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Stalker Stalker Lost Alpha Developer's Cut

DieSpaghettis schrieb:
Danke Sgt.Barnes
Entpacken hat geklappt,aber Änderungen nimmt das Spiel nicht an!


Pfade beachtet ? Gibt zb. 2 Scripts Ordner,und bei einigen sachen ist ein neues Spiel zwingend erforderlich wenne zB. die Timescale (Ingame-Zeit) änderst.

Vielleicht hier mal nachsehen:


Allgemein auch nur die Dateien lose in den Gamedataordner kopieren die du geändert hast , also nicht alle entpackten dateien da reinkopieren ,macht dass Spiel nur unnötig langsamer.

Texturen kannst nicht zufällig bearbeiten ? gibt zwar millionen knarren-texturen aber keine für den Nachthimmel ,hab da faustgrosse Pixel auf 4K.
Mister-Knister schrieb:
Hallo Männer!

Gibts für die LA-Mod eigentlich auch eine "Companion"-Funktion?:)

Danke und LG!

In dem Sinne nicht, maximal aufgabengebunden.

Hab mich hier einbischen eingelesen, aber sind doch über 40 Seiten schon.
Gibts nun ne fertige deutsch übersetzung?
Wenn ja könnte mal Einer einen Link posten?

danke und gruss!
Servus Stalker´s :)

Barnes und ich haben uns bissel kurz geschlossen. So hab ich seine Dateien in meine DE reingepackt.

sind 2 Versionen, geworden. nur zum Testen. -
~ Sgt-Version (alle Barnes überschreiben meine eigenen) - Anhang anzeigen Vers.006_gamedata-Sgt.rar
~ Kaby-Version (nur fehlende Dateien von Barnes übernommen) - Anhang anzeigen Vers.006_gamedata-Kaby.rar

Das hab ich nur gemacht, weil ich keine Zeit habe mir seine Dateien genauer mit meinen zu vergleichen.
Entscheidet euch also selber, laufen sollten eigendlich alle beide.

Da ich nach der DE-05 ja noch einiges gemacht hatte, konnte Barnes nit auf meine komplette Arbeit zugreifen.
Ich werd nochmals mit ihm reden, und wir werden eine brauchbare Lösung finden. Seine Dateien waren teilweise kleiner. Könnten also technish gesehen Sachen drin fehlen, gerade was die "neuen Waffen" aus dem Update angeht. aber das wird noch geprüft, Versprochen.

PS: Waffen sauber halten, immer ein volles Magazin in der Hosentasche als Reserve, dann wirds schon.
Achja, ihr wist schon wenn die Sierene loßhäult - prüft erst mal mit nem Blick aus dem Fenster, ob des nit die Feuerwehr-Sierene aus euerm Dorf is. :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
danke für die schnelle Antwort Kaby.
Du schreibst die version 006 ist nur zum testen. Heisst das sie ist nich vollständig?
Und ich sehe version 005 ist die letzte geprüffte, also nehm ich an vollständig? was ist der Unterschied zu der anderen Version?

ich hab irgendwann angefangenen DE zu machen, also ein File nach dem anderen zu übersetzen.
angefangen mit allen Dateien ohne Level-Bezug (Waffen, Artefakte, Beschreibungen etc)
dann alle mit Level-Bezug (Kordon dann Müllhalde usw)
hab im Januar die DE-05 rausgebracht (cirka 70% fertig), im Februar an 06 gearbeitet (damals 4 Dateien mehr als 05).
da heist Barnes hat nur 05 zum weiterarbeiten. also gibt es Überschneidungen. Vorallem in den Beschreibungsdateien für Waffen usw.

ABER eine Übersetztung ändert nichts am Game, das heist alles läuft wie bis her, wenn wir da "Fehler" drin haben kannst dus nur nit richtig lesen.

05 ist jeder Textstring eigenhändig Übersetzt und anhand des "Aufrufnamens" und der Reihenfolge dieser in eine "Sinnvolle Unterhaltung" gebracht und abgestimmt.
Die Dateien von Barnes habe ich nicht gelesen/geprüft
ABER: - er übersetzt richtig, - ich übersetze richtig, es gibt lediglich bei 10 oder 15 Dateien Ünterschiede (in Schreibweise und Ausdruck), vielleicht habe ich eine "neue Waffe" schon mit in der DE stehen, die Barnes fehlt.

laufen tuen beide files, verlast euch drauf
Nehmt die von Kaby , ich hab nur die "Vanilla" Lost alpha DC ohne Waffen-Pack deswegen fehlt wahrscheinlich bei meinen die Waffenbeschreibungen. Nicht wundern bei einigen wegen UE statt Ü Hätte russische Buchstaben drinn wenn ich dat nich so gemacht hätte.
Sgt.Barnes schrieb:
Nehmt die von Kaby , ich hab nur die "Vanilla" Lost alpha DC ohne Waffen-Pack deswegen fehlt wahrscheinlich bei meinen die Waffenbeschreibungen. Nicht wundern bei einigen wegen UE statt Ü Hätte russische Buchstaben drinn wenn ich dat nich so gemacht hätte.

Waffen-Pack? Tönt gut. Wo kann man den runterladen?
stalker23 schrieb:
Waffen-Pack? Tönt gut. Wo kann man den runterladen?

Downloadlink habe ich och noch nicht gefunden Video:


Die dazu nötigen .xml darf Kaby denn übersetzen ^^ Hatte mal angefangen Sinn in die Phantasie-Waffenupgrade-Bezeichnungen zu bringen hab dann aber aufgegeben einfach zuviel Bullshit für einen alleine (schon im Vanilla Stalker) zB. "Stossdämpfer" was beim Golf GTI vielleicht Sinn macht aber bei `nem Gasdrucklader ? Bei Kaliberwechsel muss meistens der Verschluss und das magazin/Halter ebenso ausgetauscht werden aber gut das wird jetzt zu speziell die Stalker Devs hatten wohl nicht so den Plan von Schusswaffen...Deswegen kann die Übersetztung jemand machen der da nicht so allergisch drauf reagiert.
Servus, der Download-Link steht oben, in meinem letzten Beitrag, keine 15cm von hier :p

Diese Paket ist nicht nur ein WaffenPack, es verändert das Gameplay schon erheblich.
- 3 slots for firearms: one separate slot for pistol AND two slots for "big" weapons
also das wäre dann: 3 Plätze für Feuerwaffen, einer separat für Pistolen, und 2 für Gewehre

ich hab im Kordon dann immer 2 kurze Schrotflinten drin, sind dann 4 Schuß, so kann man schon 2"Fleisch" oder einen Keiler gut umlegen.

aber das is die Version 1.3, die kannte ich noch nicht, läst sich von mir auch nicht entpacken, also wird schwer mit übersetzen,
hm danke für die link's.
Die datei ist ja eine .exe , aber wenn ich die ausführe kommt nur ne komische Meldung in rusichen Buchstaben.
Wenn ich dann das spiel starte (bin noch ganz am Anfang bei Sidorovitch) sehe ich keine Veränderung von wegen Waffenslots oder so.
Dann stimmt etwas nicht. Gleich bei der ersten Quest "Find the artefact" ist das neue Inventar schon zu sehen.
Moin moin liebe Stalker-Gemeinde!

Mich hats wieder erwischt.
Stalker musste wieder installiert werden.
Zu den großen Zeiten hab ich es gesuchtet als gäbe es keinen Morgen.
Planet-Stalker.de, amk-zone.de (Soljanka) etc.
Leider wenig bis gar nicht mehr erreichbar. Schade...
Aber jede Ära hat wohl ihr Ende und genug in Erinnerungen geschwelgt:

Ich habe mir die aktuelle LostAlpha geladen.
Leider bin ich, was diese Sprachumstellung auf Deutsch angeht, doch mittlerweile verunsichert.
Das Kaby und Stg. Barnes eine Version bereit halten habe ich gelesen.
Das heißt für mich jetzt einfach DE-Vers.005 laden und in den Gameordner schieben?
Neustart und dann sollte das laufen?
Ist das mit anderen Mods kompatibel? Also z.B. mit dieser Gewichterweiterung?

