c8f20  (Sleep)
    Power Setting GUID: 1a34bdc3-7e6b-442e-a9d0-64b6ef378e84  (Legacy RTC mitigations)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disable
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enable
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 25dfa149-5dd1-4736-b5ab-e8a37b5b8187  (Allow Away Mode Policy)
      GUID Alias: AWAYMODE
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: No
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Yes
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 29f6c1db-86da-48c5-9fdb-f2b67b1f44da  (Sleep after)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000258

    Power Setting GUID: 7bc4a2f9-d8fc-4469-b07b-33eb785aaca0  (System unattended sleep timeout)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000078
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000078

    Power Setting GUID: 94ac6d29-73ce-41a6-809f-6363ba21b47e  (Allow hybrid sleep)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: On
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 9d7815a6-7ee4-497e-8888-515a05f02364  (Hibernate after)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: a4b195f5-8225-47d8-8012-9d41369786e2  (Allow system required policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: No
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Yes
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: abfc2519-3608-4c2a-94ea-171b0ed546ab  (Allow Standby States)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: On
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: bd3b718a-0680-4d9d-8ab2-e1d2b4ac806d  (Allow wake timers)
      GUID Alias: RTCWAKE
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disable
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enable
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Important Wake Timers Only
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: d4c1d4c8-d5cc-43d3-b83e-fc51215cb04d  (Allow sleep with remote opens)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: On
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

  Subgroup GUID: 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3  (USB settings)
    Power Setting GUID: 0853a681-27c8-4100-a2fd-82013e970683  (Hub Selective Suspend Timeout)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x000186a0
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Millisecond
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032

    Power Setting GUID: 48e6b7a6-50f5-4782-a5d4-53bb8f07e226  (USB selective suspend setting)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disabled
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enabled
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 498c044a-201b-4631-a522-5c744ed4e678  (Setting IOC on all TDs)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disabled
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enabled
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: d4e98f31-5ffe-4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009  (USB 3 Link Power Mangement)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Minimum power savings
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Moderate power savings
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Maximum power savings
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002

  Subgroup GUID: 2e601130-5351-4d9d-8e04-252966bad054  (Idle Resiliency)
    GUID Alias: SUB_IR
    Power Setting GUID: 3166bc41-7e98-4e03-b34e-ec0f5f2b218e  (Execution Required power request timeout)
      GUID Alias: EXECTIME
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0xffffffff
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000012c

    Power Setting GUID: c36f0eb4-2988-4a70-8eee-0884fc2c2433  (IO coalescing timeout)
      GUID Alias: COALTIME
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Milliseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000ea60

    Power Setting GUID: c42b79aa-aa3a-484b-a98f-2cf32aa90a28  (Processor Idle Resiliency Timer Resolution)
      GUID Alias: PROCIR
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x0000fde8
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Milliseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: d502f7ee-1dc7-4efd-a55d-f04b6f5c0545  (Deep Sleep Enabled/Disabled)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Deep Sleep Disabled
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Deep Sleep Enabled
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

  Subgroup GUID: 48672f38-7a9a-4bb2-8bf8-3d85be19de4e  (Interrupt Steering Settings)
    Power Setting GUID: 2bfc24f9-5ea2-4801-8213-3dbae01aa39d  (Interrupt Steering Mode)
      GUID Alias: MODE
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Default
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Any processor
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Any unparked processor with time delay
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Any unparked processor
      Possible Setting Index: 004
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Lock Interrupt Routing
      Possible Setting Index: 005
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Processor 0
      Possible Setting Index: 006
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Processor 1
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 73cde64d-d720-4bb2-a860-c755afe77ef2  (Target Load)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00002710
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Tenths of a percent
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032

    Power Setting GUID: d6ba4903-386f-4c2c-8adb-5c21b3328d25  (Unparked time trigger)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x000186a0
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Milliseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064

  Subgroup GUID: 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347  (Power buttons and lid)
    Power Setting GUID: 5ca83367-6e45-459f-a27b-476b1d01c936  (Lid close action)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Do nothing
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Sleep
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Hibernate
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Shut down
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 7648efa3-dd9c-4e3e-b566-50f929386280  (Power button action)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Do nothing
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Sleep
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Hibernate
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Shut down
      Possible Setting Index: 004
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Turn off the display
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000003
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000003

