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Diablo III [Sammelthread Teil 6]
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Da das deutsche D3 Forum mehr oder weniger tot ist, frag ich einfach hier nochmal und verlinke meinen bisherigen Originalthread: http://eu.battle.net/d3/de/forum/topic/13901870840
139000198103 schrieb:Ich würde gerne genauer wissen, wie sich der Ansturmschaden berechnet, und zwar unter Einsatz der üblichen Item und unter Nichtberücksichtung allgemeinschadenssteigernder Werte (Stärke, % Ele-Dmg). Die Frage ist, welche Werte wirken additiv und welche multiplikativ?
Konkret geht es dabei um folgende Faktoren:
Abscheuschutz / Vile Ward Fähigkeit
Primär-Affix "Erhöht den Schaden von X um Y%
Raekor 2er Setbonus +100% Schaden hinzufügen
Dabei möchte ich wissen:
1) Wirkt der Abscheuschutz Bonus schon beim ersten betroffenen Gegner oder erst danach?
2) Ausgangslage: 1050% Rammbock. Zwei Gegner ("Erster", "Zweiter"). Zwei mal Primär-Affix mit 15% Wütender Ansturm und Abscheuschutz mit 30% Bonus. Wir ignorieren zur Berechnung den Setbonus. Mit wieviel % wird der Gegner nun getroffen? Sind es bei Erster (1050%+30%)*1,30, bei Zweiter ...*1,6 (bzw. 1,0 und 1,3 wenn Frage 1 negativ beantwortet wird) oder ist es 1050%*1,3*1,3 (bzw. 1.0 siehe Frage 1) für Erster?
3) Auf welchen (un)modifizierten Wert wirkt der 2er Setbonus vom Raekor? Wirkt er auf die 1050% Rammbock-Rune (d.h. dann 2100%) oder Rammbock+Primär-Affixe oder Rammbo+Abscheuschutz (siehe Frage 1) oder Rammbock+Primär-Affixe+Abschuschutz?
Lt. Commander
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fritte76 schrieb:Das ist definitiv nicht zu empfehlen. Sollte man sich 2 Varianten vorhalten. Oder gleich 2 CHARS.
Ergänzung ()
In meiner Signatur sieht man noch "meine" Grift Variante bei Hades oben die T6 Version die sieht bei mir nicht anders aus. Nur benutze ich noch Chilaniks Kette statt GS.
noch viel lernen ich muss...
Das kommt davon wenn man es sich einfach hällt.
Vice Admiral
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Das hilft jetzt zwar nicht wirklich direkt weiter, aber hast du mal im US Forum geschaut ? Da findet man wenn so was eher. Zum Marodeur DH oder WW Barb gibt es dort massig solche Informationen. Ich vermute mal zum Raekors Barb wird man dort auch fündig werden. Ansonsten muss ich dort selbst schauen um das komplett richtig beantworten zu können.
Das hilft jetzt zwar nicht wirklich direkt weiter, aber hast du mal im US Forum geschaut ? Da findet man wenn so was eher. Zum Marodeur DH oder WW Barb gibt es dort massig solche Informationen. Ich vermute mal zum Raekors Barb wird man dort auch fündig werden. Ansonsten muss ich dort selbst schauen um das komplett richtig beantworten zu können.
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Lt. Commander
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@ Drullo321 ....welche Konsequenz hat die Beantwortung für dich..?
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Ich kann mein Equip in einigen Teilen besser anpassen, ggf. rerollen wenn ich der Meinung bin, ein anderes Affix ist (für mich) sinnvoller. Wenn z.Bsp. das normale +% Skilldmg Affix additiv ist, roll ich es weg auf bestimmten Attributen, aber ggf. wiederum nicht wenn es in bestimmter Weise mit anderen Faktoren zusammenwirkt, siehe oben.
Vice Admiral
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Kann das jetzt nicht alles lesen es gibt aber Seitenweise Material und Google Dokumente + Videos dort.
Das sollte die Fragen beantworten https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JSSnxw2LqdnUi8dvbAVzda7U3HJz-Hm3L0l9qHPZb2E/pubhtml
Kann das jetzt nicht alles lesen es gibt aber Seitenweise Material und Google Dokumente + Videos dort.
Das sollte die Fragen beantworten https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JSSnxw2LqdnUi8dvbAVzda7U3HJz-Hm3L0l9qHPZb2E/pubhtml
1.1. Regular Damage Multipliers - Chart in the spreadsheet - Link 1
The first part, for most experienced Barb players, is relatively trivial. Learn which stats are multiplicative and which are additive.
Most important bonus to highlight in that list is the Vile Ward bonus, which is multiplicative to the rest. So %fc bonus on shoulders does its job together with VWs, but is still in the dibs (damage increased by skills) category. Which again is the second most important part to look at: dibs can be treacherous: even though if ingame it says 20% damage, it rarely is!
Thus, as an example: 15%fc on shoulders (dibs) effectively, if you are running for example Berserker Rage, Brawler and Battle Rage (25%+20%+10% dibs), is “only” 9,7% more dmg even though it reads 15% (and even less if you use HighCDR WotB:Insanity). BUT, since VW bonus is separate, at least those 9,7% are “true” 9,7% more dmg, and will not get further watered down (a misconception many still have, that VW bonus is inside dibs, which would render every dibs bonus instantly insignificant).
These certainly are not all aspects to discuss regarding the regular damage multipliers, but those others will get discussed in Gems/Passives later.
1.2. AOE Damage Multiplication - Chart in the spreadsheet - Link 1
This chart is for factoring in the effect that the VW bonus in combination with BR:bloodshed and the +%area damage affix (AD) have on your total AOE damage output, considering your CHC, CHD, +%elemental damage, +%elite damage and +%AD.
Most important part here, is the basic multiplication of your damage by increasing the amount of targets that you group together when charging, in which case
a) All targets get hit by ever increasing amounts of bloodshed and area damage procs
b) VW’s ever increasing bonus activates for all targets simultaneously and gets spread via AD and bloodshed (if they are clumped up tightly enough).
This (in a typical fire solo setup, phys aoe setup has slightly higher ratios) translates into:
-Going from 5 to 10 targets, you multiply your damage by 2.66
-Going from 10 to 15 targets, you multiply your damage by 1.92 again
-Going from 15 to 20 targets, you multiply your damage by 1.64 again
What this basically means: if you ever stop collecting mobs and just fight what you have in front of you, you lose most of your true damage potential as a VC Barb.
In higher 30s/lower 40s grifts, this translates into:
- It is ok to fight a blue pack at the exit of a level.
- It is usually not good though to fight a yellow pack at the end of a level, even if you can get a few white mobs in, though if CotA CD is available, you can consider it, but only if the mob type is a low HP type.
- You should generally consider it bad to fight less than 10 mobs, except if you can finish an almost dead elite/blue off.
- Thus, you should always try to drag mobs with you and only stay to fight if you cannot drag any more due to the map and have enough mobs to warrant a fight, but as soon as the target count drops you should consider moving on. Killing off a blue pack is ok, killing off a sinlge yellow pack, again, usually not so much.
- If you cannot drag yellow mobs, you can consider dragging blue packs and/or other yellows to them, or lure them to follow you. You CAN consider it. But should usually only rarely actually do it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Lt. Commander
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- Feb. 2006
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Thx fritte. ....Jup erklärt alles.....
ab 8min geht's los
Ist nur PTR, aber...Holy moly! Da ist Raekor Barb ja eine Trantüte gegen
ab 8min geht's los
Ist nur PTR, aber...Holy moly! Da ist Raekor Barb ja eine Trantüte gegen

Lt. Commander
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- Feb. 2006
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@ol_baid...jo schaut nice aus....bin mal gespannt ob es einen funktionierenden build für magier geben wird oder auch mal wieder wd....die werden schon so bissl vernachlässigt, oder..?!
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- Aug. 2008
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ein bissl?
der wd ist total kaputt derzeit... das was einen klassischen wd als nachfolger des necros ausmacht, nämlich der pet wd ist total unbrauchbar.
und die sorc mit blizzard /hydra skillung ist vom gameplay auch nicht gerade der knaller - wenn ich da an lod denke... orb, feuerwand / feuerball, hydra, lightning-nova ... war alles spielbar... hier gibts gefühlt für jede int klasse maximal einen spielbaren build.
der wd ist total kaputt derzeit... das was einen klassischen wd als nachfolger des necros ausmacht, nämlich der pet wd ist total unbrauchbar.
und die sorc mit blizzard /hydra skillung ist vom gameplay auch nicht gerade der knaller - wenn ich da an lod denke... orb, feuerwand / feuerball, hydra, lightning-nova ... war alles spielbar... hier gibts gefühlt für jede int klasse maximal einen spielbaren build.
appendizitis schrieb:bin mal gespannt ob es einen funktionierenden build für magier geben wird...
also am ptr dürfte die sorc mit dem neuen tal rasha set ziemlich gut abgehn! von 20mrd hits ist da die rede

habs selber aber nicht getestet und ob es so bleibt ist natürlich auch die frage...
