number of sources have informed that AMD company is going to announce its upcoming Athlon XP family processor with a 2100+ rating. The new processor will have actual frequency of 1733MHz and will use the same Palomino core made with 0.18-micron technological process. At the same time Athlon XP 2100+ becomes the last processor of the family manufactured with 0.18-micron technology. The next representative, Athlon XP 2200+, will be based on the new Thoroughbred core made with 0.13-micron technology. As it is expected, the first Athlon XP, based on Thoroughbred core will emerge in the second quarter of this year. Besides the 2200+ model, AMD is planning to subsequently release Athlon XP CPUs on this core with ratings 2000+ and 2100+, which will supersede step-by-step old Palominos. According to the preliminary data, Thoroughbred will have no architectural enhancements in comparison with Palomino, besides the new technological process. Working processors with Thoroughbred core will be first presented by AMD at the CeBIT show, which is held in middle of March.
Quelle: Xbitlabs
Quelle: Xbitlabs