    Power Setting GUID: 833a6b62-dfa4-46d1-82f8-e09e34d029d6  (Enable forced button/lid shutdown)
      GUID Alias: SHUTDOWN
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: On
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 96996bc0-ad50-47ec-923b-6f41874dd9eb  (Sleep button action)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Do nothing
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Sleep
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Hibernate
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Shut down
      Possible Setting Index: 004
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Turn off the display
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 99ff10e7-23b1-4c07-a9d1-5c3206d741b4  (Lid open action)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Do nothing
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Turn on the display
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: a7066653-8d6c-40a8-910e-a1f54b84c7e5  (Start menu power button)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Sleep
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Hibernate
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Shut down
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

  Subgroup GUID: 501a4d13-42af-4429-9fd1-a8218c268e20  (PCI Express)
    Power Setting GUID: ee12f906-d277-404b-b6da-e5fa1a576df5  (Link State Power Management)
      GUID Alias: ASPM
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Moderate power savings
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Maximum power savings
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002

  Subgroup GUID: 54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00  (Processor power management)
    Power Setting GUID: 06cadf0e-64ed-448a-8927-ce7bf90eb35d  (Processor performance increase threshold)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000003c
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000005a

    Power Setting GUID: 06cadf0e-64ed-448a-8927-ce7bf90eb35e  (Processor performance increase threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000003c
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000005a

    Power Setting GUID: 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583  (Processor performance core parking min cores)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064

    Power Setting GUID: 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318584  (Processor performance core parking min cores for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 12a0ab44-fe28-4fa9-b3bd-4b64f44960a6  (Processor performance decrease threshold)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000014
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000001e

    Power Setting GUID: 12a0ab44-fe28-4fa9-b3bd-4b64f44960a7  (Processor performance decrease threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000014
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000001e

    Power Setting GUID: 1facfc65-a930-4bc5-9f38-504ec097bbc0  (Initial performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 when unparked)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032

    Power Setting GUID: 2430ab6f-a520-44a2-9601-f7f23b5134b1  (Processor performance core parking concurrency threshold)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000061
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000061

    Power Setting GUID: 2ddd5a84-5a71-437e-912a-db0b8c788732  (Processor performance core parking increase time)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Time check intervals
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000003
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000003

    Power Setting GUID: 36687f9e-e3a5-4dbf-b1dc-15eb381c6863  (Processor energy performance preference policy)
      GUID Alias: PERFEPP
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000021
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032

    Power Setting GUID: 36687f9e-e3a5-4dbf-b1dc-15eb381c6864  (Processor energy performance preference policy for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      GUID Alias: PERFEPP1
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000021
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032

    Power Setting GUID: 3b04d4fd-1cc7-4f23-ab1c-d1337819c4bb  (Allow Throttle States)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: On
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Automatic
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002

    Power Setting GUID: 4009efa7-e72d-4cba-9edf-91084ea8cbc3  (Processor performance increase time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Time check intervals
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 40fbefc7-2e9d-4d25-a185-0cfd8574bac6  (Processor performance decrease policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Ideal
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Single
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Rocket
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 40fbefc7-2e9d-4d25-a185-0cfd8574bac7  (Processor performance decrease policy for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Ideal
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Single
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Rocket
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 43f278bc-0f8a-46d0-8b31-9a23e615d713  (Long running threads' processor architecture lower limit)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x000000ff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Processor Architecture Class
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 447235c7-6a8d-4cc0-8e24-9eaf70b96e2b  (Processor performance core parking parked performance state)
      GUID Alias: CPPERF
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: No Preference
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Deepest Performance State
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Lightest Performance State
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 447235c7-6a8d-4cc0-8e24-9eaf70b96e2c  (Processor performance core parking parked performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      GUID Alias: CPPERF1
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: No Preference
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Deepest Performance State
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Lightest Performance State
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 45bcc044-d885-43e2-8605-ee0ec6e96b59  (Processor performance boost policy)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000003c
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000028

    Power Setting GUID: 465e1f50-b610-473a-ab58-00d1077dc418  (Processor performance increase policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Ideal
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Single
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Rocket
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: IdealAggressive
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 465e1f50-b610-473a-ab58-00d1077dc419  (Processor performance increase policy for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Ideal
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Single
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Rocket
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: IdealAggressive
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000003
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000003

    Power Setting GUID: 4b92d758-5a24-4851-a470-815d78aee119  (Processor idle demote threshold)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000028
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000014