@ol_baid: sieht spassig aus! erinnert mich optisch ein wenig an die holy shotgun
Rear Admiral
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- März 2014
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Naja, noch ist 2.2 nicht raus und wir kennen das doch.
Neuer Patch = 1 neuer Imba Build.
Dann bleibt es aber auch bei einem Build weiterhin für jede Klasse.
Mehr als 1-2 gleichwertige Builds pro Klasse, sprich Tal-Rasha oder Firebird ermöglichen GRIFT 50+? Fehlanzeige!
Das Nerfen die schon zurecht.
Lege keine große Hoffnung das Blizzard bei Diablo 3 jemals Build Diversity erreicht.
Neuer Patch = 1 neuer Imba Build.
Dann bleibt es aber auch bei einem Build weiterhin für jede Klasse.
Mehr als 1-2 gleichwertige Builds pro Klasse, sprich Tal-Rasha oder Firebird ermöglichen GRIFT 50+? Fehlanzeige!
Das Nerfen die schon zurecht.
Lege keine große Hoffnung das Blizzard bei Diablo 3 jemals Build Diversity erreicht.
Die neuen Buffs werden bestimmt nicht in voller Höhe übernommenen. Beim Cruz und Roland werden aus den 500% bestimmt 1xx, zusammen mit neuen Legs mit CDR Wirkung kann sich trotzdem eine Alternative zu Akkhans auftun. Bei den anderen Klassen bin ich nicht so im Bilde ...
Lt. Commander
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Neuer Ptr Patch:
Bul Kathos's Oath 2 pieces: No longer gives STR and +10 Max Fury, and no longer randomly casts Whirlwind. Now during Whirlwind you gain 30% increased attack speed and movement speed, and passively increases Fury Generation by 10.
Natalya's Vengeance 2 pieces: No longer gives DEX and +10 Max Discipline. Now reduces the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance by 1 second each time you cast a primary skill and by 2 seconds each time you cast a Hatred spender.
Natalya's Vengeance 4 pieces: No longer reduces the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance. Now Rain of Vengeance deals 100% increased damage.
Natalya's Vengeance 6 pieces: No longer increases Rain of Vengeance damage by 800%. Now after casting Rain of Vengeance, deal 400% increased damage and take 30% reduced damage for 5 seconds.
Immortal King's Call 4 pieces: No longer makes Ancients deal 600% weapon damage in an area. Now reduces the cooldown of Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients by 3 seconds for every 10 Fury spent.
Immortal King's Call 6 pieces: No longer increases Wrath of the Berserker duration when Ancients deal damage. Now increases damage by 500% while both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active.
Tal Rasha's Elements 6 pieces: Attacks increase your damage by 175% (up from 75%) for 6 (up from 3) seconds. Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning attacks each add one stack. Adding a stack refreshes the duration.
Zunimassa's Haunt 2 pieces: No longer gives +INT and +30 Mana per kill. Now makes your Fetish Army last until they die.
Zunimassa's Haunt 3 pieces: Seems to have been removed.
Zunimassa's Haunt 4 pieces: No longer makes Fetish Army last until they die (this is now a 2p bonus). Now you and your pets take 2% less damage for every Fetish you have alive.
Zunimassa's Haunt 6 pieces: Now enemies hit by your Mana spenders take 150% (up from 100%) more damage from your pets for 4 seconds.
Raiment of the Jade Harvester 2 pieces: No longer gives +INT. Now: When Haunt lands on an enemy already affected by Haunt, it instantly deals 5 seconds worth of Haunt damage.
Raiment of the Jade Harvester 4 pieces: No longer increases Mana Regeneration. Now gives Soul Harvest the effect of every rune.
Firebird's Finery 4 pieces: Now works with all Fire spells (instead of only Signature Fire Spells) and makes the explosion deal 400% (up from 250%) weapon damage.
Bastions of Will 2 pieces: No longer increases damage based on how much resource you have. Now after casting a resource-generating attack or primary skill, deal 50% increased damage for 5 seconds.
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 4 pieces: No longer increases the damage of Dashing Strike. Now Dashing Strike spends 50 Spirit, but refunds a Charge when it does.
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 6 pieces: No longer refunds the charge cost of Dashing Strike for 50 spirit. Now Spirit Generators increase the weapon damage of Dashing Strike to 8750% (up from 5000%)for 3 seconds.
Wrath of the Wastes 2 pieces: No longer increases Rend damage by 400%. Now increases the damage of Rend by 500% and its duration to 15 seconds.
Wrath of the Wastes 4 pieces: No longer increases Rend duration. Now during Whirlwind you gain 40% damage reduction.
Wrath of the Wastes 6 pieces: No longer increases Whirlwind damage. Now Whirlwind gains the effect of the Dust Devils rune and Dust Devils damage is increased to 2500% weapon damage.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 2 pieces: Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse reduces the cooldown of Slow Time by 2 (up from 1) seconds.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 4 pieces: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 2000% (up from 1250%) weapon damage every second.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 6 pieces: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 750% (up from 500%) more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulse abilities.
Unhallowed Essence 4 pieces: Gain 20% (down from 40%) damage reduction and deal 20% increased damage (added) for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you.
Unhallowed Essence 6 pieces: Your generators and Multishot deal 15% (up from 10%) increased damage for every point of Discipline you have.
Skill Changes
Call of the Ancients
Duty to the Clan : The Ancients' damage is now Cold (from Lightning).
Smoke Screen Cooldown: 1.5 (down from 3) seconds / Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Vanishing Powder : Remove the Discipline cost but increase the cooldown to 6 (down from 8) seconds.
Rain of Vengeance
Anathema : Deals damage over 2 (down from 5) seconds.
Flying Strike : Deals damage over 4 (down from 5) seconds.
Stampede : Deals damage over 3 (down from 6) seconds.
Serenity Cooldown: 16 (down from 20) seconds. Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Summon Zombie Dogs
Chilled to the Bone (from Final Gift) : Enemies who hit or are hit by your Zombie Dogs are Chilled for 2 seconds and take 10% increased damage from all sources (reworked from dropping health globes).
Consuming Spirit : The spirit returns 4291 (up from 2682) Life per second. Now deals Fire damage.
Jinx : Increases the magnitude of the hex to 20% additional damage. (rewording)
Soul Harvest
Languish : Increase your Armor by 30% (added) and reduce the movement speed of harvested enemies by 80% for 5 seconds. (no longer reduces enemy attack speed)
Spirit Walk Cooldown: 12 (down from 15) seconds. Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Slow Time
Point of No Return : Enemies that enter or leave the Slow Time area are stunned for 3 seconds (up from 1).
Laws of Hope Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Empower the Law, surrounding you and your allies in a shield for 5 (up from 3) seconds that absorbs up to 124128 damage.
Promise of Faith (from Stop Time): Active: Empowering the Law also reduces all non-Physical damage taken by 25% (reworked from pausing health loss).
Rest gibts auf diablofans.com
Gibt wohl auch nen CowLevel ....
Bul Kathos's Oath 2 pieces: No longer gives STR and +10 Max Fury, and no longer randomly casts Whirlwind. Now during Whirlwind you gain 30% increased attack speed and movement speed, and passively increases Fury Generation by 10.
Natalya's Vengeance 2 pieces: No longer gives DEX and +10 Max Discipline. Now reduces the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance by 1 second each time you cast a primary skill and by 2 seconds each time you cast a Hatred spender.
Natalya's Vengeance 4 pieces: No longer reduces the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance. Now Rain of Vengeance deals 100% increased damage.
Natalya's Vengeance 6 pieces: No longer increases Rain of Vengeance damage by 800%. Now after casting Rain of Vengeance, deal 400% increased damage and take 30% reduced damage for 5 seconds.
Immortal King's Call 4 pieces: No longer makes Ancients deal 600% weapon damage in an area. Now reduces the cooldown of Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients by 3 seconds for every 10 Fury spent.
Immortal King's Call 6 pieces: No longer increases Wrath of the Berserker duration when Ancients deal damage. Now increases damage by 500% while both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active.
Tal Rasha's Elements 6 pieces: Attacks increase your damage by 175% (up from 75%) for 6 (up from 3) seconds. Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning attacks each add one stack. Adding a stack refreshes the duration.
Zunimassa's Haunt 2 pieces: No longer gives +INT and +30 Mana per kill. Now makes your Fetish Army last until they die.