Danke für Hilfestellung! ;)
DasFoZZy schrieb:
Moin moin liebe Stalker-Gemeinde!

Mich hats wieder erwischt.
Stalker musste wieder installiert werden.
Zu den großen Zeiten hab ich es gesuchtet als gäbe es keinen Morgen.
Planet-Stalker.de, amk-zone.de (Soljanka) etc.
Leider wenig bis gar nicht mehr erreichbar. Schade...
Aber jede Ära hat wohl ihr Ende und genug in Erinnerungen geschwelgt:

Ich habe mir die aktuelle LostAlpha geladen.
Leider bin ich, was diese Sprachumstellung auf Deutsch angeht, doch mittlerweile verunsichert.
Das Kaby und Stg. Barnes eine Version bereit halten habe ich gelesen.
Das heißt für mich jetzt einfach DE-Vers.005 laden und in den Gameordner schieben?
Neustart und dann sollte das laufen?
Ist das mit anderen Mods kompatibel? Also z.B. mit dieser Gewichterweiterung?

Danke für Hilfestellung! ;)

Ja kannste einfach in den Gamedata Ordner kopieren,nimm Kaby`s Version die ist fast vollständig gibt keine Kompatibilitätsprobleme die z.b dein Spiel crashen was passieren kann , ist das ne Beschreibung fehlt die noch nicht übersetzt wurde zb. steht denn da enc_gasmask_descr statt gasmaske.Hoffe das Kaby den rest noch macht , kann mich im Moment nicht dazu durchringen weitere zu machen.Kaby hatt fast 90% allein gemacht ich hab glaub ich 10-15 xml beigesteuert ,in dem Sinne gibt es keine "Barnes-Version"

Spasseshalber poste ich mal den Inhalt einer .xml von denen es über 110 gibt dann verstehste warum ;)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251" ?>

<!-- barin start -->
<string id="enc_gasmask_name">
<text>Gas Mask</text>
<string id="enc_gasmask_descr">
<text>A gas mask is worn over the face to protect the wearer from inhaling airborne pollutants and toxic materials. The mask forms a sealed cover over the nose and mouth, but may also cover the eyes and other vulnerable soft tissues of the face. During the blowouts, the air becomes polluted, and you need to wear gasmasks, otherwise you will get radiation infection, and you will die in a few minutes. It can be useful in underground areas too, since they were locked down a long time ago.</text>
<string id="anom_detector_simple">
<text>Simple Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="anom_detector_simple_descr">
<text>A device for detecting anomaly fields and disturbances. Notifies of anomalous presence with a sound. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly. This is the cheapest type among all detectors and the range of detection is poor.</text>
<string id="anom_detector_advanced">
<text>Advanced Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="anom_detector_advanced_descr">
<text>An advanced anomaly detector. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly. Compared with the simple anomaly detector, it can locate different anomalies, and the range of detection is much higher.</text>
<string id="anom_detector_elite">
<text>Elite Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="anom_detector_elite_descr">
<text>A device intended for the detection of anomalous zones as well as hotbeds of radioactive pollution. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly. The range of detection is very high. Combining the simple and advanced detectors in one package, this one is the best way to stay alive in the Zone.</text>
<string id="enc_guitar_name">
<text>Classic Guitar</text>
<string id="enc_guitar_descr">
<text>A stringed musical instrument resembling the lute or the violin, but larger with six strings. Used by Stalkers all over the Zone while sitting around campfires.</text>
<string id="enc_harmonica_name">
<string id="enc_harmonica_descr">
<text>From the "Blues" to the Soviet Union anthem, this humble reedwind instrument will funnel any melody that comes to you, and, unlike your audience, the harmonica does not mind.</text>
<string id="enc_nonstop_energy_drink_name">
<text>"NonStop" Energy Drink</text>
<string id="enc_nonstop_energy_drink_descr">
<text>The label reads: "This drink will instantly rejuvenate your mind and body." This drink is similar to the common energy drink, but also heals you, reduces radiation somewhat, reduces hunger, and gives you more endurance. Of course it's a bit expensive, but the price is worth it!</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_absolut_name">
<text>Absolut Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_absolut_descr">
<text>Imported vodka. Clean and crisp with aromas of faint lemon pie. A taste of baked bread adds an extra dimension to the martini-quality six-parts-to-one dry vermouth.</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_nemiroff_name">
<text>Nemiroff Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_nemiroff_descr">
<text>Imported vodka with a refined subtle taste. It is active, strong, and at the same time, a smooth beverage with a long pleasant aftertaste.</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_smirnoff_name">
<text>Smirnoff Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_smirnoff_descr">
<text>Imported vodka. It was awarded 90 points from a beverage tasting institute, so it must be good! The moderately bodied Smirnoff vodka is reminiscent of lemon, white pepper, charcoal, bold textures and smoky sensations that are followed by a burst of rich flavors.</text>
<string id="enc_mineral_water_name">
<text>Mineral Water</text>
<string id="enc_mineral_water_descr">
<text>Nothing much to say about it. It's imported clean water from the out lands. If you are not an alcoholic, then you will probably like it, even if its taste is stale. It won't reduce radiation, but will restore your stamina, health, and reduce hunger much more than any vodka.</text>
<string id="enc_korn_conserva_name">
<text>Canned corn</text>
<string id="enc_korn_conserva_descr">
<text>Because of it's high protein and carbohydrate content, corn has been an important nutritional resource for thousands of years. Today, corn has less starch and is sweeter. A good thing about corn is that frozen and canned corn has about the same nutritional value as fresh corn.\n If the corn is not cooked shortly after it is purchased, then it should be stored in refrigerator. Refrigeration helps the corn retain its sugar and vitamin C content. Canned corn can be stored unopened for up to 10 years!</text>
<string id="enc_olives_conserva_name">
<text>Beef stew with Olives</text>
<string id="enc_olives_conserva_descr">
<text>A generous serving of canned goodness for a starving Stalker. It contains beef stew, olives with aspic.</text>
<string id="enc_sardinia_conserva_name">
<string id="enc_sardinia_conserva_descr">
<text>A generic term applied broadly to any of various small, soft-boned, salt-water fish such as Sprats and young Pilchards and Herrings. These tiny fish are iridescent and silvery and swim in huge pools, usually near the water's surface. Fresh sardines are available on a limited basis during the summer months, usually only along the coast where they're caught. In general, their fatty flesh is best when grilled, broiled or fried. In the United States, sardines are more commonly found salted, smoked or canned, either in oil, tomato sauce or mustard sauce. Some are packed as is, while others are skinned, boned and sold as fillets. The name is thought to have come from the young pilchards caught off the coast of Sardinia, which were one of the first fish packed in oil.</text>
<string id="enc_yantar_food_name">
<text>Permanent Meal</text>
<string id="enc_yantar_food_descr">
<text>Beef stew served with vegetables. Perfectly preserved and delicious. You can store it for up to 3 months after purchase. If you are tired of canned foods, this one was made for you!</text>
<string id="enc_peanut_conserva_name">
<text>Peanut snack</text>
<string id="enc_peanut_conserva_descr">
<text>The peanut or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) is a species in the pea family Fabaceae native to South America. Perfect snack when coupled with a bottle of beer or vodka in the Zone.</text>
<string id="enc_tushenka_conserva_name">
<text>Rat pie</text>
<string id="enc_tushenka_conserva_descr">
<text>Full of proteins and fat, this is really juicy stuff. Exactly what a hungry Stalker needs. It's not the tastiest thing, because it's made out of of rats. However, if you closed your eyes and thought about chicken, you wouldn't know the difference.</text>
<string id="enc_antidote_name">
<text>X-Virus Antidote</text>
<string id="enc_antidote_descr">
<text>An antidote for X-Virus. It was developed in the X18 Labs in 1989. This is highly valuable and rare item in the Zone. It also boosts immunities during blowouts which can be very handy if you find yourself far from a shelter.</text>
<string id="enc_sleeping_bag_name">
<text>Sleeping Bag</text>
<string id="enc_sleeping_bag_descr">
<text>Ordinary sleeping bag. It won't replace a warm bed and a mother's cuddle, but at least it's impermeable.</text>
<string id="enc_item_hand_radio_name">
<text>Hand Radio</text>
<string id="enc_item_hand_radio_descr">
<text>Regular military hand radio, a transmitter/receiver device used by Stalkers to communicate with their friends</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_10_name">
<text>10 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_10_descr">
<text>Ordinary 10 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_50_name">
<text>50 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_50_descr">
<text>Ordinary 50 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_100_name">
<text>100 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_100_descr">
<text>Ordinary 100 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_500_name">
<text>500 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_500_descr">
<text>Ordinary 500 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_1000_name">
<text>1000 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_1000_descr">
<text>Ordinary 1000 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_5000_name">
<text>5000 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_5000_descr">
<text>Ordinary 5000 Rubles.</text>
<string id="xray_pda_name">
<text>X-Ray PDA Extension Module</text>
<string id="xray_pda_descr">
<text>This device upgrades your PDA's capabilities. Now you can communicate with nearby Stalkers, play games and store different types of data on your PDA.</text>
<string id="xray_pda_skills_name">
<text>X-Ray PDA Skills Module</text>
<string id="xray_pda_skills_descr">
<text>This module was specifically designed to view your personal achievements earned while exploring the Zone. It also allows you to view training metrics and health conditions, etc.</text>
<string id="xray_pda_downs_name">
<text>X-Ray PDA Downloads Module</text>
<string id="xray_pda_downs_descr">
<text>This module allows you to store all downloaded information from computers, supports wi-fi and remote access via systems based on Linux.</text>
<string id="enc_item_battery_name">
<text>Alkaline Batteries</text>
<string id="enc_item_battery_descr">
<text>Ordinary alkaline batteries. Exactly what you need when your flashlight is not shining.</text>
<!-- barin end -->

