schrieb:das sind 2 total verschiedene games, die so ziemlich gsrnichts miteinander zu tun haben.
YES! The package split does not change the fact that Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are part of the same game universe, or the fact that the games are functionally connected. You will access Squadron 42 through the same game client. And your performance in Squadron 42 will still have an impact on your career in the persistent universe, whether you buy both segments together or if you choose to add one further down the line. Finally, you will receive access to Star Citizen’s Arena Commander with the “Squadron 42” pledge to practice your flying skills. We continue to see Squadron 42 and Star Citizen as two modules that make up a larger whole. While we know not everyone enjoys both single and multiplayer games, we would certainly encourage you to try both for the complete Star Citizen experience!
Das nennst Du “ziemlich gar nichts miteinander zu tun”? 😂😂 Sorry, dass Du es so und jetzt erst erfährst
Ergänzung ()
darulaster schrieb:sachliche kritik ist sehr willkommen, aber DAS was er gerade geboten hat, ist schlicht dämliches getrolle.
Du meinst das Zeigen der Tonnen an Problemen in Bildern? Fails und Inkompetenz zu outen ist doch Teil aller großen AAA Threads, und CIG soll davon verschont bleiben, weil Du das doof findest? Ahja