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DayZ - Zombie ArmA II Mod

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BTW. DE56 läuft morgen aus !
dem_lyxs schrieb:

Failed to Load File "DLCSetup\PMC\PMC_Data\Addons\air_pmb.pbo" Decryption of headers failed.

hatte ich, habe PMC deinstalliert, dann daas gleiche mit OA...

was tun?

Installier mal die dlcs neu. Hatte ich auch als ich eine bestehende Installation auf den Server kopiert habe.

Laut BIS forum (googeln) musst du den dlc neu installieren.
Habe bei mir am Server pmc gelöscht da der Server es nicht benötigt
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Setupe completus PLEASE WAIt :DD vielleicht war ja der Admin so freundlich und hat für alle Fahrräder und quads bereitgestellt ? :)
Hey Leute hab wieder nach langer Pause mit DayZ angefangen. Jetzt habe ich überhaupt keinen Überblick wo ich bin.

Weiß vielleicht jemand wo ich hier auf dem Screenshot bin?


Ich bin oben auf so ner art kleinen Burg drauf falls das jemand kennt
Das ist Burg Zub, klick
Da müsste die Burg nördlich von Cherno sein namens "Zub" bei den Koordinaten 064 097.

Ninja Post von SleepyHollow :freaky:
Ist der ComputerBase Server DE56 eigentlich nun gegen Cheats geschützt oder kann man da noch immer mit dem quasi "Wallhack" herumlaufen und durch alle Wälder und Gräser hindurchsehen? :rolleyes:
Highspeed Opi schrieb:
Ist der ComputerBase Server DE56 eigentlich nun gegen Cheats geschützt oder kann man da noch immer mit dem quasi "Wallhack" herumlaufen und durch alle Wälder und Gräser hindurchsehen? :rolleyes:

Der geht morgen offline, ich glaube deine Frage erübrigt sich.
Schade wollte gerade mal in den Server joinen.

War gerade in Electro auf diesem Fabrik Gebäude ganzzzzz oben und was sehe ich da campt da einer mit nem Sturmgewehr rum.

Hab ihn natürlich direkt weg gesneakt :)

Hat jemand Interesse zu weit zu spielen?
Hier wieder ein paar Infos von WarZ:

HUD explained
1. Time and Date. We have universal time/date across all servers, with "starting" date around October 15 2018. Right now day/night cycle is set to be around 4 hours, but we'll be adjusting that during closed beta test to find value that will fit best.

2. You visibility and noise level meters. Faster you move, more visible you're and more noise you're making. Your posture affect your visibility as well.

3. Food and water levels, Health meter, your stamina meter ( only visible when running ) and your blood toxicity meter ( if you got infected ). As you can see I'm really dehydrated right now and I'll be losing health every few seconds if I won't drink something soon.

4. You Primary weapon, melee weapon ( you can have both equipped at same time ) and four of "quick slots" in your backpack. Quick slots are accessible by pressing keys 3,4,5,6 ( default layout ). You can equip any item that can be used on yourself or other players.

5. If you have firearm equipped it'll show how many bullets left in magazine, how many magazines you have, and what current fire mode is ( can be semi auto, 3 burts, full auto - some weapons just have one mode, some have different modes ).

As you can see I'm playing in Hardcore mode so there're now crosshairs on the screen.

UI - Inventory System
I've censored part of the image that contain some debug information.

To get to inventory you can either press hotkey ( 'I' by default ) or by pressing ESC to get to pause menu and selecting "INVENTORY" tab.

Content of the inventory screen depends on type of backpack you're using. You'll start with really small backpack that can only hold 8 unique items. Please note that as you can see some items can be stacked, so lets say if you have 10 magazines for your gun or 10 bandages, they'll take just one slot.

When you'll find new backpack in a world, you'll be able to change your current backpack to new one. Old backpack will become just and object in a world, so you can still carry it in yout backpack ( ie it'll take one slot ) and use for trade or something. When you press CHANGE BACKPACK buutton it'll show you what other backpacks you have in your current backpack or in your global inventory ( this option is only available in Safe settlements ). As you can see I don't have any other backpacks available.

On top part of the screen you see four "hard" slots reserved for certain type of items. Those are slots that shows what's equipped on your character. First slot if for guns, second is for melee weapons, third is for vests, armor ( if you lucky to find one ) and head gear.

Below you see information about weight you currently carry and maximum weight your character can carry. Those numbers doesn't depend on type of backpack you're using - they're depends on your character TRAINING.

Below that are four "hot slots" - ones you see in your quick access bar in HUD.

You can move items between slots by justa dragging and dropping them whereever you want them. If you want to to some action with item you can acees "USE" menu for item by right mouse clicking on items icon.

content of this menu varies between items - as you can see in case of vaccine I can either use it or drop it. Since I have only one vaccine shot, there's no option for "mass drop" - ie if you'll have for example 10 items and want to drop them at one - you'll have special menu option for that.

Skill Trees and Training
Lets talk about how Skill Trees, Training and Experience works.

As you'll be exploring game world, killing zombies ( if you're lucky ) or other players ( if that's what you want ), doing other things in a game, you'll be accumulating Experience Points. You can spend Experience Points to unlock new characters OR to improve your existing characters - TRAIN them.

Training is done by spendin Experience Points to unlock Skill Tree NODES. Each Node will either affect some of your stats, or will lern your character to do new things ( for example learn how to apply bandages more effectively ).