<!-- vintar start -->

<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-pda_rosf_task">
<text>Duty Personal Digital Assistant.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-pda_secret_task">
<text>Scientist Personal Digital Assistant.</text>
<!-- vintar end -->

<!-- lox start -->
<string id="enc_equipment_food_vodka2">
<text>Vodka used by Loxotron to deaden his senses. Highly dangerous, has equal parts alcohol and ammonia.</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_cmuphob_name">
<text>Cmuphob Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_cmuphob_descr">
<text>Imported vodka from Finland. Was a championship winner of "Best taste of year".</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_hemupob_name">
<text>Hemupob Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_hemupob_descr">
<text>Special vodka from a well known trader in Switzerland. 40 percent proof and high clarity made it a leader in the worldwide market. The label reads - "We live only once, fill your time with pleasure."</text>
<string id="enc_wine_name">
<text>Mossandra wine</text>
<string id="enc_wine_descr">
<text>Ukrainian table wine of highest quality and taste which has been stored for almost 2 years in special conditions. Old tradition of the Crimean always made it the best choice on the market.</text>
<string id="beer_chmielnitskoe_name">
<text>Chmielnitskoe beer</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_beer_chmielnitskoe">
<text>Since 1907 this popular mark fills the stomachs of all citizens of the Ukraine alike. Grown on fields of Storosinavsky and Chmielnisky, these hops and barley are cleaned to the highest standard to grant you the most pleasure.</text>
<string id="pripiat_beer_name">
<text>Pripyat beer</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_pripiat_beer">
<text>Barkeep always knew the day would come that he would see his special family prescription adorning a magnificent product. It is a highly concentrated beer made from the best of local vegetation and some secret ingredients.</text>
<string id="repair_kit_name">
<text>Repair Kit</text>
<string id="repair_kit_descr">
<text>Screwdrivers, pincers, screws, grindstone... all you need in a small and compact repair kit.</text>
<!-- lox end -->

<string id="Antirad">
<text>Antiradiation Drugs</text>
<string id="Arm-heavy">
<text>Heavy Stalker Gear</text>
<string id="Arm-light">
<text>Light Stalker gear</text>
<string id="Arm-medium">
<text>Medium Stalker gear</text>
<string id="bandage">
<string id="bandage2">
<text>Duty Bandages</text>
<string id="Binocul">
<string id="Bread">
<string id="cit_deadcity_maps_desc">
<text>A detailed map of the Dead City including Merc's positions</text>
<string id="cit_deadcity_maps_name">
<text>Map of the Dead City</text>
<string id="cit_doctors_key_desc">
<text>Doctor's key to a secret stash in Pripyat</text>
<string id="cit_doctors_key_short_desc">
<text>Doctor's Key</text>
<string id="Conserva">
<text>Tourist's Delight</text>
<string id="Detect1">
<text>Anomaly detector (DA-2)</text>
<string id="Devic">
<text>Instruments and Devices</text>
<string id="device-PDA">
<string id="device-torch">
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_arm-heavy">
<text>Protective suit. Weight: 18kg. Details: Protects the body from Jelly, Burnt Fuzz, most anomalies and physical damage. The torso and back are protected by built-in bio-metallic plates. The suit is equipped with an airtight, reinforced plastic helmet and two oxygen bottles. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_arm-light">
<text>Protective suit. Weight: 8 kg. Details: Protects the body from weak anomalies and physical damage. Equipped with an oxygen mask. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_arm-medium">
<text>Protective suit. Weight: 12 kg. Details: Protects the user from Jelly, Burnt Fuzz, many anomalies and physical damage. Equipped with an airtight helmet and an oxygen bottle. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_sci2">
<text>A red S.C.A.P.E suit with an airtight helmet. Weight: 11kg. Description: Protects the body from fire, acid, toxic gas, various anomalies, Burnt Fuzz and physical damage. Equipped with two oxygen bottles. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_binocul1">
<text>Military Field Binoculars</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_detect1">
<text>A device for detecting anomaly fields and disturbances. Notifies of their presence with a sound. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-PDA1">
<text>Personal Digital Assistant - Indispensable in the Zone.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-PDA2">
<text>In this pda mentioned a customer, who ordered expedition to this lab and his contact details through gps encrypted mobile, but it's quite hard to trace who has this number.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-torch1">
<text>A powerful flashlight. Quite useful in areas with insufficient lighting.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-torch1_m1">
<text>A powerful flashlight. Battery recharge time has been reduced thanks to a modernized transformer.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_energydrink">
<text>This is an excellent energy drink consisting of caffeine, taurine and a mixture of rejuvenating vitamins. Just the ticket when you're too tired to push forward!</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_bread1">
<text>Hard to say who manages to bake these loaves in the Zone, but the bread isn't contaminated and is perfectly edible. Well, at least none of the Stalkers have complained about it.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_conserva1">
<text>Canned food from an army warehouse raided by Stalkers. The best-before period hasn't expired yet.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_kolbasa1">
<text>Made from a mix of chicken and soya, the "diet" sausage is often, for lack of other options, a Stalker's breakfast, lunch and dinner in one.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_vodka1">
<text>Vodka made by the GSC company. Goes down easily and significantly reduces the effects of radiation, but for obvious reasons should be enjoyed in moderation.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_antirad1">
<text>Reduces the effects of radiation.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_bandage1">
<text>Bandages. Help stop bleeding.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_bandage2">
<text>Bandages used by the Duty faction. Contain special chemicles to help stop bleeding better than normal ones.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_medkit1">
<text>An all-purpose medkit. Used to treat injuries of various types and severities - wounds, burns, poisonings, etc.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_medkit2">
<text>A specialized medical set to fight against physical damage and blood loss. In it is included a component for blood coagulation, antibiotics, immunal stimulators, and painkillers.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_medkit3">
<text>Medical set, designed especially for work in the Zone. The set includes means of healing wounds as well as means of eliminating radionucleodes from the body. Prevents the development of radiowave sickness and lowers the dose of accumulated radiation.</text>
<string id="energy_drink_name">
<text>Energy Drink</text>
<string id="energy_drink_short_name">
<text>Energy Drink</text>
<string id="Equipment">
<text>Gear and Food</text>
<string id="Food">
<string id="kolbasa">
<text>Diet Sausage</text>
<string id="Medi">
<string id="Medkit">
<string id="Medkit_army">
<text>Army first Aid Kit</text>
<string id="Medkit_scientific">
<text>Scientific aFirst Aid Kit</text>
<string id="Sci2">
<text>Scientific EXP-4</text>
<string id="Vodka">
<text>Cossacks Vodka</text>
<string id="st_detector">
<text>Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="st_detector_descr">
<text>Intended for the detection of anomalous zones as well as hotbeds of radioactive pollution.</text>
<string id="st_grenade_gd5">
<text>Smoke Grenade</text>
<string id="enc_pheremones_descr">
<text>Mutant pheromones : said to calm various species for short periods of time when doused over ones body.</text>
<string id="out_bug_desc">
<text>A voice recorder disguised as a useless thermometer.</text>
<string id="out_bug_name">
<text>Bugging device</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_anti_psy_booster">
<text>A drug that blocks avalanche-like nerve impulses. Consumption induces short-term loss of all emotion. Used exclusively in the Zone to counteract the effects of anomalous psy-fields. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="anti_psy_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_antirad_booster">
<text>B190 Indraline radioprotectant, included in medkits, issued to nuclear power plant personnel. Used in the Zone instead of the excessively toxic PC1 cystamine hydrochloride, repeated use of which often caused death. Reduces the effects of gamma radiation on live tissue. Best consumed before exposure, as effects are not instant. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="antirad_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_weight_booster">
<text>The main component of this product is an anabolic androgen, an artificial steroid, the chemical composition of which resembles testosterone. Often used by stalkers during long raids to reduce muscle fatigue. Significantly increases weight-carrying capacity. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="weight_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_antchemical_booster">
<text>The IP2 antitoxin is a complex drug comprising several antidotes, including metoclopramidum, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboxin and other pharmaceuticals. The drug is used to inject a range of antibiotics to neutralize natural poisons, together with synthetic poison absorbers, into the bloodstream. IP2 is not particularly popular in the Zone, as most stalkers rely on a gas mask and a protective suit, there are still those who have a pack of this antidote stashed away. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="antchemical_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_coagulant_booster">
<text>Ukrainian Vikasolum - an artificial equivalent of vitamin K. The main purpose of this drug is to increase blood coagulation speed. In great demand among stalkers who want slow-healing wounds and lacerations inflicted by mutants to close up faster. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="coagulant_booster">
Zuletzt bearbeitet: (Wat vergessen)
Sgt.Barnes schrieb:
Ja kannste einfach in den Gamedata Ordner kopieren,nimm Kaby`s Version die ist fast vollständig gibt keine Kompatibilitätsprobleme die z.b dein Spiel crashen was passieren kann , ist das ne Beschreibung fehlt die noch nicht übersetzt wurde zb. steht denn da enc_gasmask_descr statt gasmaske.Hoffe das Kaby den rest noch macht , kann mich im Moment nicht dazu durchringen weitere zu machen.Kaby hatt fast 90% allein gemacht ich hab glaub ich 10-15 xml beigesteuert ,in dem Sinne gibt es keine "Barnes-Version"