    Power Setting GUID: 4bdaf4e9-d103-46d7-a5f0-6280121616ef  (Processor performance core parking distribution threshold)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000005a
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000005a

    Power Setting GUID: 4d2b0152-7d5c-498b-88e2-34345392a2c5  (Processor performance time check interval)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00001388
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Milliseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000001e
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000001e

    Power Setting GUID: 4e4450b3-6179-4e91-b8f1-5bb9938f81a1  (Processor duty cycling)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disabled
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enabled
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 53824d46-87bd-4739-aa1b-aa793fac36d6  (Short running threads' processor architecture lower limit)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x000000ff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Processor Architecture Class
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 5d76a2ca-e8c0-402f-a133-2158492d58ad  (Processor idle disable)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enable idle
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disable idle
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 616cdaa5-695e-4545-97ad-97dc2d1bdd88  (Latency sensitivity hint min unparked cores/packages)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032

    Power Setting GUID: 616cdaa5-695e-4545-97ad-97dc2d1bdd89  (Latency sensitivity hint min unparked cores/packages for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 619b7505-003b-4e82-b7a6-4dd29c300971  (Latency sensitivity hint processor performance)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000063
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000063

    Power Setting GUID: 619b7505-003b-4e82-b7a6-4dd29c300972  (Latency sensitivity hint processor performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032

    Power Setting GUID: 6c2993b0-8f48-481f-bcc6-00dd2742aa06  (Processor idle threshold scaling)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disable scaling
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enable scaling
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 71021b41-c749-4d21-be74-a00f335d582b  (Processor performance core parking decrease policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Ideal number of cores
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Single core
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: All possible cores
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: One eighth cores
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 75b0ae3f-bce0-45a7-8c89-c9611c25e100  (Maximum processor frequency)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: MHz
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 75b0ae3f-bce0-45a7-8c89-c9611c25e101  (Maximum processor frequency for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: MHz
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 7b224883-b3cc-4d79-819f-8374152cbe7c  (Processor idle promote threshold)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000003c
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000028

    Power Setting GUID: 7d24baa7-0b84-480f-840c-1b0743c00f5f  (Processor performance history count)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000080
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Time check intervals
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 7d24baa7-0b84-480f-840c-1b0743c00f60  (Processor performance history count for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000080
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Time check intervals
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 7f2492b6-60b1-45e5-ae55-773f8cd5caec  (Processor performance decrease time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Time check intervals
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000003
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000003

    Power Setting GUID: 7f2f5cfa-f10c-4823-b5e1-e93ae85f46b5  (Heterogeneous policy in effect)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Use heterogeneous policy 0
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Use heterogeneous policy 1
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Use heterogeneous policy 2
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Use heterogeneous policy 3
      Possible Setting Index: 004
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Use heterogeneous policy 4
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000004
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000004

    Power Setting GUID: 828423eb-8662-4344-90f7-52bf15870f5a  (Short running threads' processor architecture upper limit)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x000000ff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Processor Architecture Class
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff

    Power Setting GUID: 893dee8e-2bef-41e0-89c6-b55d0929964c  (Minimum processor state)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005

    Power Setting GUID: 893dee8e-2bef-41e0-89c6-b55d0929964d  (Minimum processor state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005

    Power Setting GUID: 8baa4a8a-14c6-4451-8e8b-14bdbd197537  (Processor performance autonomous mode)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disabled
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enabled
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 93b8b6dc-0698-4d1c-9ee4-0644e900c85d  (Heterogeneous thread scheduling policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: All processors
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Performant processors
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Prefer performant processors
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Efficient processors
      Possible Setting Index: 004
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Prefer efficient processors
      Possible Setting Index: 005
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Automatic
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005

    Power Setting GUID: 943c8cb6-6f93-4227-ad87-e9a3feec08d1  (Processor performance core parking overutilization threshold)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000005
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000055
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000055

    Power Setting GUID: 94d3a615-a899-4ac5-ae2b-e4d8f634367f  (System cooling policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Passive
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Active
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 97cfac41-2217-47eb-992d-618b1977c907  (Processor performance core parking soft park latency)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Microseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 984cf492-3bed-4488-a8f9-4286c97bf5aa  (Processor performance increase time)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Time check intervals
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 984cf492-3bed-4488-a8f9-4286c97bf5ab  (Processor performance increase time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Time check intervals
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 9943e905-9a30-4ec1-9b99-44dd3b76f7a2  (Processor idle state maximum)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000014
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: State Type
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: b000397d-9b0b-483d-98c9-692a6060cfbf  (Processor performance level increase threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count increase)
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff

    Power Setting GUID: b000397d-9b0b-483d-98c9-692a6060cfc0  (Processor performance level increase threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 2 processor count increase)
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff

    Power Setting GUID: b0deaf6b-59c0-4523-8a45-ca7f40244114  (Module unpark policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disabled
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Round robin
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Sequential
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: b28a6829-c5f7-444e-8f61-10e24e85c532  (Smt threads unpark policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Core
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Core per Thread
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Round robin
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Sequential
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: b669a5e9-7b1d-4132-baaa-49190abcfeb6  (Complex unpark policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disabled
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Round robin
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Sequential
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: bae08b81-2d5e-4688-ad6a-13243356654b  (Heterogeneous short running thread scheduling policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: All processors
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Performant processors
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Prefer performant processors
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Efficient processors
      Possible Setting Index: 004
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Prefer efficient processors
      Possible Setting Index: 005
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Automatic
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005

    Power Setting GUID: bc5038f7-23e0-4960-96da-33abaf5935ec  (Maximum processor state)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064

    Power Setting GUID: bc5038f7-23e0-4960-96da-33abaf5935ed  (Maximum processor state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064

    Power Setting GUID: be337238-0d82-4146-a960-4f3749d470c7  (Processor performance boost mode)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disabled
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enabled
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Aggressive
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Efficient Enabled
      Possible Setting Index: 004
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Efficient Aggressive
      Possible Setting Index: 005
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Aggressive At Guaranteed
      Possible Setting Index: 006
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Efficient Aggressive At Guaranteed
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002

    Power Setting GUID: bf903d33-9d24-49d3-a468-e65e0325046a  (Long running threads' processor architecture upper limit)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x000000ff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Processor Architecture Class
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff

    Power Setting GUID: c4581c31-89ab-4597-8e2b-9c9cab440e6b  (Processor idle time check)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00030d40
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Microseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000c350
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000c350

    Power Setting GUID: c7be0679-2817-4d69-9d02-519a537ed0c6  (Processor performance core parking increase policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Ideal number of cores
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Single core
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: All possible cores
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: One eighth cores
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: cfeda3d0-7697-4566-a922-a9086cd49dfa  (Processor autonomous activity window)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x4bb2a980
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Microseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00007530
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00007530

    Power Setting GUID: d8edeb9b-95cf-4f95-a73c-b061973693c8  (Processor performance decrease time)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Time check intervals
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: d8edeb9b-95cf-4f95-a73c-b061973693c9  (Processor performance decrease time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Time check intervals
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002

    Power Setting GUID: d92998c2-6a48-49ca-85d4-8cceec294570  (Short vs. long running thread threshold)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x000186a0
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Microseconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: dfd10d17-d5eb-45dd-877a-9a34ddd15c82  (Processor performance core parking decrease time)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000001
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Time check intervals
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000000a
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000000a

    Power Setting GUID: e0007330-f589-42ed-a401-5ddb10e785d3  (Processor performance core parking utility distribution)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disabled
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enabled
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: ea062031-0e34-4ff1-9b6d-eb1059334028  (Processor performance core parking max cores)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064

    Power Setting GUID: ea062031-0e34-4ff1-9b6d-eb1059334029  (Processor performance core parking max cores for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064

    Power Setting GUID: f735a673-2066-4f80-a0c5-ddee0cf1bf5d  (Processor performance core parking concurrency headroom threshold)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000014
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000014

    Power Setting GUID: f8861c27-95e7-475c-865b-13c0cb3f9d6b  (Processor performance level decrease threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count decrease)
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff

    Power Setting GUID: f8861c27-95e7-475c-865b-13c0cb3f9d6c  (Processor performance level decrease threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 2 processor count decrease)
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x000000ff

    Power Setting GUID: fddc842b-8364-4edc-94cf-c17f60de1c80  (A floor performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 when there are Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processors unparked)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064

  Subgroup GUID: 5fb4938d-1ee8-4b0f-9a3c-5036b0ab995c  (Graphics settings)
    Power Setting GUID: dd848b2a-8a5d-4451-9ae2-39cd41658f6c  (GPU preference policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: None
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Low Power
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

