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- Aug. 2004
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Raptor85 schrieb:Ah... ja! Der Gamer an sich wird dümmer und aggressiver und deswegen darf man ihn nicht zu sehr fordern, weil er sonst ausflippt.
Naja, siehst, genau solche Ansichten sind halt Quatsch und total überpolemisiert. Die Entscheidung von Blizzard hat damit absolut nichts zu tun. Von einem Design-Standpunkt aus haben sie entschieden, dass das aktuelle Skill- und Runensystem für das Spiel, wie sie es konzipiert haben, besser ist und mehr ihrer Entwicklerphilosophie entspricht. Es gib hinreichend seriöse Erklärungen seitens Blizzard, die du gerne raussuchen kannst und dich da reinlesen kannst und dir überlegen kannst ob du ihnen nicht doch zustimmst.
Kannst gleich mal damit anfangen.
Also ein User schrieb: "D3 has been stripped of all character development choices. Thus any pride you take in developing your character (either min/max or non-) is gone."
Darauf Bashiok, der damit auf das respeccen ingame eingeht: "It has exactly the same character development choices it's always had, so that clearly can't be true.
What's changed? Well, let's throw away 'permanent choice'. I can argue against permanent choice and then you back down and say "No no, it doesn't need to be permanent, just meaningful, like some price to respec". So let's focus on that...
What about a cost to respec makes the character development choices more meaningful? I mean actually meaningful and not just restrictive? You can say that making it difficult to change them makes them more meaningful, but that's a logical fallacy. If I could, with the wave of a magic car wand, have any car in the world that I wanted, would that reduce the importance of the one I choose? I may enjoy some cars more than others, I may like their physical appearances, I may prefer one over another for performance reasons, but does that make my choice less impactful? Furthermore does it feel good to realize "Actually I don't like this car, can I choose a different one?" and being charged to do so (or told no in the case of permanence).
Why is my ability to choose what I want, when I want, a devaluation of the personal decisions that I make? They're my decisions. They're personal. I can choose a build because I love one specific skill and my build is based to support that one skill. How does it devalue that, my choice, if I can then decide I don't like it any more, and try something else? Why do I need to be punished to enjoy the game?
This is, as always, discounting itemization as a meaningful form of character customization."
Hier ist der Blue-Tracker von diablo-fans. du kannst gerne nach hinten blättern und schauen wo die Blauen wegen des Skill und Runensystems geschrieben haben.
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