Spasseshalber poste ich mal den Inhalt einer .xml von denen es über 110 gibt dann verstehste warum ;)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251" ?>

<!-- barin start -->
<string id="enc_gasmask_name">
<text>Gas Mask</text>
<string id="enc_gasmask_descr">
<text>A gas mask is worn over the face to protect the wearer from inhaling airborne pollutants and toxic materials. The mask forms a sealed cover over the nose and mouth, but may also cover the eyes and other vulnerable soft tissues of the face. During the blowouts, the air becomes polluted, and you need to wear gasmasks, otherwise you will get radiation infection, and you will die in a few minutes. It can be useful in underground areas too, since they were locked down a long time ago.</text>
<string id="anom_detector_simple">
<text>Simple Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="anom_detector_simple_descr">
<text>A device for detecting anomaly fields and disturbances. Notifies of anomalous presence with a sound. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly. This is the cheapest type among all detectors and the range of detection is poor.</text>
<string id="anom_detector_advanced">
<text>Advanced Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="anom_detector_advanced_descr">
<text>An advanced anomaly detector. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly. Compared with the simple anomaly detector, it can locate different anomalies, and the range of detection is much higher.</text>
<string id="anom_detector_elite">
<text>Elite Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="anom_detector_elite_descr">
<text>A device intended for the detection of anomalous zones as well as hotbeds of radioactive pollution. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly. The range of detection is very high. Combining the simple and advanced detectors in one package, this one is the best way to stay alive in the Zone.</text>
<string id="enc_guitar_name">
<text>Classic Guitar</text>
<string id="enc_guitar_descr">
<text>A stringed musical instrument resembling the lute or the violin, but larger with six strings. Used by Stalkers all over the Zone while sitting around campfires.</text>
<string id="enc_harmonica_name">
<string id="enc_harmonica_descr">
<text>From the "Blues" to the Soviet Union anthem, this humble reedwind instrument will funnel any melody that comes to you, and, unlike your audience, the harmonica does not mind.</text>
<string id="enc_nonstop_energy_drink_name">
<text>"NonStop" Energy Drink</text>
<string id="enc_nonstop_energy_drink_descr">
<text>The label reads: "This drink will instantly rejuvenate your mind and body." This drink is similar to the common energy drink, but also heals you, reduces radiation somewhat, reduces hunger, and gives you more endurance. Of course it's a bit expensive, but the price is worth it!</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_absolut_name">
<text>Absolut Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_absolut_descr">
<text>Imported vodka. Clean and crisp with aromas of faint lemon pie. A taste of baked bread adds an extra dimension to the martini-quality six-parts-to-one dry vermouth.</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_nemiroff_name">
<text>Nemiroff Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_nemiroff_descr">
<text>Imported vodka with a refined subtle taste. It is active, strong, and at the same time, a smooth beverage with a long pleasant aftertaste.</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_smirnoff_name">
<text>Smirnoff Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_smirnoff_descr">
<text>Imported vodka. It was awarded 90 points from a beverage tasting institute, so it must be good! The moderately bodied Smirnoff vodka is reminiscent of lemon, white pepper, charcoal, bold textures and smoky sensations that are followed by a burst of rich flavors.</text>
<string id="enc_mineral_water_name">
<text>Mineral Water</text>
<string id="enc_mineral_water_descr">
<text>Nothing much to say about it. It's imported clean water from the out lands. If you are not an alcoholic, then you will probably like it, even if its taste is stale. It won't reduce radiation, but will restore your stamina, health, and reduce hunger much more than any vodka.</text>
<string id="enc_korn_conserva_name">
<text>Canned corn</text>
<string id="enc_korn_conserva_descr">
<text>Because of it's high protein and carbohydrate content, corn has been an important nutritional resource for thousands of years. Today, corn has less starch and is sweeter. A good thing about corn is that frozen and canned corn has about the same nutritional value as fresh corn.\n If the corn is not cooked shortly after it is purchased, then it should be stored in refrigerator. Refrigeration helps the corn retain its sugar and vitamin C content. Canned corn can be stored unopened for up to 10 years!</text>
<string id="enc_olives_conserva_name">
<text>Beef stew with Olives</text>
<string id="enc_olives_conserva_descr">
<text>A generous serving of canned goodness for a starving Stalker. It contains beef stew, olives with aspic.</text>
<string id="enc_sardinia_conserva_name">
<string id="enc_sardinia_conserva_descr">
<text>A generic term applied broadly to any of various small, soft-boned, salt-water fish such as Sprats and young Pilchards and Herrings. These tiny fish are iridescent and silvery and swim in huge pools, usually near the water's surface. Fresh sardines are available on a limited basis during the summer months, usually only along the coast where they're caught. In general, their fatty flesh is best when grilled, broiled or fried. In the United States, sardines are more commonly found salted, smoked or canned, either in oil, tomato sauce or mustard sauce. Some are packed as is, while others are skinned, boned and sold as fillets. The name is thought to have come from the young pilchards caught off the coast of Sardinia, which were one of the first fish packed in oil.</text>
<string id="enc_yantar_food_name">
<text>Permanent Meal</text>
<string id="enc_yantar_food_descr">
<text>Beef stew served with vegetables. Perfectly preserved and delicious. You can store it for up to 3 months after purchase. If you are tired of canned foods, this one was made for you!</text>
<string id="enc_peanut_conserva_name">
<text>Peanut snack</text>
<string id="enc_peanut_conserva_descr">
<text>The peanut or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) is a species in the pea family Fabaceae native to South America. Perfect snack when coupled with a bottle of beer or vodka in the Zone.</text>
<string id="enc_tushenka_conserva_name">
<text>Rat pie</text>
<string id="enc_tushenka_conserva_descr">
<text>Full of proteins and fat, this is really juicy stuff. Exactly what a hungry Stalker needs. It's not the tastiest thing, because it's made out of of rats. However, if you closed your eyes and thought about chicken, you wouldn't know the difference.</text>
<string id="enc_antidote_name">
<text>X-Virus Antidote</text>
<string id="enc_antidote_descr">
<text>An antidote for X-Virus. It was developed in the X18 Labs in 1989. This is highly valuable and rare item in the Zone. It also boosts immunities during blowouts which can be very handy if you find yourself far from a shelter.</text>
<string id="enc_sleeping_bag_name">
<text>Sleeping Bag</text>
<string id="enc_sleeping_bag_descr">
<text>Ordinary sleeping bag. It won't replace a warm bed and a mother's cuddle, but at least it's impermeable.</text>
<string id="enc_item_hand_radio_name">
<text>Hand Radio</text>
<string id="enc_item_hand_radio_descr">
<text>Regular military hand radio, a transmitter/receiver device used by Stalkers to communicate with their friends</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_10_name">
<text>10 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_10_descr">
<text>Ordinary 10 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_50_name">
<text>50 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_50_descr">
<text>Ordinary 50 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_100_name">
<text>100 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_100_descr">
<text>Ordinary 100 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_500_name">
<text>500 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_500_descr">
<text>Ordinary 500 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_1000_name">
<text>1000 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_1000_descr">
<text>Ordinary 1000 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_5000_name">
<text>5000 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_5000_descr">
<text>Ordinary 5000 Rubles.</text>
<string id="xray_pda_name">
<text>X-Ray PDA Extension Module</text>
<string id="xray_pda_descr">
<text>This device upgrades your PDA's capabilities. Now you can communicate with nearby Stalkers, play games and store different types of data on your PDA.</text>
<string id="xray_pda_skills_name">
<text>X-Ray PDA Skills Module</text>
<string id="xray_pda_skills_descr">
<text>This module was specifically designed to view your personal achievements earned while exploring the Zone. It also allows you to view training metrics and health conditions, etc.</text>
<string id="xray_pda_downs_name">
<text>X-Ray PDA Downloads Module</text>
<string id="xray_pda_downs_descr">
<text>This module allows you to store all downloaded information from computers, supports wi-fi and remote access via systems based on Linux.</text>
<string id="enc_item_battery_name">
<text>Alkaline Batteries</text>
<string id="enc_item_battery_descr">
<text>Ordinary alkaline batteries. Exactly what you need when your flashlight is not shining.</text>
<!-- barin end -->