Zunimassa's Haunt 3 pieces: Seems to have been removed.
Zunimassa's Haunt 4 pieces: No longer makes Fetish Army last until they die (this is now a 2p bonus). Now you and your pets take 2% less damage for every Fetish you have alive.
Zunimassa's Haunt 6 pieces: Now enemies hit by your Mana spenders take 150% (up from 100%) more damage from your pets for 4 seconds.
Raiment of the Jade Harvester 2 pieces: No longer gives +INT. Now: When Haunt lands on an enemy already affected by Haunt, it instantly deals 5 seconds worth of Haunt damage.
Raiment of the Jade Harvester 4 pieces: No longer increases Mana Regeneration. Now gives Soul Harvest the effect of every rune.
Firebird's Finery 4 pieces: Now works with all Fire spells (instead of only Signature Fire Spells) and makes the explosion deal 400% (up from 250%) weapon damage.
Bastions of Will 2 pieces: No longer increases damage based on how much resource you have. Now after casting a resource-generating attack or primary skill, deal 50% increased damage for 5 seconds.
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 4 pieces: No longer increases the damage of Dashing Strike. Now Dashing Strike spends 50 Spirit, but refunds a Charge when it does.
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 6 pieces: No longer refunds the charge cost of Dashing Strike for 50 spirit. Now Spirit Generators increase the weapon damage of Dashing Strike to 8750% (up from 5000%)for 3 seconds.
Wrath of the Wastes 2 pieces: No longer increases Rend damage by 400%. Now increases the damage of Rend by 500% and its duration to 15 seconds.
Wrath of the Wastes 4 pieces: No longer increases Rend duration. Now during Whirlwind you gain 40% damage reduction.
Wrath of the Wastes 6 pieces: No longer increases Whirlwind damage. Now Whirlwind gains the effect of the Dust Devils rune and Dust Devils damage is increased to 2500% weapon damage.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 2 pieces: Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse reduces the cooldown of Slow Time by 2 (up from 1) seconds.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 4 pieces: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 2000% (up from 1250%) weapon damage every second.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 6 pieces: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 750% (up from 500%) more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulse abilities.
Unhallowed Essence 4 pieces: Gain 20% (down from 40%) damage reduction and deal 20% increased damage (added) for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you.
Unhallowed Essence 6 pieces: Your generators and Multishot deal 15% (up from 10%) increased damage for every point of Discipline you have.
Skill Changes
Call of the Ancients
Duty to the Clan : The Ancients' damage is now Cold (from Lightning).
Smoke Screen Cooldown: 1.5 (down from 3) seconds / Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Vanishing Powder : Remove the Discipline cost but increase the cooldown to 6 (down from 8) seconds.
Rain of Vengeance
Anathema : Deals damage over 2 (down from 5) seconds.
Flying Strike : Deals damage over 4 (down from 5) seconds.
Stampede : Deals damage over 3 (down from 6) seconds.
Serenity Cooldown: 16 (down from 20) seconds. Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Summon Zombie Dogs
Chilled to the Bone (from Final Gift) : Enemies who hit or are hit by your Zombie Dogs are Chilled for 2 seconds and take 10% increased damage from all sources (reworked from dropping health globes).
Consuming Spirit : The spirit returns 4291 (up from 2682) Life per second. Now deals Fire damage.
Jinx : Increases the magnitude of the hex to 20% additional damage. (rewording)
Soul Harvest
Languish : Increase your Armor by 30% (added) and reduce the movement speed of harvested enemies by 80% for 5 seconds. (no longer reduces enemy attack speed)
Spirit Walk Cooldown: 12 (down from 15) seconds. Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Slow Time
Point of No Return : Enemies that enter or leave the Slow Time area are stunned for 3 seconds (up from 1).
Laws of Hope Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Empower the Law, surrounding you and your allies in a shield for 5 (up from 3) seconds that absorbs up to 124128 damage.
Promise of Faith (from Stop Time): Active: Empowering the Law also reduces all non-Physical damage taken by 25% (reworked from pausing health loss).
Rest gibts auf diablofans.com
Gibt wohl auch nen CowLevel ....
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Da fehlt aber einiges valis, Bloodshardincrease abhängig vom Solo GR, Bounties, Leg Pot, Leg Gems...
Hier der komplette Auszug, unformatiert
1. Data Mining Information
2.1 Offizielle PTR Patchnotes
Kann bitte jemand einen Beitrag schreiben, damit ich den Rest kopieren kann? Zeichenbegrenzung ist erreicht :\
Hier der komplette Auszug, unformatiert
1. Data Mining Information
Cow Level!
Minimap Icon -
Totally Not A Cow Level
Easter_Egg_World_Buff_0_desc: We are willing to concede that there may or may not be a cow level...
p2_TotallyNotACowLevel_Portal: Leads to a place that does not exist. The Burning Hells are not responsible for events that transpire there. If you claim to have been to this place, you will be called a liar. Void where prohibited.
p2_TotallyNotACowLevel: Not the Cow Level
px_TotallyNowACowLevel_Boss: Bovine Potentate
TreasureGoblin_Anniversary_Event: Hoofin' It
TreasureGoblin_Anniversary_Event: Herald to the Queen
px_TotallyNowACowLevel_Boss: The Cow Queen
New and Updated Set Bonuses
Bul Kathos's Oath 2 pieces: No longer gives STR and +10 Max Fury, and no longer randomly casts Whirlwind. Now during Whirlwind you gain 30% increased attack speed and movement speed, and passively increases Fury Generation by 10.
Natalya's Vengeance 2 pieces: No longer gives DEX and +10 Max Discipline. Now reduces the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance by 1 second each time you cast a primary skill and by 2 seconds each time you cast a Hatred spender.
Natalya's Vengeance 4 pieces: No longer reduces the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance. Now Rain of Vengeance deals 100% increased damage.
Natalya's Vengeance 6 pieces: No longer increases Rain of Vengeance damage by 800%. Now after casting Rain of Vengeance, deal 400% increased damage and take 30% reduced damage for 5 seconds.
Immortal King's Call 4 pieces: No longer makes Ancients deal 600% weapon damage in an area. Now reduces the cooldown of Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients by 3 seconds for every 10 Fury spent.
Immortal King's Call 6 pieces: No longer increases Wrath of the Berserker duration when Ancients deal damage. Now increases damage by 500% while both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active.
Tal Rasha's Elements 6 pieces: Attacks increase your damage by 175% (up from 75%) for 6 (up from 3) seconds. Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning attacks each add one stack. Adding a stack refreshes the duration.
Zunimassa's Haunt 2 pieces: No longer gives +INT and +30 Mana per kill. Now makes your Fetish Army last until they die.
Zunimassa's Haunt 3 pieces: Seems to have been removed.
Zunimassa's Haunt 4 pieces: No longer makes Fetish Army last until they die (this is now a 2p bonus). Now you and your pets take 2% less damage for every Fetish you have alive.
Zunimassa's Haunt 6 pieces: Now enemies hit by your Mana spenders take 150% (up from 100%) more damage from your pets for 4 seconds.
Raiment of the Jade Harvester 2 pieces: No longer gives +INT. Now: When Haunt lands on an enemy already affected by Haunt, it instantly deals 5 seconds worth of Haunt damage.
Raiment of the Jade Harvester 4 pieces: No longer increases Mana Regeneration. Now gives Soul Harvest the effect of every rune.
Firebird's Finery 4 pieces: Now works with all Fire spells (instead of only Signature Fire Spells) and makes the explosion deal 400% (up from 250%) weapon damage.
Bastions of Will 2 pieces: No longer increases damage based on how much resource you have. Now after casting a resource-generating attack or primary skill, deal 50% increased damage for 5 seconds.
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 2 pieces: Your Spirit Generators have 25% increased attack speed and 250% (down from 500%) increased damage.
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 4 pieces: No longer increases the damage of Dashing Strike. Now Dashing Strike spends 50 Spirit, but refunds a Charge when it does.
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 6 pieces: No longer refunds the charge cost of Dashing Strike for 50 spirit. Now Spirit Generators increase the weapon damage of Dashing Strike to 8750% (up from 5000%)for 3 seconds.
Wrath of the Wastes 2 pieces: No longer increases Rend damage by 400%. Now increases the damage of Rend by 500% and its duration to 15 seconds.
Wrath of the Wastes 4 pieces: No longer increases Rend duration. Now during Whirlwind you gain 40% damage reduction.
Wrath of the Wastes 6 pieces: No longer increases Whirlwind damage. Now Whirlwind gains the effect of the Dust Devils rune and Dust Devils damage is increased to 2500% weapon damage.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 2 pieces: Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse reduces the cooldown of Slow Time by 2 (up from 1) seconds.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 4 pieces: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 2000% (up from 1250%) weapon damage every second.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 6 pieces: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 750% (up from 500%) more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulse abilities.
