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News Atomic Heart: Milde Systemanforderungen für den Sowjet-Robo-Shooter


Redakteur Pro
Aug. 2016
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Reaktionen: flo.murr, SebiLegend, bttn und 15 andere
Sieht dafür echt sehr gut aus. Steht bei mir schon eine Weile auf dem Zettel. Die Trailer sahen spaßig aus.

Und Obacht: kommt in den Game Pass!
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Reaktionen: Unioner86, flo.murr, Feuerbiber und 17 andere
Als technische Basis diente Xbone VCR ...
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Reaktionen: Sebbi und Mcr-King
Das könnte ein Indiz für gute Optimierung sein. Ich bin gespannt, was offizielle Tests zur Performance sagen.
Für die Anforderungen sieht das Spiel sehr gut aus.
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Reaktionen: one2know
Bin gespannt, vielleicht mal wieder ein Spiel was gut und gleichzeitig ordentlich Optimiert ist.

Die Anforderungen sehen schon mal in Ordnung aus und was auf den Bildern zu sehen ist, scheint auch nicht verkehrt zu sein.
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Reaktionen: Unioner86 und momdiavlo
YES, einer meiner top Wunschtitel der letzten Jahre. Bin gespannt.
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Reaktionen: Unioner86, Mydgard, .Sentinel. und 2 andere
Ich freue mich echt auf das Game. Aber wenn ich schon wieder UE4 und Shader kompilieren, um Ruckeln/Stottern zu verhindern lesen muss.... :/

Naja, einen ausführlichen Test wird es ja hier geben. Dann schau mer mal weiter
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Reaktionen: Mydgard, Zitterrochen, ThreepQuest64 und eine weitere Person
„Gegenüber Wccftech gaben die Entwickler zudem zu verstehen, dass das auf der Unreal Engine 4 basierende Spiel die Möglichkeit biete, Shader bereits im Hauptmenü zu kompilieren“

Endlich mal echte Profis!

Gibt ja kaum noch welche in der Branche, mit der UE4 kennt sich wohl kaum jemand aus wenn ich mir die letzten AAA Titel so angucke…
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Reaktionen: xXDariusXx, Mydgard, Clowntastisch und 22 andere
Endlich kommt es. Schon seltsam 4x Anforderungen nur für 1080p und dann eine für 4K, WQHD wird gleich ganz weg gelassen....naja
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Reaktionen: InvalidTexture, Zenschy, Aljonator und 5 andere
danyundsahne schrieb:
Ich freue mich echt auf das Game. Aber wenn ich schon wieder UE4 und Shader kompilieren, um Ruckeln/Stottern zu verhindern lesen muss.... :/
Wenn das gut umgesetzt ist, passiert das genau einmal bei Spielstart für eine Sekunde. Das Spiel scheint ja ganz gut optimiert zu sein.
Muss man gucken, ob es Gameplay mäßig was taugt aber von der Optik passt es schon mal
Ein Schlag ins Gesicht für alle die eine 4090 gekauft haben, da ja sogar ne 3080 auf ultra 4K ausreichend ist! :Ironie off:
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Reaktionen: Romanow363, bttn, Mydgard und 15 andere
Bin echt scharf auf das Game. Der Artstyle und die Erinnerung an Bioshock gefallen mir wirklich gut und es freut mich, dass das Game im Gamepass enthalten ist. Frage ist nur, ob ich erstmal abwarte da ich richtung Mai upgraden will.
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Reaktionen: joshy337
Bin schon sehr gespannt! Der Ersteindruck war sehr positiv, mal sehen was davon dann beim selber spielen bleibt. Gamepass seid Dank ganz ohne "Risiko".
Deniko23 schrieb:
Ein Spiel, welches in einer alternativen Realität spielt, in der Russland den zweiten Weltkrieg vollständig gewann.

Hast auch kein Wolfenstein gespielt weil dort die Nazis in einer parallelen Realität gewonnen haben?
Und hör mir auf mit Games in denen Zombies irgendwann die Welt beherrschen ...

Erst infomieren, dann nachdenken, dann rumscheissen.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: bttn, CR4NK, Illithide und 39 andere
Ich spiele ja keine Shooter, aber das Game sieht schon ziemlich interessant aus.
Und es scheint direkt gut optimiert zu sein, wenn ich mit meiner 3080 alles auf Max in 4K genießen könnte.

Die politische Seite von dem Ganzen mal ausgeblendet... Ich verfolge das weiter. Schauen wir mal, was die Tests so sagen.
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Reaktionen: joshy337, one2know, RaptorTP und eine weitere Person
Ich freu mich auch drauf! Besonders, dass es im Game Pass ist, ist n Knaller.

An CB; Das ist schon eher bitter, ändert doch zumindest den Videotitel. :p


Deniko23 schrieb:
wurden die Nazis dabei gleichzeitig finanziert?
Ich esse auch schon seit einer Weile nur noch Currywurst, weil sich der Dönermann noch nicht öffentlich gegen die Machtergreifung der Taliban in Afghanistan ausgesprochen hat. :lol:
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Reaktionen: Somerset, Illithide, Wintermute und 16 andere
Atma schrieb:
Bei Atomic Heart bekomme ich wie schon bei Hogwarts Legacy oder The Callisto Protocol richtig böse Bauchschmerzen.

Das Spiel sieht einfach zu gut aus für die Entwicklungsgeschichte.
Bin daher auch skeptisch.