<!-- vintar start -->

<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-pda_rosf_task">
<text>Duty Personal Digital Assistant.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-pda_secret_task">
<text>Scientist Personal Digital Assistant.</text>
<!-- vintar end -->

<!-- lox start -->
<string id="enc_equipment_food_vodka2">
<text>Vodka used by Loxotron to deaden his senses. Highly dangerous, has equal parts alcohol and ammonia.</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_cmuphob_name">
<text>Cmuphob Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_cmuphob_descr">
<text>Imported vodka from Finland. Was a championship winner of "Best taste of year".</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_hemupob_name">
<text>Hemupob Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_hemupob_descr">
<text>Special vodka from a well known trader in Switzerland. 40 percent proof and high clarity made it a leader in the worldwide market. The label reads - "We live only once, fill your time with pleasure."</text>
<string id="enc_wine_name">
<text>Mossandra wine</text>
<string id="enc_wine_descr">
<text>Ukrainian table wine of highest quality and taste which has been stored for almost 2 years in special conditions. Old tradition of the Crimean always made it the best choice on the market.</text>
<string id="beer_chmielnitskoe_name">
<text>Chmielnitskoe beer</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_beer_chmielnitskoe">
<text>Since 1907 this popular mark fills the stomachs of all citizens of the Ukraine alike. Grown on fields of Storosinavsky and Chmielnisky, these hops and barley are cleaned to the highest standard to grant you the most pleasure.</text>
<string id="pripiat_beer_name">
<text>Pripyat beer</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_pripiat_beer">
<text>Barkeep always knew the day would come that he would see his special family prescription adorning a magnificent product. It is a highly concentrated beer made from the best of local vegetation and some secret ingredients.</text>
<string id="repair_kit_name">
<text>Repair Kit</text>
<string id="repair_kit_descr">
<text>Screwdrivers, pincers, screws, grindstone... all you need in a small and compact repair kit.</text>
<!-- lox end -->

