Hey everyone!
We have made some big changes to our weapons and projectiles in 0.9.
The biggest change to weapons is that they no longer auto fire on the predicted hit location of a target when the aim cursor is hovering over said target. Instead, the player will have to focus fire on lead target indicators. These lead target indicators use the best DPS weapon ( projectile speed, etc ) within each weapon group, with a vastly improved targeting prediction algorithm, to find the just the right spot to tickle your foes. To hit a target, players will now have to align up his or her aim crosshair over the lead indicator and wait for crosshair to turn into a green diamond. The green diamond indicates a weapon has moved into position and is ready to fire on the converged point.
The next big change to weapons is the convergence system. Currently we force dynamic convergence on all weapons, but in the future manual/static convergence will be an entity which players can control. The dynamic convergence system will ensure the guns converge on to the point you are looking at through the aim crosshair within a reasonable distance so you will hit your target if you aim at the lead target.
There where also some some funky bugs with the projectiles as well which prevented the projectiles from inheriting the ships full velocity when fired. This issue along with some bugs in the target prediction algorithm is another reason why you would miss so often even with auto-fire.