if amk.convert_npc[self.id]==true then --110001
result = false
--dc-- elseif amk.convert_npc[self.id]==false then
-- result = true
elseif self.job_online_condlist ~= nil then
result = xr_logic.pick_section_from_condlist(db.actor, self, self.job_online) ~= nil
elseif self.job_online ~= nil then
result = self.job_online
elseif self.ini == nil or self.spawner == nil then
result = cse_alife_human_stalker.can_switch_online(self)
elseif db.actor and db.actor:alive() == false then
result = self.online
elseif self.online == false then
result = (xr_logic.pick_section_from_condlist(db.actor, self, self.spawner) ~= nil) and cse_alife_human_stalker.can_switch_online(self)
elseif xr_logic.pick_section_from_condlist(db.actor, self, self.spawner) ~= nil then
result = true