<string id="Antirad">
<text>Antiradiation Drugs</text>
<string id="Arm-heavy">
<text>Heavy Stalker Gear</text>
<string id="Arm-light">
<text>Light Stalker gear</text>
<string id="Arm-medium">
<text>Medium Stalker gear</text>
<string id="bandage">
<string id="bandage2">
<text>Duty Bandages</text>
<string id="Binocul">
<string id="Bread">
<string id="cit_deadcity_maps_desc">
<text>A detailed map of the Dead City including Merc's positions</text>
<string id="cit_deadcity_maps_name">
<text>Map of the Dead City</text>
<string id="cit_doctors_key_desc">
<text>Doctor's key to a secret stash in Pripyat</text>
<string id="cit_doctors_key_short_desc">
<text>Doctor's Key</text>
<string id="Conserva">
<text>Tourist's Delight</text>
<string id="Detect1">
<text>Anomaly detector (DA-2)</text>
<string id="Devic">
<text>Instruments and Devices</text>
<string id="device-PDA">
<string id="device-torch">
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_arm-heavy">
<text>Protective suit. Weight: 18kg. Details: Protects the body from Jelly, Burnt Fuzz, most anomalies and physical damage. The torso and back are protected by built-in bio-metallic plates. The suit is equipped with an airtight, reinforced plastic helmet and two oxygen bottles. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_arm-light">
<text>Protective suit. Weight: 8 kg. Details: Protects the body from weak anomalies and physical damage. Equipped with an oxygen mask. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_arm-medium">
<text>Protective suit. Weight: 12 kg. Details: Protects the user from Jelly, Burnt Fuzz, many anomalies and physical damage. Equipped with an airtight helmet and an oxygen bottle. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_sci2">
<text>A red S.C.A.P.E suit with an airtight helmet. Weight: 11kg. Description: Protects the body from fire, acid, toxic gas, various anomalies, Burnt Fuzz and physical damage. Equipped with two oxygen bottles. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_binocul1">
<text>Military Field Binoculars</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_detect1">
<text>A device for detecting anomaly fields and disturbances. Notifies of their presence with a sound. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-PDA1">
<text>Personal Digital Assistant - Indispensable in the Zone.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-PDA2">
<text>In this pda mentioned a customer, who ordered expedition to this lab and his contact details through gps encrypted mobile, but it's quite hard to trace who has this number.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-torch1">
<text>A powerful flashlight. Quite useful in areas with insufficient lighting.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-torch1_m1">
<text>A powerful flashlight. Battery recharge time has been reduced thanks to a modernized transformer.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_energydrink">
<text>This is an excellent energy drink consisting of caffeine, taurine and a mixture of rejuvenating vitamins. Just the ticket when you're too tired to push forward!</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_bread1">
<text>Hard to say who manages to bake these loaves in the Zone, but the bread isn't contaminated and is perfectly edible. Well, at least none of the Stalkers have complained about it.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_conserva1">
<text>Canned food from an army warehouse raided by Stalkers. The best-before period hasn't expired yet.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_kolbasa1">
<text>Made from a mix of chicken and soya, the "diet" sausage is often, for lack of other options, a Stalker's breakfast, lunch and dinner in one.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_vodka1">
<text>Vodka made by the GSC company. Goes down easily and significantly reduces the effects of radiation, but for obvious reasons should be enjoyed in moderation.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_antirad1">
<text>Reduces the effects of radiation.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_bandage1">
<text>Bandages. Help stop bleeding.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_bandage2">
<text>Bandages used by the Duty faction. Contain special chemicles to help stop bleeding better than normal ones.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_medkit1">
<text>An all-purpose medkit. Used to treat injuries of various types and severities - wounds, burns, poisonings, etc.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_medkit2">
<text>A specialized medical set to fight against physical damage and blood loss. In it is included a component for blood coagulation, antibiotics, immunal stimulators, and painkillers.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_medkit3">
<text>Medical set, designed especially for work in the Zone. The set includes means of healing wounds as well as means of eliminating radionucleodes from the body. Prevents the development of radiowave sickness and lowers the dose of accumulated radiation.</text>
<string id="energy_drink_name">
<text>Energy Drink</text>
<string id="energy_drink_short_name">
<text>Energy Drink</text>
<string id="Equipment">
<text>Gear and Food</text>
<string id="Food">
<string id="kolbasa">
<text>Diet Sausage</text>
<string id="Medi">
<string id="Medkit">
<string id="Medkit_army">
<text>Army first Aid Kit</text>
<string id="Medkit_scientific">
<text>Scientific aFirst Aid Kit</text>
<string id="Sci2">
<text>Scientific EXP-4</text>
<string id="Vodka">
<text>Cossacks Vodka</text>
<string id="st_detector">
<text>Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="st_detector_descr">
<text>Intended for the detection of anomalous zones as well as hotbeds of radioactive pollution.</text>
<string id="st_grenade_gd5">
<text>Smoke Grenade</text>
<string id="enc_pheremones_descr">
<text>Mutant pheromones : said to calm various species for short periods of time when doused over ones body.</text>
<string id="out_bug_desc">
<text>A voice recorder disguised as a useless thermometer.</text>
<string id="out_bug_name">
<text>Bugging device</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_anti_psy_booster">
<text>A drug that blocks avalanche-like nerve impulses. Consumption induces short-term loss of all emotion. Used exclusively in the Zone to counteract the effects of anomalous psy-fields. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="anti_psy_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_antirad_booster">
<text>B190 Indraline radioprotectant, included in medkits, issued to nuclear power plant personnel. Used in the Zone instead of the excessively toxic PC1 cystamine hydrochloride, repeated use of which often caused death. Reduces the effects of gamma radiation on live tissue. Best consumed before exposure, as effects are not instant. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="antirad_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_weight_booster">
<text>The main component of this product is an anabolic androgen, an artificial steroid, the chemical composition of which resembles testosterone. Often used by stalkers during long raids to reduce muscle fatigue. Significantly increases weight-carrying capacity. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="weight_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_antchemical_booster">
<text>The IP2 antitoxin is a complex drug comprising several antidotes, including metoclopramidum, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboxin and other pharmaceuticals. The drug is used to inject a range of antibiotics to neutralize natural poisons, together with synthetic poison absorbers, into the bloodstream. IP2 is not particularly popular in the Zone, as most stalkers rely on a gas mask and a protective suit, there are still those who have a pack of this antidote stashed away. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="antchemical_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_coagulant_booster">
<text>Ukrainian Vikasolum - an artificial equivalent of vitamin K. The main purpose of this drug is to increase blood coagulation speed. In great demand among stalkers who want slow-healing wounds and lacerations inflicted by mutants to close up faster. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="coagulant_booster">

Setzt doch mal bitte solche ellenlangen Texte in einen Spoiler. Das macht die ganze Sache etwas übersichtlicher. ;) Danke

PS: Ja die Übersetzung dauert eben. Ich sitze seit 3 Tagen an einer Datei, in der mal kurz ca. 300 Dialogtexteile drin sind. Letzte Woche hab ich die Dateien in der Mache gehabt, aus denen die Namen der NPC generiert werden. sind ja nur ca. 2000 Familien-Namen und 400 Vornamen... Glücklicherweise hatte ich für eine andere Mod schon eine Übersetzung gemacht, die ich verwenden konnte.
Embargo_666 schrieb:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251" ?>