I'm obviously hoping that Atomic Heart turns out great despite the dev drama, but a few weeks ago there was an article published in Russia on a gaming site that had... you know, concerning stories about the game's development, and even had ex-devs chipping in on the comments talking about what a shitshow the studio was.

Some extracts:

There was no clear gameplay vision from the beginning, the art was also created on the knee and did not match the level design. A lot of features were developed simply with an eye on other games: it looked like this: “Oh, what a cool mechanic, let's do it with us too !!!”. As a result, the mechanics did not work at all in solo or jointly, and some were constantly talked about, but "things are still there."

Good ideas flew in one ear and immediately flew out the other and were sometimes marked with likes, but without showing the prototype were often considered controversial, as Robert likes to say, "shitty".

At the moment, the vision has been formed (although, rather, there is no longer an opportunity to change something), but the project feels like a hodgepodge and “an attempt to shove the unimpressible”.

A cool GM came to the company for a short time, who was in the lead for 1-2 months and tried to understand the boundaries of the problems. But he didn’t really get along with the management (the proposals were perceived with hostility), as a result, he left.

There was a similar story with a person (sort of) from Sperasoft, who in 2019 came to the role of art director, but left almost immediately, because he was simply not given a command for the necessary tasks.

In 2020, the entire art team, which was at that time in the studio, left. The company as a whole seems to have a fairly high turnover (at least until 2021). Mundfish tried to hire cool specialists, but they often fell off, because processes were not built at all inside the studio.

The management did not quite understand who a game designer is and what he does. They believed that this meant everyone involved in the design. If we add here how Robert and Oleg pushed their ideas without any hypothesis testing, without analysis and showed that they think they know better, the picture is not the most rosy. They generally tested some decisions in production by “gaiety” purely on themselves.

For a very long time they did not hire people to the team when they were required; in the end, they began to recruit some interns, and the testers approved by the current employees with the level of middle senior, suddenly, did not fit. At some point, the QA lead was an intern who was new not only to the project, but to QA in general. As a result, the whole team consisted only of interns who, at the behest of the CTO, were engaged in monkey testing, checks for duplicates were rare.

Robert and Oleg, although they are enthusiasts and burn with the project, they have no release experience (besides the ill-fated VR project). As a result, a complete misunderstanding of work processes. Instead of finding someone to help with this or to study the topic, they literally reinvented the wheel every time. This applies to almost all aspects, from task allocation to planning and forecasting the release date. Recall at least an interview in 2019 , when SRT stated that "the development of the final version of Atomic Heart is underway and the main work is nearing the final stage."

It often happened that before the release of a video, the authorities simply locked themselves with a powerful computer in one of the conference rooms for the whole weekend to rivet the video. At the same time, they blocked access to most of the project files. During the recording of the video, staged scenes were added, filmed, and then everyone in the studio was confronted with the fact that all these experiments were now uploaded to the project and “everything they did there needs to be fixed.” Sometimes fixes took months.

All this was done to make the video impressive, and then everything from it entered the game so that there were no complaints about them. Yes, the management could show the whole world some kind of prototype created on the knee, and the development team was then forced to build it into the game. As you can understand, some things broke the existing design, and sometimes the scenes shown could remain piecemeal in the game, because initially such a number of opponents in one battle was not meant or, say, there was no tactical benefit from the shown abilities, except for show how beautiful everything is.

Mundfish "already got sick of all the vendors in the world who are involved in testing, voice acting, translations and other things related to development." According to the source, the company comes and asks to calculate the cost, after which they either say that it is expensive or simply disappear.

As a result, after a month or two, colleagues from a neighboring vendor come to them and offer the same job only through them, of course, with an extra charge. This has been going on for over a year in different directions.

Apparently, the game can still be released in 2022 , and the next postponement does not threaten it. But, it is very likely that the game will have a lot of bugs, and performance on consoles (especially on the last generation) will suffer. Whether we will get a "Russian Bioshock" that will "raise the industry from its knees" or we will see an ambitious but failed attempt to create something really big - we will find out very soon.

An ex-developer named Dmitry Vergasov chipped in in the comments:

As a programmer who worked there in the "first wave" (until 2018 inclusive), I would like to clarify that no one fired us, we ourselves left. By the way, thanks for the article.

Mundfish hold the brand, as always shit.

Even 4 years ago, they heard information about what they were doing wrong, why it went against industry standards and why it needed to be corrected, but they apparently decided that they were the smartest and were pushing their illusions about the "correct" game development to the end .

PS To the current developers from the mouthfish - fairy tales about "crunch a little more, soon there will be a lot of money" have been since the age of 17, as a result, a lot of people have been thrown for money, think about it.

PS Rob, Oleg, if you are reading this, then I am ready for the amount that you did not pay me when you left me 4 years ago to tell you again what you are doing wrong, and why half of the game developers from the Russian Federation have already gone through you, and why each of them has a purely negative opinion about working in the company.

I'm not the sort to rag on studios or try to get people cancelled or whatever. But Mundfish clearly have issues as a studio, and it'll be a miracle if the final game isn't a bit of a mess. Because these aren't development problems from years ago. These are development problems from months ago. They're obviously confident they can pull things together, but... this is very typical mismanaged game production.
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Reaktionen: nutzername, KamonegiX und Deniko23
Ich werd auf die ersten Test warten ( und dann entscheide ich), wie es jeder machen sollte momentan.. soviel Games die einfach schlecht optimiert sind momentan…
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Reaktionen: Blackvoodoo, McFritte, edenjung und 2 andere