  Subgroup GUID: 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99  (Display)
    Power Setting GUID: 17aaa29b-8b43-4b94-aafe-35f64daaf1ee  (Dim display after)
      GUID Alias: VIDEODIM
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000249
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000011d

    Power Setting GUID: 3c0bc021-c8a8-4e07-a973-6b14cbcb2b7e  (Turn off display after)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000004b0
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x000000b4

    Power Setting GUID: 684c3e69-a4f7-4014-8754-d45179a56167  (Advanced Color quality bias)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Advanced Color power saving bias
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Advanced Color visual quality bias
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 8ec4b3a5-6868-48c2-be75-4f3044be88a7  (Console lock display off timeout)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000003c
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000003c

    Power Setting GUID: 90959d22-d6a1-49b9-af93-bce885ad335b  (Adaptive display)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: On
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: a9ceb8da-cd46-44fb-a98b-02af69de4623  (Allow display required policy)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: No
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Yes
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: aded5e82-b909-4619-9949-f5d71dac0bcb  (Display brightness)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000004b
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000004b

    Power Setting GUID: f1fbfde2-a960-4165-9f88-50667911ce96  (Dimmed display brightness)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000032

    Power Setting GUID: fbd9aa66-9553-4097-ba44-ed6e9d65eab8  (Enable adaptive brightness)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: On
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

  Subgroup GUID: 8619b916-e004-4dd8-9b66-dae86f806698  (Presence Aware Power Behavior)
    Power Setting GUID: 0a7d6ab6-ac83-4ad1-8282-eca5b58308f3  (Human Presence Sensor Adaptive Display Timeout)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000001e
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000001e

    Power Setting GUID: 468fe7e5-1158-46ec-88bc-5b96c9e44fd0  (Standby Reserve Time)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x000004b0

    Power Setting GUID: 49cb11a5-56e2-4afb-9d38-3df47872e21b  (Standby Reset Percentage)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000004b

    Power Setting GUID: 5adbbfbc-074e-4da1-ba38-db8b36b2c8f3  (Non-sensor Input Presence Timeout)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000000f0
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x000000f0

    Power Setting GUID: 60c07fe1-0556-45cf-9903-d56e32210242  (Standby Budget Grace Period)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000384

    Power Setting GUID: 82011705-fb95-4d46-8d35-4042b1d20def  (User Presence Prediction mode)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Disabled
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Enabled
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 9fe527be-1b70-48da-930d-7bcf17b44990  (Standby Budget Percent)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005

    Power Setting GUID: c763ee92-71e8-4127-84eb-f6ed043a3e3d  (Standby Reserve Grace Period)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000012c

    Power Setting GUID: cf8c6097-12b8-4279-bbdd-44601ee5209d  (Human Presence Sensor Adaptive Dim Timeout)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Seconds
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005

  Subgroup GUID: 9596fb26-9850-41fd-ac3e-f7c3c00afd4b
    Power Setting GUID: 10778347-1370-4ee0-8bbd-33bdacaade49  (Video playback quality bias)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Video playback power-saving bias
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Video playback performance bias
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: 34c7b99f-9a6d-4b3c-8dc7-b6693b78cef4  (When playing video)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Optimize video quality
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Balanced
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Optimize power savings
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

  Subgroup GUID: de830923-a562-41af-a086-e3a2c6bad2da  (Energy Saver settings)
    Power Setting GUID: 13d09884-f74e-474a-a852-b6bde8ad03a8  (Display brightness weight)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000064
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000046

    Power Setting GUID: 5c5bb349-ad29-4ee2-9d0b-2b25270f7a81  (Energy Saver Policy)
      GUID Alias: ESPOLICY
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: User
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Aggressive
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: e69653ca-cf7f-4f05-aa73-cb833fa90ad4  (Charge level)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: Percent battery charge
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000014

  Subgroup GUID: e73a048d-bf27-4f12-9731-8b2076e8891f  (Battery)
    Power Setting GUID: 5dbb7c9f-38e9-40d2-9749-4f8a0e9f640f  (Critical battery notification)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: On
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: 637ea02f-bbcb-4015-8e2c-a1c7b9c0b546  (Critical battery action)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Do nothing
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Sleep
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Hibernate
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Shut down
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000002

