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- Okt. 2007
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- 143
DerkleineGrisu schrieb:Neuer Patch ist raus
wenn man die Fehlerliste anschaut wird das denke ich nicht mal nächste Woche was.
Known Issues
Global chat is unavailable in the visor HUD
Player cannot access almost all Multiplayer game modes across Star Marine and Arena Commander
Players are able to jump out of the window in their habs which allows the players to fall out of the gameworld
When leaving an Exit Spline in some Large Ships, the Ships will not re-enter the Spline correctly and fall towards the Planet without returning control to the Player
Multiple shop doors will not open around Area 18, preventing the player from accessing the stores (currently Cubby Blast and Casaba)
Security scans won't recognize the drugs on board a players ship during the Drug Production run missions
The Ship Hologram / 3D Model will take over 20 seconds to load the first time the Player views one in VMA or the Arena Commander Menus
Turrets around both Lawful and Unlawful UGFs are do not engage and shoot the player's ship
The Area18 nav marker will appear at the central plaza, not the spaceport.
Legally landed ships may be impounded
Multi-Tool in Klescher Prison Commissary does not come with a OreBit mining attachment
If the player exits to menu/disconnects/crashes during the prison load screen transition their load-out will not be changed
Player may get stuck on a loading screen when leaving prison or respawning
Player may get stuck on a prison loading screen if sent back to prison a second time without clearing their crime stat
When going into ADS and crouching / prone you will be unable to see through the optics scope on the Arrowhead or P6-LR
Freelook does not always work properly in turrets
Turrets ignore power setting
Players may fall out of turrets and clip through geometry when exiting them with the female model (Workaround: Avoid choosing the female model for now)
Turret projectiles and fixed weapon fire is slightly desynced so hits may appear to not register but do
Exiting a remote turret from the pilot seat will activate freelook for the pilot. Press Z to deactivate freelook to continue normally
Player will be unable to control the movement of Super Hornet using mouse Controls after Exiting the Remote Turret using Interaction Mode
The Player is unable to Repair Ground Vehicles at Platinum Bay Outposts
Ich befürchte echt das Patch 3.11 noch vor Patch 3.10 raus kommen könnte , da manche Fehler wirklich ein No Go sind.
welche fehler sind denn deiner meinung nach nogos?
sehe da jetzt nichts wirklich gravierendes... nervtötend ja, aber wirklich schlimm?
da fand ich es deutlich schlimmer, dass mich meine freelancer in früheren versionen regelmässig erschlagen hat... 😅