- AT-2 armor is historical according to WG sources (SS: there has been a complaint that the 203mm frontal armor was only on the earliest variant with 2 machineguns)
- there appears to be a bug that you can do damage to the corpses of drowned tanks, Storm will investigate
- small objects causing too much speed loss to tanks will be fixed
- according to SerB, "many" famous people are playing WoT
- Q: "Will there be additional experience for medals?" A: "Stop begging!"
- GW Tiger - the "round" part at its back is considered spaced armor
- China will have a normal premium tank (SS: to replace the Type 59)
- the S-34 gun will not replace the IS-4 top gun, as it has the same ballistic properties as the D-25
- Italian medium branch: "I'll let you know when the time is right"
- regarding the rough primitive undetailed look of the SU-100Y: it looked unrefined in real life too
- in time, clan names and tags will be also changeable for gold, like the nicknames are now
- arty won't be nerfed for now anymore, after tier 10 arty is introduced - "we'll see"
- Q: "Why doesn't Dickermax have additional grousers equipment, when other Panzer IV-based vehicles have them?" A: "Stop begging"
- Q: "Why does Valentine II have about one half of ammo than it historically had?" A: "Stop begging"
- independent suspension is currently being worked on
- second German TD branch will also have some really huge vehicles
- second German MT branch is still being rebalanced
- German guns are doing okay at this moment (no plans to introduce rapid fire guns)
- larger maps (5x5km) for bigger teams (20-25 tanks) are being worked on
- currently, the depression of M4 (1945) guns is okay - if it was bigger (when the turret is turned to the side), the mantled would clip the hull
- AT-15 mantlet armor won't be increased, it's historical apparently