Unhallowed Essence 4 pieces: Gain 20% (down from 40%) damage reduction and deal 20% increased damage (added) for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you.
Unhallowed Essence 6 pieces: Your generators and Multishot deal 15% (up from 10%) increased damage for every point of Discipline you have.
Skill Changes
Call of the Ancients
Duty to the Clan : The Ancients' damage is now Cold (from Lightning).
Smoke Screen Cooldown: 1.5 (down from 3) seconds / Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Vanishing Powder : Remove the Discipline cost but increase the cooldown to 6 (down from 8) seconds.
Rain of Vengeance
Anathema : Deals damage over 2 (down from 5) seconds.
Flying Strike : Deals damage over 4 (down from 5) seconds.
Stampede : Deals damage over 3 (down from 6) seconds.
Serenity Cooldown: 16 (down from 20) seconds. Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Summon Zombie Dogs
Chilled to the Bone (from Final Gift) : Enemies who hit or are hit by your Zombie Dogs are Chilled for 2 seconds and take 10% increased damage from all sources (reworked from dropping health globes).
Consuming Spirit : The spirit returns 4291 (up from 2682) Life per second. Now deals Fire damage.
Jinx : Increases the magnitude of the hex to 20% additional damage. (rewording)
Soul Harvest
Languish : Increase your Armor by 30% (added) and reduce the movement speed of harvested enemies by 80% for 5 seconds. (no longer reduces enemy attack speed)
Spirit Walk Cooldown: 12 (down from 15) seconds. Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Slow Time
Point of No Return : Enemies that enter or leave the Slow Time area are stunned for 3 seconds (up from 1).
Laws of Hope Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Empower the Law, surrounding you and your allies in a shield for 5 (up from 3) seconds that absorbs up to 124128 damage.
Promise of Faith (from Stop Time): Active: Empowering the Law also reduces all non-Physical damage taken by 25% (reworked from pausing health loss).
String changes
New in Patch 2.2
p2_2_BodyLegendaryItems: Act now and we’ll throw in over 50 new Legendary Items, including: New gems! Weapons! Rings! Three brand new 6 piece sets and 5 revamped sets with brand new powers! A new legendary potion! And three new legendary gems!
p2_2_BodyTreasureGoblins: And the new Treasure Goblins keep coming! The Gilded Baron! The Insufferable Miscreant! And, last but not least, the Gelatinous Sire! Kill them all in the name of Akarat and collect their unique treasures!
p2_2_TitleLegendaryItems string1: Legendary Items p2_2_TitleBounties: More Bounties and New Type
p2_2_BodyBounties: You say you want more bounties? Well, we’ve got ‘em! In addition to 24 new Standard Bounties, we’ve also got the never before seen Exploration Bounties! Must be experienced to be believed!
Bloodshard Cap increasable
Bloodshard: The maximum number of Blood Shards you can carry can be increased by achieving a new Greater Rift solo personal best.
New Bounties
Quest_px_Bounty_A1_SpiderCaves_Camp_Cocoon.txt: Slay the spiders guarding each Royal Cocoon
Quest_px_Bounty_A1_Wilderness_Camp_TemplarPrisoners.txt: Free the captured villagers and slay the Templar guarding them in the Weeping Hollow.
Quest_px_Bounty_A2_Aqueducts_Kill_Grool.txt: Kill Grool in the Eastern Channel Level 1.
Quest_px_Bounty_A2_Aqueducts_Kill_OtziTheCursed.txt: Kill Otzi the Cursed in the Western Channel Level 1.
Quest_px_Bounty_A2_Aqueducts_Kill_StingingDeathSwarm.txt: Kill the Stinging Death Swarm in the Western Channel Level 1.
Quest_px_Bounty_A2_Aqueducts_Kill_Yakara.txt: Kill Yakara in the Eastern Channel Level 1.
Quest_px_Bounty_A3_Ramparts_Camp_CatapultCommander.txt: Activate the Catapults: {done}/{needed}
Quest_x1_Event_Horde_RadiantChapel.txt Desc
Bounty_Camp_WorthamMilitia_Join: A Wortham Militiaman has joined your party.
Bounty_Camp_Skeleton_Join: A Skeletal Minion has joined your party.
Bounty_Camp_IronWolves_Join: An Iron Wolf has joined your party.
Bounty_Camp_BastionKeepGuards_Join: Two Bastion's Keep Sentries have joined your party.
Flavor Text
Unique_Gem_018_x1: After the defeat of Malthael, Diadra the Scholar wandered the world. She studied the gem cutters of Xiansai, and brought their secrets back to Westmarch. Bane of the Stricken is the first gem to come out of her Westmarch workshop.
Unique_Gem_021_x1: Adventurers used to speak fondly of splint mail armor that would freeze their opponents in place. The sickly gem cutter, Zhong Yi Rou heard these tales and set out to create a gem that could do the same."I'll make a few modifications all my own, yes I will," she was heard to mutter.
P2_Unique_Belt_01: Vengeance always comes crashing down.
P2_Unique_Belt_02: Witch doctors learned long ago that some spirits wish to visit our world, and that the correct cloth will act as a beacon to them. [PH]
P2_Unique_Belt_05: The Crusader Haull traveled with three others; Inhora, Drakon, and Roland. They shared knowledge and wine. While instructing his apprentice in the application of Justice the next day, Haull was struck by an insight, and set to work modifying his belt.
P2_Unique_Bracer_003: These ancient bracers belonged to the barbarian berserker Mortick, who believed them to be lucky and never took them off. In later years, enemies always gave him a wide berth, likely due to his battlefield prowess.
P2_Unique_Mighty_2H_001: A mighty symbol of Tyrael, the archangel of Justice, though never actually used by him. Stolen from the Courts of Justice in the High Heavens by renegade angels.
P2_Unique_Orb_003: The Triumvirate is composed of the three basic elements of creation.
P2_Unique_Ring_02: This finger belonged to an Umbaru priest who had lost his legs and would summon smaller gargantuans to carry him to rituals. Although he has long since gone to Mbwiru Eikura, his finger remains a conduit to his strange practices.
P2_Unique_Ring_04: Long ago, a great conclave of mage-smiths convened during a blizzard to channel their collective energy into a single artifact, forging a powerful ring that bestowed upon the wielder mastery over all of the elements.
P2_Unique_Wand_002: An old Skartaran legend tells of Orpheus rescuing his wife from the underworld using this wand.
HealthPotionLegendary_09: "Some of you claimed I lost the touch during my sojourn in the King's dungeon. To you I say, this potion amplifies healing and puts the lie to your feckless assertions! Yes, I'm back, lackies!" -Royal Apothecary Jentulf in his weekly address to the Society of Apothecaries.
Legendary Affix Changes
X1_Legendary_Potion_09: Increases healing from all sources by [VALUE] for 5 seconds. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_052: Your Signature Spells increase the damage of Arcane Orb by [VALUE] for 3 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_054: Haunt releases [VALUE] extra spirit. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_055: When Haunt lands on an enemy already affected by Haunt, it instantly deals [VALUE] seconds worth of Haunt damage. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_056: Soul Harvest gains the effect of every rune. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_057: After casting a resource-spending attack, deal [VALUE]% increased damage for 5 seconds. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_059: Hammer of the Ancients returns [VALUE] Fury if it hits 3 or less enemies. (new)
ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_709_x1 Rain of Vengeance also summons a crashing beast that deals [VALUE]% weapon damage. (reworked from reduces damage while Rain of Vengeance is active)
ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_913_x1 Reduce the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance by 1 (down from 2) second each time you cast a primary skill and by 2 (down from 3) seconds each time you cast a Hatred spender.
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_018U_x1 Allied players, followers, and pets also benefit from this effect. (rewording)
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_021_x1 Your cold skills now apply chill effects and your chill effects now slow enemy movement by an additional [VALUE]%. (formula changed)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_042 When your Shield Bash hits 3 or less enemies, its damage is increased by [VALUE]% and 25% (down from 50%) of its Wrath Cost is refunded.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_038 Gain [VALUE]% increased damage to a single element for 4 (down from 5) seconds. This effect rotates through the elements available to your class in the following order: Arcane, Cold, Fire, Holy, Lightning, Physical, Poison.
ItemPassive_Unique_Axe_1H_005_p2 [VALUE]% chance to Smite enemies for 600-750% (down from 1500-1800%) weapon damage as Lightning when you hit them.
ItemPassive_Unique_Shoulder_002_p2 [VALUE] chance to explode in a fan of knives for 750-950% (down from 1000%) weapon damage when hit.
ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_664_p2 The first time an elite pack damages you, gain an absorb shield equal to [VALUE]% of your maximum Life for 10 seconds. (reworked from giving shield when 3 or more enemies were nearby)
ItemPassive_Unique_Mace_2H_009_p2 Casting a Lightning skill charges you with Lightning, causing you to deal [VALUE] weapon damage as Lightning every second for 5 seconds to nearby enemies. (reworked from activating when you are hit)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_050 Your Fire (no longer only Signature) Spells cause up to 3 enemies to explode, dealing [VALUE]% weapon damage as Fire to enemies within 10 yards.
ItemPassive_Unique_Mojo_003_p2: A Zombie Dog is automatically summoned to your side every [VALUE] seconds. (Homunculus - may be a buff to the time required to summon)
Minimap Icon -
Totally Not A Cow Level
Easter_Egg_World_Buff_0_desc: We are willing to concede that there may or may not be a cow level...
p2_TotallyNotACowLevel_Portal: Leads to a place that does not exist. The Burning Hells are not responsible for events that transpire there. If you claim to have been to this place, you will be called a liar. Void where prohibited.
p2_TotallyNotACowLevel: Not the Cow Level
px_TotallyNowACowLevel_Boss: Bovine Potentate
TreasureGoblin_Anniversary_Event: Hoofin' It
TreasureGoblin_Anniversary_Event: Herald to the Queen
px_TotallyNowACowLevel_Boss: The Cow Queen
New and Updated Set Bonuses
Bul Kathos's Oath 2 pieces: No longer gives STR and +10 Max Fury, and no longer randomly casts Whirlwind. Now during Whirlwind you gain 30% increased attack speed and movement speed, and passively increases Fury Generation by 10.
Natalya's Vengeance 2 pieces: No longer gives DEX and +10 Max Discipline. Now reduces the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance by 1 second each time you cast a primary skill and by 2 seconds each time you cast a Hatred spender.
Natalya's Vengeance 4 pieces: No longer reduces the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance. Now Rain of Vengeance deals 100% increased damage.
Natalya's Vengeance 6 pieces: No longer increases Rain of Vengeance damage by 800%. Now after casting Rain of Vengeance, deal 400% increased damage and take 30% reduced damage for 5 seconds.
Immortal King's Call 4 pieces: No longer makes Ancients deal 600% weapon damage in an area. Now reduces the cooldown of Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients by 3 seconds for every 10 Fury spent.
Immortal King's Call 6 pieces: No longer increases Wrath of the Berserker duration when Ancients deal damage. Now increases damage by 500% while both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active.
Tal Rasha's Elements 6 pieces: Attacks increase your damage by 175% (up from 75%) for 6 (up from 3) seconds. Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning attacks each add one stack. Adding a stack refreshes the duration.
Zunimassa's Haunt 2 pieces: No longer gives +INT and +30 Mana per kill. Now makes your Fetish Army last until they die.
Zunimassa's Haunt 3 pieces: Seems to have been removed.
Zunimassa's Haunt 4 pieces: No longer makes Fetish Army last until they die (this is now a 2p bonus). Now you and your pets take 2% less damage for every Fetish you have alive.
Zunimassa's Haunt 6 pieces: Now enemies hit by your Mana spenders take 150% (up from 100%) more damage from your pets for 4 seconds.
Raiment of the Jade Harvester 2 pieces: No longer gives +INT. Now: When Haunt lands on an enemy already affected by Haunt, it instantly deals 5 seconds worth of Haunt damage.
Raiment of the Jade Harvester 4 pieces: No longer increases Mana Regeneration. Now gives Soul Harvest the effect of every rune.
Firebird's Finery 4 pieces: Now works with all Fire spells (instead of only Signature Fire Spells) and makes the explosion deal 400% (up from 250%) weapon damage.
Bastions of Will 2 pieces: No longer increases damage based on how much resource you have. Now after casting a resource-generating attack or primary skill, deal 50% increased damage for 5 seconds.
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 2 pieces: Your Spirit Generators have 25% increased attack speed and 250% (down from 500%) increased damage.
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 4 pieces: No longer increases the damage of Dashing Strike. Now Dashing Strike spends 50 Spirit, but refunds a Charge when it does.
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 6 pieces: No longer refunds the charge cost of Dashing Strike for 50 spirit. Now Spirit Generators increase the weapon damage of Dashing Strike to 8750% (up from 5000%)for 3 seconds.
Wrath of the Wastes 2 pieces: No longer increases Rend damage by 400%. Now increases the damage of Rend by 500% and its duration to 15 seconds.
Wrath of the Wastes 4 pieces: No longer increases Rend duration. Now during Whirlwind you gain 40% damage reduction.
Wrath of the Wastes 6 pieces: No longer increases Whirlwind damage. Now Whirlwind gains the effect of the Dust Devils rune and Dust Devils damage is increased to 2500% weapon damage.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 2 pieces: Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse reduces the cooldown of Slow Time by 2 (up from 1) seconds.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 4 pieces: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 2000% (up from 1250%) weapon damage every second.
Delsere's Magnum Opus 6 pieces: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 750% (up from 500%) more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulse abilities.
Unhallowed Essence 4 pieces: Gain 20% (down from 40%) damage reduction and deal 20% increased damage (added) for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you.
Unhallowed Essence 6 pieces: Your generators and Multishot deal 15% (up from 10%) increased damage for every point of Discipline you have.
Skill Changes
Call of the Ancients
Duty to the Clan : The Ancients' damage is now Cold (from Lightning).
Smoke Screen Cooldown: 1.5 (down from 3) seconds / Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Vanishing Powder : Remove the Discipline cost but increase the cooldown to 6 (down from 8) seconds.
Rain of Vengeance
Anathema : Deals damage over 2 (down from 5) seconds.
Flying Strike : Deals damage over 4 (down from 5) seconds.
Stampede : Deals damage over 3 (down from 6) seconds.
Serenity Cooldown: 16 (down from 20) seconds. Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Summon Zombie Dogs
Chilled to the Bone (from Final Gift) : Enemies who hit or are hit by your Zombie Dogs are Chilled for 2 seconds and take 10% increased damage from all sources (reworked from dropping health globes).
Consuming Spirit : The spirit returns 4291 (up from 2682) Life per second. Now deals Fire damage.
Jinx : Increases the magnitude of the hex to 20% additional damage. (rewording)
Soul Harvest
Languish : Increase your Armor by 30% (added) and reduce the movement speed of harvested enemies by 80% for 5 seconds. (no longer reduces enemy attack speed)
Spirit Walk Cooldown: 12 (down from 15) seconds. Now this ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Slow Time
Point of No Return : Enemies that enter or leave the Slow Time area are stunned for 3 seconds (up from 1).
Laws of Hope Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Empower the Law, surrounding you and your allies in a shield for 5 (up from 3) seconds that absorbs up to 124128 damage.
Promise of Faith (from Stop Time): Active: Empowering the Law also reduces all non-Physical damage taken by 25% (reworked from pausing health loss).
String changes
New in Patch 2.2
p2_2_BodyLegendaryItems: Act now and we’ll throw in over 50 new Legendary Items, including: New gems! Weapons! Rings! Three brand new 6 piece sets and 5 revamped sets with brand new powers! A new legendary potion! And three new legendary gems!
p2_2_BodyTreasureGoblins: And the new Treasure Goblins keep coming! The Gilded Baron! The Insufferable Miscreant! And, last but not least, the Gelatinous Sire! Kill them all in the name of Akarat and collect their unique treasures!
p2_2_TitleLegendaryItems string1: Legendary Items p2_2_TitleBounties: More Bounties and New Type
p2_2_BodyBounties: You say you want more bounties? Well, we’ve got ‘em! In addition to 24 new Standard Bounties, we’ve also got the never before seen Exploration Bounties! Must be experienced to be believed!
Bloodshard Cap increasable
Bloodshard: The maximum number of Blood Shards you can carry can be increased by achieving a new Greater Rift solo personal best.
New Bounties
Quest_px_Bounty_A1_SpiderCaves_Camp_Cocoon.txt: Slay the spiders guarding each Royal Cocoon
Quest_px_Bounty_A1_Wilderness_Camp_TemplarPrisoners.txt: Free the captured villagers and slay the Templar guarding them in the Weeping Hollow.
Quest_px_Bounty_A2_Aqueducts_Kill_Grool.txt: Kill Grool in the Eastern Channel Level 1.
Quest_px_Bounty_A2_Aqueducts_Kill_OtziTheCursed.txt: Kill Otzi the Cursed in the Western Channel Level 1.
Quest_px_Bounty_A2_Aqueducts_Kill_StingingDeathSwarm.txt: Kill the Stinging Death Swarm in the Western Channel Level 1.