Stats modification are only affecting stats that can be trained in real life - for example your character will be able to sprint for longer time, or he'll be able to carry slightly more weight. But it won't affect stats like your health - after all we don't want to make you super hero. It will affect how fast you can reload gun, but it won't change damage that gun does.

Here's some preliminary design of Skill Tree to give you idea of how it may look like. Please note that nodes have different colors. Each color correspondent to specific AREA of expertise - like Physical training, weapons training , medical skills, survival skills, etc.


Character customization options
When you create your character you'll be able to choose from several available characters, and once you've chosen character you'll be able to select different heads and hairstyles, and styles for lower and upper body parts.

Here's example of one of the female and male characters - while as you can see it features different styles, you can mix and match parts between those characters to create your own unique looking survivor



On top of that you'll be able accessorize your characters with different pieces of head gear ( hats, scary looking masks, googles, etc ) and also if you lucky find vests or custom made armor pieces. Those pieces can be either found in a world, or bought right away in marketplace.

When you start playing game, you'll have couple characters unlocked and available for your use right away. You can unlock more characters AND/OR new skins for those characters by either spending EXPERIENCE points or GOLD COINS.

Here's important difference between those two - experience is something you gain while surviving in a world, killing zombies, exploring world and new locations, helping other player. You can them spend earned experience points to either train your character to learn new skills, or to unlock new characters.

Gold coins on other hand you can only get by either finding them in a world ( very very rare ) or by hunting down special mutant zombies, retrieving their stem cells and sell those stem cells ( that can be used to create anti zombie virus vaccine ) at safe settlement's stores.

So we basically give you two options -one is less risky, but will take longer time to do, or faster one but extremely risky one. Choice is yours.

What is difference between Harcode and Normal gameplay modes ?
When you create new survivor you must select one the two gameplay modes - Normal and Hardcore. Once mode selected and character have been created you won't be able to change play mode.

Both normal and Hardcore characters will be playing on same servers, and there'll be no visual differences between those characters. Ie - you can't say who's playing Hardcore or Normal just by looking on them.

There'll be special servers that are reserved for Hardcore survivors only. Those servers will be exactly same as other public servers, but they will feature spawns of rare weapons and items, not available on "mixed" servers.

There'll be separate leaderboards for Normal and Hardcore characters. This will ensure that players who choose to play in Hardcore mode will be rewarded for their dedication.

Main difference between two modes comes at how death of the character is handled. In both modes when you die, you lose your backpack. But in case of Hardcore mode your death will be also permanent for your character - ie character with all of his stats, etc will be deleted. You'll have to create new character and start from the beginning - spawning at initial zones, with all skills/trainings gone, etc.

Normal characters on other hand will be just put into "lockdown" for certain period of time - we're testing how long it'll be, for now that time is set to 24 hours of real world time. Once "revived" your character will be able to continue to play from approximately same location where he died, all hist skills/stats will remain same.

We're discussing right now if there'll be other differences between those two game modes, and here's list of what we want to try ( but not sure if it'll go into final game or not ) :

Other Hardcore mode features :
- Gain Experience faster
- gun crosshair is not rendered, ie need to use aim mode and real ironsights or optics to aim
- Information about how many bullets left in magazine is not displayed
- slightly different Skill Tree

Marketplace, in game currencies, game economy. Is game Pay 4 win ?
Two most discussed topics we've seen been about Skill Systems and Marketplace. We'll address Skill Trees in our next post, and for right now lets discuss how Marketplace works.

While we understand that idea of having Marketplace in a survival game may looks like evil thing, we've designed it to make sure that it's presence won't introduce unfair advantage to some players. Here's some facts that will help you to understand how Marketplace works :

1) Lets start with fact that none of powerful balance changing items are available in Marketplace - ie you can't buy for example bigger backpacks or guns.

2) Most of the items that are sold in Marketplace are sold for in game currency, that can't be bought using real world money. Ie - before you'll be able to purchase most of the items in Marketplace, you'll have to FIND "dollars" in a game world. so when you start game, you just can't buy anything from Marketplace.

3) Items that are available for Gold Coins ( only currency that you can both obtain by playing game or by buying using real world money ) are mostly cosmetic items like Hats, character appearance customizations, things like chem lights, flares, etc - ie something that can enhance your visual game experience, but will not give you advantage in a game world. There're very few items that sold for GC that are equivalent to items that can be found in a game world, but they are not adding any disbalance to the game ( yes, yes we've checked ).

4) Marketplace doesn't offer some rare items, that can only be found in a game world.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich werde irgendwie ständig gekickt "Battleeye failed to Update".
Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich das Problem beheben kann ?
sieht langweilig aus
Interessante Infos, hier noch ein paar Pics zum momentanen Stand der Grafik, sofern es nicht mit Photoshop erstellt / überarbeitet ist. Bin mir da bei manchen Bildern nicht so sicher ... gerade wenn man den ersten (neueren) Screen mit den anderen vergleicht.











Hmmm. 24h Lockdown wenn man stirbt? Super, dann werd ich Newbies farmen .....
Stellt euch das vor. Stundenlanges Downloaden, einsteigen, BAEMMMMMM tot durch Sniper, erstmal 24h warten. :lol::
Man hat ja mehrere Chars.
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