blutrichter schrieb:
Wäre es denn theoretisch möglich, das CS2 noch vor HL2 fertig wird, man aber warten muß bis zum Release?
Ich weiß, das klingt abenteuerlich...
CS wurde eingekauft d.h CS wird ein Vollpreisprodukt,wenn man das Game richtig mit der coolen Engine von Valve umsetzt wirds ein großer Erfolg.
PCGames hats gezockt und ist begeistert.
Gerissene Gegner, tadellose Technik, atemberaubende Action. Die Valve Designer beherrschen das Shooter-Handwerk - und einiges mehr. Die lebendige Spielwelt, Charaktere, die Emotionen rüberbringen, eine hochspannende Story und interessante Puzzle-Ansätze wirken verflixt vielversprechend. Wer die Begeisterung für PC-Spiele zu verlieren droht, sollte sich Half-Life 2 verschreiben lassen.
Vergesst jetzt Valve und wir reden jetzt nur noch über die große Hoffnung HL2.
Ein Leser der PCGamer hat einige Infos gepostet
lots of NEW info yes NEW
sdk- sometime in may BEFORE e3!!!
3 or so never before seen screenshots (sorry cant post scans)
crossbow mentioned
2 opposing visions of human resistance
- game starts you with no weapons as in HL1
- leaping crawling beasties that hunt in packs (monkey like) hmmm interesting
.45 colt revolver to be included (one hs zombie downer)
hekler and kotch mp5 and glock also found
newell has been contacted by the u.s. secretary of defense for the use of his technology in the next gen u.s. millitary training tools
buggy has temporary speed bursts that come in handy when leaping off ramps or chasms
also apparently pc gamer LOVED the psyics and they dont stop ranting... they mention incredibly cool stunts they accomplished like every other paragraph ... also they talk about how testers sometimes jumped over chasms only to find themselves tettering on an edge... thats some amazeing stuff...
it would seem half-life 2 has indeed intered the bug fixing and polishing phase.. as the press is going nuts and it seems its open door season over at VALVe
belgisches Interview mit Gabe
Here's a little summary of the interview.
PCGP : After the source code got leaked you took some distance. What did valve specially do in this period?
G.N. : The source code leak was a real disaster for us. Just the fact that we had to measure the damage that was done by the leak cost us the necessary time. When we realised how this could affect the whole game in the future (multiplayer) we decided to rewrite a brand-new source code. The time that we had after the delay was mainly used to rewrite a new source code. We were terrified by the idea that someone behind the scenes could mess with the game while others were playing it. With the new rewrited network code we can insure online gamers that no one will be messing around with the game. Rewrite, test, rewrite, test,... We repeated this process for several uncountable times till we were satisfied with the result.
PCGP : When can we expect Half-Life 2 to be released?
G.N. Half-Life 2 is currently in pre-alpha fase. It means that the all game content is basicly finished. We are now in the process of fine tuning and balancing the gameplay : The number of enemys, the impact of weapons, the quantity of available healtpacks... We are targetting for a summer release.
PCGP : The summer starts in June and ends in September, can you be more specific?
G.N. : No, sorry. Somewhere in the summer. We can't and we don't want to be more specific about this.
PCGP : Did you add special moves to the game? Like duck away or the famous bullettime?
G.N. : Many of those special moves and special effects were added to the game, but they were quickly removed. They didn't match with the typicall Half-Life environment and they took to much attention of the player.
PCGP : Is Half-Life 2 better then his predecessor?
G.N. : Undoubtedly. I'm aware that this a rather daring pronouncement, but I fully support it. I like to make the comparison with the J.J.R. Tolkien books, Half-Life is similar with "The Hobbit" while Half-Life 2 is the biggest adventure and continuation of the first one, "The Fellowship of the Ring".
PCGP : Can you tell us what Half-Life 2 has cost so far?
G.N. : The last time I checked it was 40 million dollars.
Vivendi bestätigt Freemans E3-Auftritt
Zahlreiche Andeutungen lassen hoffen, Shooter-Fans sind sich ohnehin seit Langem einig: Die Präsentation zu Half-Life² gehört zum Pflicht-Auftritt der diesjährigen E3 vom 12. - 14. Mai in Los Angeles.
Heute bestätigte Publisher Vivendi Universal offiziell das ersehnte Spiele-Lineup. So wird man Gordon Freeman an den Ständen von Vivendi und ATI mit jeweils anderen Präsentationen erleben können - neues, nie zuvor gesehenes Material inklusive.
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