Quest_px_Bounty_A2_Aqueducts_Kill_Yakara.txt: Kill Yakara in the Eastern Channel Level 1.
Quest_px_Bounty_A3_Ramparts_Camp_CatapultCommander.txt: Activate the Catapults: {done}/{needed}
Quest_x1_Event_Horde_RadiantChapel.txt Desc
Bounty_Camp_WorthamMilitia_Join: A Wortham Militiaman has joined your party.
Bounty_Camp_Skeleton_Join: A Skeletal Minion has joined your party.
Bounty_Camp_IronWolves_Join: An Iron Wolf has joined your party.
Bounty_Camp_BastionKeepGuards_Join: Two Bastion's Keep Sentries have joined your party.
Flavor Text
Unique_Gem_018_x1: After the defeat of Malthael, Diadra the Scholar wandered the world. She studied the gem cutters of Xiansai, and brought their secrets back to Westmarch. Bane of the Stricken is the first gem to come out of her Westmarch workshop.
Unique_Gem_021_x1: Adventurers used to speak fondly of splint mail armor that would freeze their opponents in place. The sickly gem cutter, Zhong Yi Rou heard these tales and set out to create a gem that could do the same."I'll make a few modifications all my own, yes I will," she was heard to mutter.
P2_Unique_Belt_01: Vengeance always comes crashing down.
P2_Unique_Belt_02: Witch doctors learned long ago that some spirits wish to visit our world, and that the correct cloth will act as a beacon to them. [PH]
P2_Unique_Belt_05: The Crusader Haull traveled with three others; Inhora, Drakon, and Roland. They shared knowledge and wine. While instructing his apprentice in the application of Justice the next day, Haull was struck by an insight, and set to work modifying his belt.
P2_Unique_Bracer_003: These ancient bracers belonged to the barbarian berserker Mortick, who believed them to be lucky and never took them off. In later years, enemies always gave him a wide berth, likely due to his battlefield prowess.
P2_Unique_Mighty_2H_001: A mighty symbol of Tyrael, the archangel of Justice, though never actually used by him. Stolen from the Courts of Justice in the High Heavens by renegade angels.
P2_Unique_Orb_003: The Triumvirate is composed of the three basic elements of creation.
P2_Unique_Ring_02: This finger belonged to an Umbaru priest who had lost his legs and would summon smaller gargantuans to carry him to rituals. Although he has long since gone to Mbwiru Eikura, his finger remains a conduit to his strange practices.
P2_Unique_Ring_04: Long ago, a great conclave of mage-smiths convened during a blizzard to channel their collective energy into a single artifact, forging a powerful ring that bestowed upon the wielder mastery over all of the elements.
P2_Unique_Wand_002: An old Skartaran legend tells of Orpheus rescuing his wife from the underworld using this wand.
HealthPotionLegendary_09: "Some of you claimed I lost the touch during my sojourn in the King's dungeon. To you I say, this potion amplifies healing and puts the lie to your feckless assertions! Yes, I'm back, lackies!" -Royal Apothecary Jentulf in his weekly address to the Society of Apothecaries.
Legendary Affix Changes
X1_Legendary_Potion_09: Increases healing from all sources by [VALUE] for 5 seconds. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_052: Your Signature Spells increase the damage of Arcane Orb by [VALUE] for 3 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_054: Haunt releases [VALUE] extra spirit. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_055: When Haunt lands on an enemy already affected by Haunt, it instantly deals [VALUE] seconds worth of Haunt damage. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_056: Soul Harvest gains the effect of every rune. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_057: After casting a resource-spending attack, deal [VALUE]% increased damage for 5 seconds. (new)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_059: Hammer of the Ancients returns [VALUE] Fury if it hits 3 or less enemies. (new)
ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_709_x1 Rain of Vengeance also summons a crashing beast that deals [VALUE]% weapon damage. (reworked from reduces damage while Rain of Vengeance is active)
ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_913_x1 Reduce the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance by 1 (down from 2) second each time you cast a primary skill and by 2 (down from 3) seconds each time you cast a Hatred spender.
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_018U_x1 Allied players, followers, and pets also benefit from this effect. (rewording)
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_021_x1 Your cold skills now apply chill effects and your chill effects now slow enemy movement by an additional [VALUE]%. (formula changed)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_042 When your Shield Bash hits 3 or less enemies, its damage is increased by [VALUE]% and 25% (down from 50%) of its Wrath Cost is refunded.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_038 Gain [VALUE]% increased damage to a single element for 4 (down from 5) seconds. This effect rotates through the elements available to your class in the following order: Arcane, Cold, Fire, Holy, Lightning, Physical, Poison.
ItemPassive_Unique_Axe_1H_005_p2 [VALUE]% chance to Smite enemies for 600-750% (down from 1500-1800%) weapon damage as Lightning when you hit them.
ItemPassive_Unique_Shoulder_002_p2 [VALUE] chance to explode in a fan of knives for 750-950% (down from 1000%) weapon damage when hit.
ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_664_p2 The first time an elite pack damages you, gain an absorb shield equal to [VALUE]% of your maximum Life for 10 seconds. (reworked from giving shield when 3 or more enemies were nearby)
ItemPassive_Unique_Mace_2H_009_p2 Casting a Lightning skill charges you with Lightning, causing you to deal [VALUE] weapon damage as Lightning every second for 5 seconds to nearby enemies. (reworked from activating when you are hit)
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_050 Your Fire (no longer only Signature) Spells cause up to 3 enemies to explode, dealing [VALUE]% weapon damage as Fire to enemies within 10 yards.
ItemPassive_Unique_Mojo_003_p2: A Zombie Dog is automatically summoned to your side every [VALUE] seconds. (Homunculus - may be a buff to the time required to summon)
Ergänzung ()
2.1 Offizielle PTR Patchnotes
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that prevented pets from benefitting from the damage increase granted by Convention of the Elements (the BlizzCon Elemental Ring)
Fixed an issue that prevented Kekegi's Unbreakable Spirit from removing the Spirit cost of Dashing Strike if you have less than 50 Spirit when paired with Raiment of a Thousand Storms
Fixed an issue that caused Slave Bonds to roll with fewer primary affixes than intended
Adventure Mode
Fixed an issue that prevented Pylons from spawning in Greater Rifts
Looting a crafting material will now also pick up all other materials of the same type within 20 yards
Looting a gem will now also pick up all other gems within 20 yards
Active Skills
Can now be cast sooner after using another skill
Skill Rune - Dust Devils
Dust Devil spawn rate now scales with your Attack Speed
Dust Devils now travel in a more predictable path
Active Skills
Laws of Hope
Active effect duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
Skill Rune - Stop Time
Has been removed
Replaced with:
Promise of Faith
Empowering the Law also reduces non-physical damage taken by 25%
Demon Hunter
Active Skills
Rain of Vengeance
Skill Rune - Anathema
Duration reduced from 5 to 2 seconds
Note: Total damage dealt is unchanged
This rune should now begin dealing damage more quickly
Skill Rune - Flying Strike
Duration reduced from 5 to 4 seconds
Note: Total damage dealt is unchanged
Skill Rune - Stampede
Duration reduced from 6 to 3 seconds
Note: Total damage dealt is unchanged
Smoke Screen
Cooldown reduced from 3 to 1.5 seconds
This ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire
Skill Rune - Vanishing Powder
Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
Can now be cast sooner after using another skill
Return to Top
Active Skills
Dashing Strike
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that prevented Dashing Strike from reliably hitting enemies when used to travel a short distance
Deadly Reach
Skill Rune - Piercing Trident
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue that prevented the third hit from always knocking enemies up in the air
Tempest Rush