<!-- barin start -->
<string id="enc_gasmask_name">
<text>Gas Mask</text>
<string id="enc_gasmask_descr">
<text>A gas mask is worn over the face to protect the wearer from inhaling airborne pollutants and toxic materials. The mask forms a sealed cover over the nose and mouth, but may also cover the eyes and other vulnerable soft tissues of the face. During the blowouts, the air becomes polluted, and you need to wear gasmasks, otherwise you will get radiation infection, and you will die in a few minutes. It can be useful in underground areas too, since they were locked down a long time ago.</text>
<string id="anom_detector_simple">
<text>Simple Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="anom_detector_simple_descr">
<text>A device for detecting anomaly fields and disturbances. Notifies of anomalous presence with a sound. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly. This is the cheapest type among all detectors and the range of detection is poor.</text>
<string id="anom_detector_advanced">
<text>Advanced Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="anom_detector_advanced_descr">
<text>An advanced anomaly detector. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly. Compared with the simple anomaly detector, it can locate different anomalies, and the range of detection is much higher.</text>
<string id="anom_detector_elite">
<text>Elite Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="anom_detector_elite_descr">
<text>A device intended for the detection of anomalous zones as well as hotbeds of radioactive pollution. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly. The range of detection is very high. Combining the simple and advanced detectors in one package, this one is the best way to stay alive in the Zone.</text>
<string id="enc_guitar_name">
<text>Classic Guitar</text>
<string id="enc_guitar_descr">
<text>A stringed musical instrument resembling the lute or the violin, but larger with six strings. Used by Stalkers all over the Zone while sitting around campfires.</text>
<string id="enc_harmonica_name">
<string id="enc_harmonica_descr">
<text>From the "Blues" to the Soviet Union anthem, this humble reedwind instrument will funnel any melody that comes to you, and, unlike your audience, the harmonica does not mind.</text>
<string id="enc_nonstop_energy_drink_name">
<text>"NonStop" Energy Drink</text>
<string id="enc_nonstop_energy_drink_descr">
<text>The label reads: "This drink will instantly rejuvenate your mind and body." This drink is similar to the common energy drink, but also heals you, reduces radiation somewhat, reduces hunger, and gives you more endurance. Of course it's a bit expensive, but the price is worth it!</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_absolut_name">
<text>Absolut Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_absolut_descr">
<text>Imported vodka. Clean and crisp with aromas of faint lemon pie. A taste of baked bread adds an extra dimension to the martini-quality six-parts-to-one dry vermouth.</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_nemiroff_name">
<text>Nemiroff Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_nemiroff_descr">
<text>Imported vodka with a refined subtle taste. It is active, strong, and at the same time, a smooth beverage with a long pleasant aftertaste.</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_smirnoff_name">
<text>Smirnoff Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_smirnoff_descr">
<text>Imported vodka. It was awarded 90 points from a beverage tasting institute, so it must be good! The moderately bodied Smirnoff vodka is reminiscent of lemon, white pepper, charcoal, bold textures and smoky sensations that are followed by a burst of rich flavors.</text>
<string id="enc_mineral_water_name">
<text>Mineral Water</text>
<string id="enc_mineral_water_descr">
<text>Nothing much to say about it. It's imported clean water from the out lands. If you are not an alcoholic, then you will probably like it, even if its taste is stale. It won't reduce radiation, but will restore your stamina, health, and reduce hunger much more than any vodka.</text>
<string id="enc_korn_conserva_name">
<text>Canned corn</text>
<string id="enc_korn_conserva_descr">
<text>Because of it's high protein and carbohydrate content, corn has been an important nutritional resource for thousands of years. Today, corn has less starch and is sweeter. A good thing about corn is that frozen and canned corn has about the same nutritional value as fresh corn.\n If the corn is not cooked shortly after it is purchased, then it should be stored in refrigerator. Refrigeration helps the corn retain its sugar and vitamin C content. Canned corn can be stored unopened for up to 10 years!</text>
<string id="enc_olives_conserva_name">
<text>Beef stew with Olives</text>
<string id="enc_olives_conserva_descr">
<text>A generous serving of canned goodness for a starving Stalker. It contains beef stew, olives with aspic.</text>
<string id="enc_sardinia_conserva_name">
<string id="enc_sardinia_conserva_descr">
<text>A generic term applied broadly to any of various small, soft-boned, salt-water fish such as Sprats and young Pilchards and Herrings. These tiny fish are iridescent and silvery and swim in huge pools, usually near the water's surface. Fresh sardines are available on a limited basis during the summer months, usually only along the coast where they're caught. In general, their fatty flesh is best when grilled, broiled or fried. In the United States, sardines are more commonly found salted, smoked or canned, either in oil, tomato sauce or mustard sauce. Some are packed as is, while others are skinned, boned and sold as fillets. The name is thought to have come from the young pilchards caught off the coast of Sardinia, which were one of the first fish packed in oil.</text>
<string id="enc_yantar_food_name">
<text>Permanent Meal</text>
<string id="enc_yantar_food_descr">
<text>Beef stew served with vegetables. Perfectly preserved and delicious. You can store it for up to 3 months after purchase. If you are tired of canned foods, this one was made for you!</text>
<string id="enc_peanut_conserva_name">
<text>Peanut snack</text>
<string id="enc_peanut_conserva_descr">
<text>The peanut or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) is a species in the pea family Fabaceae native to South America. Perfect snack when coupled with a bottle of beer or vodka in the Zone.</text>
<string id="enc_tushenka_conserva_name">
<text>Rat pie</text>
<string id="enc_tushenka_conserva_descr">
<text>Full of proteins and fat, this is really juicy stuff. Exactly what a hungry Stalker needs. It's not the tastiest thing, because it's made out of of rats. However, if you closed your eyes and thought about chicken, you wouldn't know the difference.</text>
<string id="enc_antidote_name">
<text>X-Virus Antidote</text>
<string id="enc_antidote_descr">
<text>An antidote for X-Virus. It was developed in the X18 Labs in 1989. This is highly valuable and rare item in the Zone. It also boosts immunities during blowouts which can be very handy if you find yourself far from a shelter.</text>
<string id="enc_sleeping_bag_name">
<text>Sleeping Bag</text>
<string id="enc_sleeping_bag_descr">
<text>Ordinary sleeping bag. It won't replace a warm bed and a mother's cuddle, but at least it's impermeable.</text>
<string id="enc_item_hand_radio_name">
<text>Hand Radio</text>
<string id="enc_item_hand_radio_descr">
<text>Regular military hand radio, a transmitter/receiver device used by Stalkers to communicate with their friends</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_10_name">
<text>10 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_10_descr">
<text>Ordinary 10 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_50_name">
<text>50 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_50_descr">
<text>Ordinary 50 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_100_name">
<text>100 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_100_descr">
<text>Ordinary 100 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_500_name">
<text>500 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_500_descr">
<text>Ordinary 500 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_1000_name">
<text>1000 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_1000_descr">
<text>Ordinary 1000 Rubles.</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_5000_name">
<text>5000 Ru</text>
<string id="enc_rubles_5000_descr">
<text>Ordinary 5000 Rubles.</text>
<string id="xray_pda_name">
<text>X-Ray PDA Extension Module</text>
<string id="xray_pda_descr">
<text>This device upgrades your PDA's capabilities. Now you can communicate with nearby Stalkers, play games and store different types of data on your PDA.</text>
<string id="xray_pda_skills_name">
<text>X-Ray PDA Skills Module</text>
<string id="xray_pda_skills_descr">
<text>This module was specifically designed to view your personal achievements earned while exploring the Zone. It also allows you to view training metrics and health conditions, etc.</text>
<string id="xray_pda_downs_name">
<text>X-Ray PDA Downloads Module</text>
<string id="xray_pda_downs_descr">
<text>This module allows you to store all downloaded information from computers, supports wi-fi and remote access via systems based on Linux.</text>
<string id="enc_item_battery_name">
<text>Alkaline Batteries</text>
<string id="enc_item_battery_descr">
<text>Ordinary alkaline batteries. Exactly what you need when your flashlight is not shining.</text>
<!-- barin end -->

<!-- vintar start -->

<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-pda_rosf_task">
<text>Duty Personal Digital Assistant.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-pda_secret_task">
<text>Scientist Personal Digital Assistant.</text>
<!-- vintar end -->

<!-- lox start -->
<string id="enc_equipment_food_vodka2">
<text>Vodka used by Loxotron to deaden his senses. Highly dangerous, has equal parts alcohol and ammonia.</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_cmuphob_name">
<text>Cmuphob Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_cmuphob_descr">
<text>Imported vodka from Finland. Was a championship winner of "Best taste of year".</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_hemupob_name">
<text>Hemupob Vodka</text>
<string id="enc_vodka_hemupob_descr">
<text>Special vodka from a well known trader in Switzerland. 40 percent proof and high clarity made it a leader in the worldwide market. The label reads - "We live only once, fill your time with pleasure."</text>
<string id="enc_wine_name">
<text>Mossandra wine</text>
<string id="enc_wine_descr">
<text>Ukrainian table wine of highest quality and taste which has been stored for almost 2 years in special conditions. Old tradition of the Crimean always made it the best choice on the market.</text>
<string id="beer_chmielnitskoe_name">
<text>Chmielnitskoe beer</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_beer_chmielnitskoe">
<text>Since 1907 this popular mark fills the stomachs of all citizens of the Ukraine alike. Grown on fields of Storosinavsky and Chmielnisky, these hops and barley are cleaned to the highest standard to grant you the most pleasure.</text>
<string id="pripiat_beer_name">
<text>Pripyat beer</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_pripiat_beer">
<text>Barkeep always knew the day would come that he would see his special family prescription adorning a magnificent product. It is a highly concentrated beer made from the best of local vegetation and some secret ingredients.</text>
<string id="repair_kit_name">
<text>Repair Kit</text>
<string id="repair_kit_descr">
<text>Screwdrivers, pincers, screws, grindstone... all you need in a small and compact repair kit.</text>
<!-- lox end -->

