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Da konnte ich zwischen T1 und T3 zumindest keine Unterschiede feststellen. Bisher waren die Drops aus T1 sogar besser. Die Häufigkeit steigt gefühlt aber, bei XP und Gold ist es ja klar.
Ich bin auch für alles andere ebenfalls zu haben was para Erfahrung und/oder legs gibt ... also lass uns einfach nachher mal online treffen und dann schauen wir was am besten ist.
@nik: aber die spinnenhöhle stinkt.
Und bringt die ebenso viel xp?
Ich mein in bastion 2 ist doch auch (fast) immer ne Kiste. Kann mich nicht erinnern, dass da mal keine war. Aber bringt die auch die extra xp?
naja 2,8mio xp für die quest alleine auf t1 + die xp von den mobs (meist mehr als 100) ist halt schon ne menge. es geht halt um den faktor xp/zeit und da ist die kiste glaube ich immer noch weit vor allem anderen.
Wens interessiert: auf diablofans.com wurden grad n paar Builds für alle Klassen gepostet. Davon dürften nicht alle bekannt sein und sehen teils interssant aus, falls jmd testen will
Ich les im Thread hier relativ viele Monkanfragen, bissl Sorc, ganz wenig Barb. WD ist doch auch noch spielbar, fragt da keiner nach oder hab ich was überlesen? Da gibt's auch schon 2 Builds (ohne jetzt bei diablofans nachgeschaut zu haben). Und ist DH immer noch broken oder nun langsam spielbar?
Wens interessiert: auf diablofans.com wurden grad n paar Builds für alle Klassen gepostet. Davon dürften nicht alle bekannt sein und sehen teils interssant aus, falls jmd testen will
Way of Hundred Fists: Hands of Lightning. - This Spirit generator is the fastest attack speed out of all of them, it works very well with Cyclone Strike since the massive damage comes on the 2nd attack rather than the third and if you dont spend spirit on anything but Cyclone Strike you tend to only get around 2 hits off before you got another Cyclone Strike available, there is also the mantra to be considered but I prefer to use the mantra on Single Target. I suggest you using Shift+Attack to make sure you dont move around too much while you do damage.
Dashing Strike - Quicksilver - This spell is amazing mobility, It gets you faster from point A to B. you can now use it to get through walls but what is the best use of this spell? position yourself in fights, you can now Dash to the middle of the monster pack and start cyclone spamming or get yourself out of a tricky situation with Frozen or one of the new Affixes, they hurt!
Serenity - Unwelcomed Disturbance - I cant live without this spell, it makes you immune for 3 seconds and you cannot be crowd controlled while in effect. It has saved me more times than I can think of and I chose the rune for more damage, Ascension is a good other option to be immune for another second. Both are very good.
Sweeping Wind - Bladestorm - It was a choice between Bladestorm and Cyclone. My crit chance is slightly low tho (35%) So the bladestorm is by far a better choice for me. If you are rocking 50%+ crit I think the Cyclone rune is a better choice. It's strong passive damage no less and thats why i've chose to use it.
Cyclone Strike - Soothing Breeze - Why would I use this rune? Well I am using the Guiding Light passive and together with the ability being a strong AoE spell and generally good for both group and single play its just wonderful and beats the extra damage (by going Sunburst) and you dont really need the extra range by Implosion.
Mantra of Conviction - Overawe - This is still the best Mantra and I love the Rune. 16% damage PASSIVELY. I dont even feel the need to use the active. The passive is so good on its own and I can use my spirit to spam Cyclone Strike rather. Only time I would use the Active is on a single target.
Seize the Initiative - With the amount of Dexterity on gear you will be getting by crafting and/or self-found new gear this passive very legit. Other passive to be considered is One with Everything if you are very low on All Resist.
Resolve - Just overall strong. Nothing much to add, a -20% damage to everything you hit (considering you are in the middle and doing damage to everything makes this very good)
Guiding Light - This is a passive few are using to full extent. Together with the heal from Cyclone Strike rune I am getting up to 50k extra DPS. It is really strong. The heal on cyclone strike rune gets higher with increased health from Health Globes stat and therefor it will be increasing the damage from Guiding Light. Right now my gear does not have much health globe stat so im only getting around 15-20% use of the potential 30% I could be getting. I really have taken a like to this passive with the new patch tho since you do need a good healing source. -Best part of this passive is that it works for everyone in the group whenever you heal a team mate they also get the damage buff !
Paragon levels:
Core: I put all my points into Vitality.
Offense: Critical Hit damage increases your overall DPS the most.
Defense: Resist All gives the most use of your pointers.
Utility: I would suggest Life on Hit for most players UNLESS you already have a good source of Life on hit by gear. I suggest around 1000 life on hit, then you can drop the points in Life on Hit in Utility and go for Area Damage wich is a very solid DPS increase.
Lol; der Wizz-Build auf diablofans ist 1:1 der Build mit dem ich rumrenne. ^^
Funktioniert extrem gut. T6 wird zum Kinderspiel Allerdings sind ~15 ApoC und hohe CritChance absolute Pflicht...
@ aklaa
Du kannst dir ja recht easy selber welche craften. Siehe meine Armschienen z.B.:
Zwar nur 13% ColdDamage; aber es kann auch bis 15% rollen