Can now be cast sooner after using another skill
Cooldown reduced from 20 to 16 seconds
This ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire
Passive Skills
Seize the Initiative
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue that prevented the attack speed bonus from being granted if your initial attack brought your enemy below 75% Life
Witch Doctor
Active Skills
Skill Rune - Consuming Spirit
Life per second increased from 2682 to 4291
Damage type changed from Cold to Fire
Spirit Walk
Cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
This ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire
Soul Harvest
Skill Rune - Languish
Has been redesigned
Now increases your Armor by 30% and reduces enemy movement speed by 80%
Summon Zombie Dogs
Skill Rune - Final Gift
Has been removed
Replaced with:
Chilled to the Bone
Enemies hit or hit by Zombie Dogs are Chilled for 2 seconds and take 10% increased damage from all sources
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that prevented pets from benefitting from the damage increase granted by Convention of the Elements (the BlizzCon Elemental Ring)
Fixed an issue that prevented Kekegi's Unbreakable Spirit from removing the Spirit cost of Dashing Strike if you have less than 50 Spirit when paired with Raiment of a Thousand Storms
Fixed an issue that caused Slave Bonds to roll with fewer primary affixes than intended
Adventure Mode
Fixed an issue that prevented Pylons from spawning in Greater Rifts
Looting a crafting material will now also pick up all other materials of the same type within 20 yards
Looting a gem will now also pick up all other gems within 20 yards
Active Skills
Can now be cast sooner after using another skill
Skill Rune - Dust Devils
Dust Devil spawn rate now scales with your Attack Speed
Dust Devils now travel in a more predictable path
Active Skills
Laws of Hope
Active effect duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
Skill Rune - Stop Time
Has been removed
Replaced with:
Promise of Faith
Empowering the Law also reduces non-physical damage taken by 25%
Demon Hunter
Active Skills
Rain of Vengeance
Skill Rune - Anathema
Duration reduced from 5 to 2 seconds
Note: Total damage dealt is unchanged
This rune should now begin dealing damage more quickly
Skill Rune - Flying Strike
Duration reduced from 5 to 4 seconds
Note: Total damage dealt is unchanged
Skill Rune - Stampede
Duration reduced from 6 to 3 seconds
Note: Total damage dealt is unchanged
Smoke Screen
Cooldown reduced from 3 to 1.5 seconds
This ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire
Skill Rune - Vanishing Powder
Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
Can now be cast sooner after using another skill
Return to Top
Active Skills
Dashing Strike
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that prevented Dashing Strike from reliably hitting enemies when used to travel a short distance
Deadly Reach
Skill Rune - Piercing Trident
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue that prevented the third hit from always knocking enemies up in the air
Tempest Rush
Can now be cast sooner after using another skill
Cooldown reduced from 20 to 16 seconds
This ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire
Passive Skills
Seize the Initiative
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue that prevented the attack speed bonus from being granted if your initial attack brought your enemy below 75% Life
Witch Doctor
Active Skills
Skill Rune - Consuming Spirit
Life per second increased from 2682 to 4291
Damage type changed from Cold to Fire
Spirit Walk
Cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
This ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire
Soul Harvest
Skill Rune - Languish
Has been redesigned
Now increases your Armor by 30% and reduces enemy movement speed by 80%
Summon Zombie Dogs
Skill Rune - Final Gift
Has been removed
Replaced with:
Chilled to the Bone
Enemies hit or hit by Zombie Dogs are Chilled for 2 seconds and take 10% increased damage from all sources
Ergänzung ()
Kann bitte jemand einen Beitrag schreiben, damit ich den Rest kopieren kann? Zeichenbegrenzung ist erreicht :\
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Lt. Commander
- Registriert
- Feb. 2006
- Beiträge
- 1.558
Wird jetzt aber Zeit um zusätzliche Torment stufen zu bringen...ich mein wozu chill Effekte bei bestimmtem gear wenn die packs weiter one-hit down sind...etc.....als alternative zu g rifts
Wird jetzt aber Zeit um zusätzliche Torment stufen zu bringen...ich mein wozu chill Effekte bei bestimmtem gear wenn die packs weiter one-hit down sind...etc.....als alternative zu g rifts
2.2 Offizielle PTR Patchnotes
Andariel's Visage
Poison nova weapon damage increased from 100-130% to 350-450%
New Legendary Ring
Lightning pulses periodically between all wearers of this item dealing 1000-1500% weapon damage
Bane of the Stricken
New Legendary Gem
Each attack you make against an enemy increases the damage it takes from your attacks by 10% weapon damage
The additional weapon damage taken is increased by 1% per rank
At rank 25 allied players, followers, and pets also benefit from this effect
Blood Brother
New Legendary Two-Handed Sword
Grants a 10-20% chance to block attacks
Blocked attacks inflict 20% less damage
After blocking an attack, your next attack inflicts 20% additional damage
Bastions of Will
(2) Set Bonus
Has been redesigned
All of your damage is increased by up to 100% based on how much primary resource you have
After casting a resource-generating attack or primary skill, gain 50% increased damage for 5 seconds
After casting a resource-spending attack, gain 50% increased damage for 5 seconds
BlizzCon Elemental RingConvention of the Elements
New Legendary Ring
Gain 150-200% increased damage to a single element for 5 4 seconds
Cord of the Sherma
Chaos field duration increased from 2-4 seconds to 3-4 seconds
Greatly increased proc chance
Corrupted Ashbringer
New Legendary Two-Handed Sword
Chance on kill to raise a skeleton to fight for you
Upon accumulating 5 skeletons, they explode for 300% weapon damage and the sword transforms into Ashbringer for a short time
Attacking with Ashbringer burns your target for 6000-6200% weapon damage as Holy
Death Watch Mantle
Fan of knives weapon damage increased from 200% to 750-900%
Chance to explode on hit increased from 15-35% to 25-35%
Radius increased from 10 to 20 yards
Internal cooldown has been greatly reduced
Defender of Westmarch
Charging wolf weapon damage increased from 300-400% to 800-1000%
New Legendary Dagger
Attacking enemies below 17-20% life freezes them for 3 seconds
Fire Walkers
Burnt ground weapon damage increased from 100% to 300-400% per second
New Legendary Gem
Your Cold skills now apply Chill effects and your Chill effects now slow enemy movement speed by an additional 5%
The additional movement speed reduction is increased by .4% per rank
At rank 25 you gain 10% increased chance to critically strike Chilled or Frozen enemies
New Legendary Sword
Your skill cooldowns are reduced by 4-6 seconds
Mutilation Guard
Gain 10% melee damage reduction
Melee damage reduction is increased by 1% per rank
At rank 25 while below 50% life, you may move through enemies unhindered
Pandemonium Loop
On death explosion weapon damage increased from 200-800%
No longer rolls against skill proc coefficients
Pox Faulds
Vile stench weapon damage increased from 240-320% to 450-550%
Duration reduced from 10 to 5 seconds
Greatly reduced internal cooldown
Sash of Knives
Dagger weapon damage increased from 275-350% to 500-650%
Increased proc chance from 25% to 100%
Schaefer's Hammer
Has been redesigned
Casting a Lightning skill charges you with Lightning, causing you to deal 650-850% weapon damage as Lightning every second for 5 seconds to nearby enemies
Sebor's Nightmare
Haunt is now cast on all nearby enemies
Note: The spell effect will only be shown on 5 enemies
Greatly increased Haunt cast radius
Sky Splitter
Lightning smite weapon damage increased from 150-180% to 600-750%
The internal cooldown has been greatly reduced
St. Archew's Gage
Has been redesigned
The first time an elite pack damages you, gain an absorb shield for 120-150% of your maximum Life for 15 seconds
Chance to stun increased from 13-17% to 25-35%
Several existing Legendary items have been updated to include a unique Legendary power
Note: Existing items will not be affected by the following changes. Only new versions of the items will roll with the added Legendary power.
