Hab im Freundeskreis ne kleine Zusammenfassung des Artikels geschrieben. Ich poste die einfach auch hier für die, die keinen Bock haben, viel zu lesen

Derzeit arbeiten 212 Leute an Star Citizen, aufgeteilt auf 8 Studios und Freelancer,
Status Report Feb 2014. Der Großteil der Belegschaft arbeitet direkt am Produkt, wenig Overhead durch Marketing etc:
- Programmers: 6+11+7+5+4 = 33
- Artists/Animators: 3+14+11+8+4+4+18+1+15* = 60
- Audio: 3+1 = 4
- Creative Directors/Designers: 3+5+11+1+1+1+1 = 23
- Management/Production: 1+8+3+1+1+2 = 16
- Anderes (QA/IT, Marketing, CS): 10+4 = 14
- + Chris & Erin Roberts
- *Freelancers, z.B. Ryan Church (Avatar, Star Trek, Star Wars), Jim Martin (Star Trek, AI, The Matrix Reloaded), Geoffrey Mandel (Serenity/Firefly), Justin Sweet (Avengers)
Es wird von zahlreichen, studioübergreifenden Trainings gesprochen, um die Teams abzustimmen und Know-How weiterzureichen (passt auch zur
Zusammenarbeit mit Warhorse aus Prag).
Umfangreiches Schadenssystem und verteilte Schiffsproduktion
Travis Day (Dogfight Producer CIG Santa Monica) schrieb:
We’ve got [the vehicle damage system] to the point where you can quite surgically pick a ship apart piece by piece and watch its various systems fail out before it ultimately explodes.
Sergio Rosas schrieb:
getting the Idris ready for Squadron 42, getting materials updated for the big PBR push, and damage states for the Aurora.
Erin Roberts schrieb:
and artists are building ships… with an obvious special attention towards military craft. These include the Gladiator and Retaliator, which we have just taken responsibility for. But don’t be surprised if the next massive capital ship you see was also built in Manchester.
Auswirkung von G-Kräften (à la Strike Commander/Lock On

Travis Day schrieb:
[The Intelligent Flight Control System] also has several modes which will allow you six degrees of freedom control, automatic turn banking where the ship rolls to orientations which are most conducive to the pilot surviving the g-force load, and disabled where you can rapidly maneuver but will quickly cause yourself to blackout.
Augmented Reality in einer virtuellen Welt, Erweiterbarkeit Hangar, Eco:
Mathieu Beaulieu schrieb:
At the moment we are using this framework to integrate the Augmented Reality functionality on the
Mobiglas and to build the Avatar Customisation System.
For all hangars, we are developing a room system. This will allow you to add rooms to your hangar, such as the firing range.
On the
economy system, all the technology is in place.
Die Website soll Daten aus dem Spiel automatisiert repräsentieren:
Benoit Beauséjour schrieb:
A considerable amount of time has been spent in connecting website ship data to the game in order to deliver up to date statistics on the site for all know ship models and variants.
Scheinbar wurde der Workflow für die Erstellung von Materialien für die CryEngine vereinfacht (mal gucken, wann das in die CE FreeSDK kommt

Eric Peterson schrieb:
In addition I am happy to report that we have begun the integration of PBR or Physically Based Rendering (PBR). We still need to update many of our materials, but thanks to CryTek and their latest code drop, we can make this happen in a much smoother fashion. Upcoming Hangar patches will start to enable PBR ...
Der Netcode wird hauptsächlich in Austin geschrieben. Die Galactapedia (Sammlung von vorgegebener und durch Spieler beeinflusste Geschichte) wird mit
Articy entwickelt, wahrscheinlich auch der Rest der Style Guides/Design Dokumente.
Kanada vs Mexiko:
Mathieu: »Here in cold Montreal, Canada, we are keeping warm by working hard on the Mobiglas, the Avatar Customisation, the Economy System and Planetside.«
Sergio: »Sorry Canada – we are not sure what you mean by winter.«
Benoit: »Sorry Mexico, No Olympic medals for you!«
Bottom line: Wing Commander 3 Take Outs:
»Isn't that the guy from StarWars?«