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Diablo Diablo 3 [Sammelthread]

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Ich kann mal wieder nix ins Auktionshaus reinstellen, klasse... :freak:
OMG... Das wird... EPISCH :king:

Puzzle Ring (Ring) - This ring gives heroes a chance to summon a Treasure Goblin when they’re hit. The tooltip will be something along the lines of: "This ring sometimes calls forth a Treasure Goblin when you are hit."

…I bet that will prove to be entertaining during a boss fight. ;)
Quelle: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/6352745857#4
Kann mir jemand sagen, welche Items alle Disziplin haben? Lvl ist egal und Koecher,Handarmbrust, Umhang ist logisch.
Geht mir da also um die Legendarys. Stein von Jordan, Hoellenkatzenhueftgurt und Frostbrand Panzerhandschuhe sind mir bereits bekannt.
Puzzle Ring (Ring) - This ring gives heroes a chance to summon a Treasure Goblin when they’re hit. The tooltip will be something along the lines of: "This ring sometimes calls forth a Treasure Goblin when you are hit."

…I bet that will prove to be entertaining during a boss fight.

Sorry, mein Englisch ist nicht so gut. Aber nach dem was ich verstanden hab, soll es heißen das, wenn man getroffen wird. ein Goblin "entspringen" soll? Hab ich das soweit richtig verstanden?
EliteSoldier schrieb:
Sorry, mein Englisch ist nicht so gut. Aber nach dem was ich verstanden hab, soll es heißen das, wenn man getroffen wird. ein Goblin "entspringen" soll? Hab ich das soweit richtig verstanden?

Meins ist auch leider nur naja, aber habe das so ähnlich verstanden wie du :)
Etwa so:

Puzzle Ring (Ring) - This ring gives heroes a chance to summon a Treasure Goblin when they’re hit. The tooltip will be something along the lines of: "This ring sometimes calls forth a Treasure Goblin when you are hit."

…I bet that will prove to be entertaining during a boss fight.

Puzzle Ring (Ring) - Dieser Ring gibt Helden die Chance einen Schatzgoblin herbei zu rufen, wenn sie getroffen werden. Der Tooltip wird etwas ähnliches enthalten wie: "Dieser Ring ruft manchmal einen Schatzgoblin herbei wenn Du getroffen wirst."
Ich stelle mir diesen Ring gerade in ner 4er Gruppe vor und jeder hat einen an :lol:
Balance bei den Legendarys sieht jedenfalls anders aus, die sind ja eher Overpowered. Ich mein, auf einer Waffe fast 200% Crit und Sockel? Und dann noch die Goblins? Nach dem die Goblins erst generft wurden? Blizzard? Hallo?
Wie es wurden Goblins generft ? In wie fern ? Habe ich was verpasst in meiner Diablo 3 spielfreier Wochen ?

Da die 2 Handwaffen sinnlos waren, ist es genau richtig , dass die nun attraktiver werden ! Hast zwar 200 Crit und sockel, aber dafür halt kein Schild mehr.

Mit 2 Einhand Waffen kannst du auf 400 Crit kommen, da beschwert sich doch auch niemand !
Seh ich genauso. Am besten so wie sie jetzt werden sollen und 2 Sockel! :D

Dann kannste da auch auf 400% kommen ;)
Jap. Früher war zum Beispiel immer ein Goblin in Alt Tristram. Da is keiner mehr. Dafür gibt es an anderen Stellen noch genügend...
Bin ja mal gespannt, ob sich das Gerücht mit den "Paragon Levels" bewahrheitet. Man würde dann wohl MF separat leveln. Schaun mer mal...


However, the page seems to be down at the moment, so I grabbed the transcript from google's cached page (which still allows you to watch the video of the interview).

IncGamers: You are very well known in the world of ARPGs, and I am going to ask you, Diablo 3 is probably the most anticipated PC title in 10 years. What’s your opinion on the final product?

David Brevik: Honestly, I think that they did a lot of the things the best they could, it was a very different game than I would have created, the team and personalities, the people, the talent and all the design philosophies of the people that worked on it in Irvine, we called them Blizzard South, those people have their own style and the their own way they like to design. It was very, very different from the Blizzard North.

So I think that when Blizzard South took over the development of Diablo 3 it was inevitable that they were going to create an experience that was in the Diablo theme but concentrated more towards the things that they liked to experience. Including more story and things like that.

When Blizzard North shut down they lost a ton of experience with why the Action RPG works and what about it works. That’s really difficult to recover from. They didn’t have the experience of people that knew it well. This is why you do things with random levels for example, and so when you lose that experience you are going to create a very different experience in the end than we would have created.

IncGamers: Do you think they bought the wrong people in? As we understand, Jay Wilson, for example, his background was RTS. From our point of view it looked like they misunderstood what kept people playing, The type of loot drops, which has been a big issues. One of the other issues is they have not listened to their community, and they have not anlaysed what makes up that addictive Diablo experience. What are your thoughts on that?

David Brevik: Well, the loot system. They made some decisions with the loot system that were very different than the way that we did it in Diablo 2 and I think that obviously the community has been upset with some of the decisions they made. Having all of your powers work off your main weapon and things like that, to having blues that are more powerful than yellows. Eventually the auction house and how that worked, even something as simple as when you equip an item and it’s bound to your character permanently would have totally changed the dynamic of the game.

It seems odd that they have not really responded in a quick fashion to some of these things. I think they are very well aware of the problems at this point and are trying to fix some of this stuff. It’s a shame that they had to learn some of these painful lessons

IncGamers: As you created Diablo, how do you feel about it? Do you feel a little let down that the legacy has kind of been mashed up?

David Brevik: I have very mixed emotions about it (laughs). On one hand I am sad that people haven’t enjoyed Diablo because it’s a love, a passion, and its obvious people still have a giant love and passion for Diablo and they are speaking out about it because they have such love for it. That makes me feel great.

I am sad because people are outraged and, you know, some of the decision they have made are not the decisions I would make and there have been changes in philosophy and that hasn’t gone over very well. I think in that way I am a little sad.

I am also a little happy, which I hate to say, it shows that the people that were involved in Diablo really did matter, and so I am happy that it has come to light that how talented that group was and how unique and special that group was. I am hoping that, as this happens very often in the industry, you see it with Call of Duty and things like that , when the people leave the game changes and it shows how critical people are in this industry.

IncGamers: One of the questions the Gazillion guys asked me to ask you was, where did the name Diablo come from?

David Brevik: I thought of the game when I was in high school and I lived in the east part of San Francisco in a town called Danville and I loved at the base of Mount Diablo and that’s where the name comes from. Once I found out what the mountain name was, I thought that was awesome, I didn’t speak Spanish, so I thought I wanted to use that as a title for a nemesis in a videogame. It’s simply from where I lived.

IncGamers: Well thanks a lot David, you’ve brought a lot of pleasure to millions of people over the years and hopefully you’ll continue to do so.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Der HC Modus ist für mich gestorben. Es kann doch nicht sein, dass man durch Fehler seitens Blizzard sterben muss. Erst gerade war ich in Akt I Inferno mit meinem Barbaren auf den Feldern des Elends unterwegs und plötzlich bewegten sich meine Begleiter nichtmehr, ich schon, keine Monster waren vorhanden und 10sec später wird mir angezeigt, dass ich gestorben sei :grr:
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