<string id="Antirad">
<text>Antiradiation Drugs</text>
<string id="Arm-heavy">
<text>Heavy Stalker Gear</text>
<string id="Arm-light">
<text>Light Stalker gear</text>
<string id="Arm-medium">
<text>Medium Stalker gear</text>
<string id="bandage">
<string id="bandage2">
<text>Duty Bandages</text>
<string id="Binocul">
<string id="Bread">
<string id="cit_deadcity_maps_desc">
<text>A detailed map of the Dead City including Merc's positions</text>
<string id="cit_deadcity_maps_name">
<text>Map of the Dead City</text>
<string id="cit_doctors_key_desc">
<text>Doctor's key to a secret stash in Pripyat</text>
<string id="cit_doctors_key_short_desc">
<text>Doctor's Key</text>
<string id="Conserva">
<text>Tourist's Delight</text>
<string id="Detect1">
<text>Anomaly detector (DA-2)</text>
<string id="Devic">
<text>Instruments and Devices</text>
<string id="device-PDA">
<string id="device-torch">
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_arm-heavy">
<text>Protective suit. Weight: 18kg. Details: Protects the body from Jelly, Burnt Fuzz, most anomalies and physical damage. The torso and back are protected by built-in bio-metallic plates. The suit is equipped with an airtight, reinforced plastic helmet and two oxygen bottles. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_arm-light">
<text>Protective suit. Weight: 8 kg. Details: Protects the body from weak anomalies and physical damage. Equipped with an oxygen mask. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_arm-medium">
<text>Protective suit. Weight: 12 kg. Details: Protects the user from Jelly, Burnt Fuzz, many anomalies and physical damage. Equipped with an airtight helmet and an oxygen bottle. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_armors_sci2">
<text>A red S.C.A.P.E suit with an airtight helmet. Weight: 11kg. Description: Protects the body from fire, acid, toxic gas, various anomalies, Burnt Fuzz and physical damage. Equipped with two oxygen bottles. Note: During extended periods of use the suit tears through and gradually deteriorates beyond use.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_binocul1">
<text>Military Field Binoculars</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_detect1">
<text>A device for detecting anomaly fields and disturbances. Notifies of their presence with a sound. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-PDA1">
<text>Personal Digital Assistant - Indispensable in the Zone.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-PDA2">
<text>In this pda mentioned a customer, who ordered expedition to this lab and his contact details through gps encrypted mobile, but it's quite hard to trace who has this number.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-torch1">
<text>A powerful flashlight. Quite useful in areas with insufficient lighting.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_devic_device-torch1_m1">
<text>A powerful flashlight. Battery recharge time has been reduced thanks to a modernized transformer.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_energydrink">
<text>This is an excellent energy drink consisting of caffeine, taurine and a mixture of rejuvenating vitamins. Just the ticket when you're too tired to push forward!</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_bread1">
<text>Hard to say who manages to bake these loaves in the Zone, but the bread isn't contaminated and is perfectly edible. Well, at least none of the Stalkers have complained about it.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_conserva1">
<text>Canned food from an army warehouse raided by Stalkers. The best-before period hasn't expired yet.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_kolbasa1">
<text>Made from a mix of chicken and soya, the "diet" sausage is often, for lack of other options, a Stalker's breakfast, lunch and dinner in one.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_vodka1">
<text>Vodka made by the GSC company. Goes down easily and significantly reduces the effects of radiation, but for obvious reasons should be enjoyed in moderation.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_antirad1">
<text>Reduces the effects of radiation.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_bandage1">
<text>Bandages. Help stop bleeding.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_bandage2">
<text>Bandages used by the Duty faction. Contain special chemicles to help stop bleeding better than normal ones.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_medkit1">
<text>An all-purpose medkit. Used to treat injuries of various types and severities - wounds, burns, poisonings, etc.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_medkit2">
<text>A specialized medical set to fight against physical damage and blood loss. In it is included a component for blood coagulation, antibiotics, immunal stimulators, and painkillers.</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_medi_medkit3">
<text>Medical set, designed especially for work in the Zone. The set includes means of healing wounds as well as means of eliminating radionucleodes from the body. Prevents the development of radiowave sickness and lowers the dose of accumulated radiation.</text>
<string id="energy_drink_name">
<text>Energy Drink</text>
<string id="energy_drink_short_name">
<text>Energy Drink</text>
<string id="Equipment">
<text>Gear and Food</text>
<string id="Food">
<string id="kolbasa">
<text>Diet Sausage</text>
<string id="Medi">
<string id="Medkit">
<string id="Medkit_army">
<text>Army first Aid Kit</text>
<string id="Medkit_scientific">
<text>Scientific aFirst Aid Kit</text>
<string id="Sci2">
<text>Scientific EXP-4</text>
<string id="Vodka">
<text>Cossacks Vodka</text>
<string id="st_detector">
<text>Anomaly Detector</text>
<string id="st_detector_descr">
<text>Intended for the detection of anomalous zones as well as hotbeds of radioactive pollution.</text>
<string id="st_grenade_gd5">
<text>Smoke Grenade</text>
<string id="enc_pheremones_descr">
<text>Mutant pheromones : said to calm various species for short periods of time when doused over ones body.</text>
<string id="out_bug_desc">
<text>A voice recorder disguised as a useless thermometer.</text>
<string id="out_bug_name">
<text>Bugging device</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_anti_psy_booster">
<text>A drug that blocks avalanche-like nerve impulses. Consumption induces short-term loss of all emotion. Used exclusively in the Zone to counteract the effects of anomalous psy-fields. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="anti_psy_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_antirad_booster">
<text>B190 Indraline radioprotectant, included in medkits, issued to nuclear power plant personnel. Used in the Zone instead of the excessively toxic PC1 cystamine hydrochloride, repeated use of which often caused death. Reduces the effects of gamma radiation on live tissue. Best consumed before exposure, as effects are not instant. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="antirad_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_weight_booster">
<text>The main component of this product is an anabolic androgen, an artificial steroid, the chemical composition of which resembles testosterone. Often used by stalkers during long raids to reduce muscle fatigue. Significantly increases weight-carrying capacity. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="weight_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_antchemical_booster">
<text>The IP2 antitoxin is a complex drug comprising several antidotes, including metoclopramidum, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboxin and other pharmaceuticals. The drug is used to inject a range of antibiotics to neutralize natural poisons, together with synthetic poison absorbers, into the bloodstream. IP2 is not particularly popular in the Zone, as most stalkers rely on a gas mask and a protective suit, there are still those who have a pack of this antidote stashed away. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="antchemical_booster">
<string id="enc_equipment_coagulant_booster">
<text>Ukrainian Vikasolum - an artificial equivalent of vitamin K. The main purpose of this drug is to increase blood coagulation speed. In great demand among stalkers who want slow-healing wounds and lacerations inflicted by mutants to close up faster. The effects of the drug are long-lasting.</text>
<string id="coagulant_booster">

Setzt doch mal bitte solche ellenlangen Texte in einen Spoiler. Das macht die ganze Sache etwas übersichtlicher. ;) Danke

PS: Ja die Übersetzung dauert eben. Ich sitze seit 3 Tagen an einer Datei, in der mal kurz ca. 300 Dialogtexteile drin sind. Letzte Woche hab ich die Dateien in der Mache gehabt, aus denen die Namen der NPC generiert werden. sind ja nur ca. 2000 Familien-Namen und 400 Vornamen... Glücklicherweise hatte ich für eine andere Mod schon eine Übersetzung gemacht, die ich verwenden konnte.

Nöö, soll jeder der hier rummeckert auf den 1. Blick sehen was fürn Aufwand dahintersteckt den paar Leute hier betreiben um der Comm die Übersetzung zur Verfügung stellen und das Gratis.Ging mir schon Bei Fallout auf den Sack Leute opfern ihre Freizeit teils Wochen/Monate stellen nen Mod Gratis online und werden dafür noch blöd angemacht.
Danke Ihr beiden. :cool_alt:

Also von meiner Seite, bin ich der LETZTE der bei sowas meckert.
Ich kenne die InvasionMod von "antonium" aus dem Planet-Stalker Forum noch.
Fast komplett im Alleingang erstellt, bearbeitet und ständig erweitert.
Der Aufwand der dahintersteckt ist immens und sollte nicht mit meckern oder doofen Sprüchen schlecht gemacht werden.

Ich werde mich dann mal die Tage dran versuchen mit dem Gamedataordner etc.
Bin halt, wie bereits erwähnt, doch eine Weile raus aus dem Thema.

Was die xml. angeht:
Falls es nur um das reine Übersetzen geht, könnte ich meine Bescheidene Hilfe anbieten.
Nur wenn Bedarf besteht.

Cheers ;)