    Power Setting GUID: 8183ba9a-e910-48da-8769-14ae6dc1170a  (Low battery level)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000000a
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000000a

    Power Setting GUID: 9a66d8d7-4ff7-4ef9-b5a2-5a326ca2a469  (Critical battery level)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000005

    Power Setting GUID: bcded951-187b-4d05-bccc-f7e51960c258  (Low battery notification)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: On
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000001

    Power Setting GUID: d8742dcb-3e6a-4b3c-b3fe-374623cdcf06  (Low battery action)
      Possible Setting Index: 000
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Do nothing
      Possible Setting Index: 001
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Sleep
      Possible Setting Index: 002
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Hibernate
      Possible Setting Index: 003
      Possible Setting Friendly Name: Shut down
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

    Power Setting GUID: f3c5027d-cd16-4930-aa6b-90db844a8f00  (Reserve battery level)
      Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
      Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
      Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
      Possible Settings units: %
    Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000007
    Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000007

Bezüglich AC und DC Power Setting:

In deutsch und kurz:
AC → Gerät am Stromnetz
DC → Gerät im Batteriebetrieb
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bob.Dig schrieb:
Neben der Memory Integrity dürften diese beiden Optionen potentielle Kandidaten für Probleme sein, so wie schon zuvor.
Screenshot 2022-09-23 174945.png
Habe jetzt doch den Umstieg auf W11 gemacht. Dieser war reibungslos. Allerdings fühlt sich mein System irgendwie träge an. Unter Windows 10 war es snappy und nun….naja. Außerdem habe ich immer wieder die Problematik dass sich Fenster nicht öffnen, bzw. offen sind aber nicht in den Vordergrund wechseln. Ich sehe diese erst wenn ich ein anderes Fenster (Blender, oder Adobe Programme) minimiere. Hauptsächlich ist es der Explorer der den Fokus nicht bekommt. Woran auch immer das liegen mag. Nervig ist es allemal.
Macht Windows da eigentlich nochmal so ne Art Systemcheck, ob alle Anforderungen erfüllt sind bevor man das Update angeboten bekommt?
Oder ist das reiner Zufall?

Mir wird noch kein Update angeboten.
Aber ich werde wohl einfach warten, wenn es nicht daran liegt, dass ich Secure Boot und TPM abgeschaltet habe.
Die von mir am meisten ersehnten Änderungen gibt es sowieso nicht.

Microsoft hat zwar scheinbar einiges getan, aber irgendwie nur bedingt das "Richtige"
Solange sich die Gruppierungen der geöffneten Fenster in der Taskleiste nicht deaktivieren lassen, werde ich nicht wechseln
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Smartbomb
So jetzt habe ich Win 11 22H auch installiert, mir wurde es gleich über das Windows Update Menü angeboten. Mich wundert, dass Nvidia noch keinen neuen Treiber anbietet?! 🤔
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: LuckyMagnum
BorstiNumberOne schrieb:
Mich wundert, dass Nvidia noch keinen neuen Treiber anbietet?! 🤔
Die Windows 11 22H2 hat auch ein neues "Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM)",
WDDM 3.1.
Offizielle Treiber scheint es wohl noch nicht zu geben mit WDDM 3.1,
zumindest mal nicht von AMD.
Das WDDM muss übereinstimmen (OS/Treiber) um die neuen Features zu haben.
Das WDDM ist aber abwärtskompatibel und welches man nun hat, kann man überprüfen
mit DXDiag, dort unter "Anzeige".
Vorherige Window 11 hat WDDM 3.0, 22H2 hat 3.1
und Windows 10 hat und bleibt seit der 2004 (20H1) bei WDDM 2.7.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: BorstiNumberOne
Nein, das ist ein großes Feature Update, du musst Tricks anwenden,
z.B. ein mit Rufus entsprechend erstelltes 22H2 Installationsmedium nehmen
und von dort aus ein Upgrade machen.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: SavageSkull
LuckyMagnum schrieb:
Wird mir nicht angeboten.
Media Creation tool faselt was von inkompatibler Hardware..?
Komisch, dass dann der Health Checker sagt, es ist alles top UND ich halt eh schon auf Win11 bin und sonst alles geht!
TPM 2.0 aktiv, aktuelle Hardware usw.
Habe genau das gleiche Problem.

Hardware in der Signatur.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: LuckyMagnum