Broken Promises
Legendary power added
After five consecutive non-critical hits, your chance to critically hit is increased by 100% for 3 seconds
Legendary power added
Summons a Fallen Lunatic to your side every 10-15 seconds
Oculus Ring
Legendary power added
Chance to create an area of focused power on killing a monster. Damage is increased by 35-40% while standing in the area
Class-Specific Items
Bul-Kathos's Oath
Has been redesigned
(2) Set Bonus
Increases Fury generation per second by 10
During Whirlwind gain 30% increased Attack Speed and Movement Speed
Immortal King's Boulder Breaker
Now rolls +75-100% Call of the Ancients damage as a fifth primary affix
Immortal King's Call
Now has an additional set piece: Legs
Has been redesigned
(4) Set Bonus
Call of the Ancients' melee attacks deal 600% weapon damage in a 15 yard radius
Reduce the cooldown of Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients by 3 seconds for every 10 Fury you spend with an attack
(6) Set Bonus
New Set Bonus
The duration of your Wrath of the Berserker is increased by 0.25 seconds each time an Ancient deals damage
While both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active, you deal 500% increased damage
Mortick's BreechesBrace
New Legendary PantsBracers
Wrath of the Berserker gains the effect of every rune
Wrath of the Wastes
New Set
(2) Set Bonus
Increase the damage of Rend by 400% 500% and its duration to 15 seconds
(4) Set Bonus
Rend lasts 400% longer
While Whirlwinding you take 40% reduced damage
(6) Set Bonus
Whirlwind deals 400% more damage to enemies affected by Rend
Whirlwind gains the effect of the Dust Devils rune and the damage of the Dust Devils is increased to 2500% weapon damage
Roland's Legacy
Has been redesigned
(6) Set Bonus
Attack Speed bonus increased from 20% to 30% per stack
Drakon's Lesson
New Legendary Bracers
When your Shield Bash hits 3 or less enemies its damage is increased by 300-400% 150-200% and 50% 25% of the Wrath cost is refunded
Demon Hunter
Gauntlets of theCrashing Rain
New Legendary GlovesBelt
While Rain of Vengeance is active you take 30-40% reduced damage
Rain of Vengeance also summons a crashing beast that deals 3000-4000% weapon damage
Natalya's Vengeance
Now has additional set pieces: Gloves, and Legs
Has been redesigned
(42) Set Bonus
The cooldown of Rain of Vengeance is reduced by 1 second every time you cast a primary skill and by 2 seconds every time you cast a Hatred spender
(4) Set Bonus
Rain of Vengeance deals 100% increased damage
(6) Set Bonus
New Set Bonus
Rain of Vengeance deals 800% increased damage
After casting Rain of Vengenace, deal 300% increased damage and take 30% reduced damage for 5 seconds
Unhallowed Essence
New Set
(4) Set Bonus
Gain 40% 20% damage reduction and 20% increased damage for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you
(6) Set Bonus
Your generators and Multishot deal 10% 15% more damage for every point of Discipline you have
Inna's Mantra
Now has additional set pieces: Gloves, and Boots
Raiment of a Thousand Storms
Has been redesigned
(2) Set Bonus
Your Spirit Generators have 25% increased attack speed and 500% 250% increased damage
(6) Set Bonus
Your Spirit Generators increase the weapon damage of Dashing Strike to 5000%8750% for 3 seconds
Dashing Stike now lights up on your action bar when the increased weapon damage is active
New Monk Bracer (PH Name)Spirit Guards
New Bracers
Your Spirit generators reduce your damage taken by 30-40% for 3 seconds
Witch Doctor
Haunted Girdle
New Legendary Belt
Haunt releases 1 extra Spirit
Time to summon a Zombie Dog to your side reduced from 4-6 seconds to 2 seconds
Now rolls with +20-25% Sacrifice damage as a fifth primary affix
Raiment of the Jade Harvester
(2) Set Bonus
New Set Bonus
When Haunt lands on an enemy already affected by Haunt, it instantly deals 5 seconds worth of Haunt damage
(4) Set Bonus
New Set Bonus
Soul Harvest gains the effect of every rune
Zunimassa's Haunt
Now has additional set pieces: Gloves, and Legs
Has been redesigned
(2) Set Bonus
Your Fetish Army lasts until they die
(4) Set Bonus
You and your pets take 2% reduced damage for every Fetish you have alive
(6) Set Bonus
New Set Bonus
Enemies hit by your Mana spenders take 100% 150% more damage from your pets for 4 seconds
Zunimassa's LegsBelt of Transcendence
New Legendary PantsBelt
Summon a Fetish Sycophant when you hit with a Mana spender
Delsere's Magnum Opus
New Set
(2) Set Bonus
Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse reduces the cooldown of your Slow Time by 1 2 seconds
(4) Set Bonus
Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 1250%2000% weapon damage every second
This damage type will be determined by your highest equipped +% Elemental Damage
(6) Set Bonus
Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 500% 750% more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulse
Firebird's Finery
Has been redesigned
(4) Set Bonus
Your Fire Signature Spells cause up to 3 enemies to explode, dealing 250% 400% weapon damage as Fire to enemies within 10 yards
Nilfur's Boast
New Legendary Boots
Increases the damage of Meteor by 100%
Increases the damage of Meteor by 300-400% 200-250% when it hits 3 or less enemies
Tal Rasha's Elements
Now has additional set pieces: Gloves, and Legs
Has been redesigned
(6) Set Bonus
Attacks increase your damage by 75% 175% for 36 seconds. Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning attacks each add one stack (maximum of 4). Adding a stack refreshes the duration]
Note: The total damage bonus is now calculated differently
Slow Time Hat (PH Name)Crown of the Primus
New Wizard Hat
Slow Time gains the effect of every rune
Gesture of Orpheus
Slow Time cooldown reduction reduced from 50-70% to 30-40%
Several existing class-specific Legendary items have been updated to include a unique Legendary power
Note: Existing items will not be affected by the following changes. Only new versions of the items will roll with the added Legendary power.
Gavel of Judgment
Legendary Power added
Hammer of the Ancients returns 15-20 Fury if it hits 3 or less enemies
Now rolls with +30-40% Hammer of the Ancients damage as a fifth primary affix
Legendary power added
Your Signature Spells increase the damage of Arcane Orb by 60-80% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 3 times
Act I
Cursed Cellar
Farnham now spawns closer to the door
Farnham now has the Orbiter and Jailer affixes
Farmham now pursues the closest player
Nephalem Rifts
You can now increase your Blood Shard cap by achieving a personal best in Solo Greater Rifts
The cap will be increased by 10 shards per Greater Rift level completed
Some changes have been made to the way Pylons spawn in Greater Rifts
Now summons shadow clones
Has been given a breath attack
Now has the Waller monster affix
Andariel's Visage
Poison nova weapon damage increased from 100-130% to 350-450%
New Legendary Ring
Lightning pulses periodically between all wearers of this item dealing 1000-1500% weapon damage
Bane of the Stricken
New Legendary Gem
Each attack you make against an enemy increases the damage it takes from your attacks by 10% weapon damage
The additional weapon damage taken is increased by 1% per rank
At rank 25 allied players, followers, and pets also benefit from this effect
Blood Brother
New Legendary Two-Handed Sword
Grants a 10-20% chance to block attacks
Blocked attacks inflict 20% less damage
After blocking an attack, your next attack inflicts 20% additional damage
Bastions of Will
(2) Set Bonus
Has been redesigned
All of your damage is increased by up to 100% based on how much primary resource you have
After casting a resource-generating attack or primary skill, gain 50% increased damage for 5 seconds
After casting a resource-spending attack, gain 50% increased damage for 5 seconds
BlizzCon Elemental RingConvention of the Elements
New Legendary Ring
Gain 150-200% increased damage to a single element for 5 4 seconds
Cord of the Sherma
Chaos field duration increased from 2-4 seconds to 3-4 seconds
Greatly increased proc chance
Corrupted Ashbringer
New Legendary Two-Handed Sword
Chance on kill to raise a skeleton to fight for you
Upon accumulating 5 skeletons, they explode for 300% weapon damage and the sword transforms into Ashbringer for a short time
Attacking with Ashbringer burns your target for 6000-6200% weapon damage as Holy
Death Watch Mantle
Fan of knives weapon damage increased from 200% to 750-900%
Chance to explode on hit increased from 15-35% to 25-35%
Radius increased from 10 to 20 yards
Internal cooldown has been greatly reduced
Defender of Westmarch
Charging wolf weapon damage increased from 300-400% to 800-1000%
New Legendary Dagger
Attacking enemies below 17-20% life freezes them for 3 seconds
Fire Walkers
Burnt ground weapon damage increased from 100% to 300-400% per second
New Legendary Gem
Your Cold skills now apply Chill effects and your Chill effects now slow enemy movement speed by an additional 5%
The additional movement speed reduction is increased by .4% per rank
At rank 25 you gain 10% increased chance to critically strike Chilled or Frozen enemies
New Legendary Sword
Your skill cooldowns are reduced by 4-6 seconds
Mutilation Guard
Gain 10% melee damage reduction
Melee damage reduction is increased by 1% per rank
At rank 25 while below 50% life, you may move through enemies unhindered
Pandemonium Loop
On death explosion weapon damage increased from 200-800%
No longer rolls against skill proc coefficients
Pox Faulds
Vile stench weapon damage increased from 240-320% to 450-550%
Duration reduced from 10 to 5 seconds
Greatly reduced internal cooldown
Sash of Knives
Dagger weapon damage increased from 275-350% to 500-650%
Increased proc chance from 25% to 100%
Schaefer's Hammer
Has been redesigned
Casting a Lightning skill charges you with Lightning, causing you to deal 650-850% weapon damage as Lightning every second for 5 seconds to nearby enemies
Sebor's Nightmare
Haunt is now cast on all nearby enemies
Note: The spell effect will only be shown on 5 enemies
Greatly increased Haunt cast radius
Sky Splitter
Lightning smite weapon damage increased from 150-180% to 600-750%
The internal cooldown has been greatly reduced
St. Archew's Gage
Has been redesigned
The first time an elite pack damages you, gain an absorb shield for 120-150% of your maximum Life for 15 seconds
Chance to stun increased from 13-17% to 25-35%
Several existing Legendary items have been updated to include a unique Legendary power
Note: Existing items will not be affected by the following changes. Only new versions of the items will roll with the added Legendary power.
Broken Promises
Legendary power added
After five consecutive non-critical hits, your chance to critically hit is increased by 100% for 3 seconds
Legendary power added
Summons a Fallen Lunatic to your side every 10-15 seconds
Oculus Ring
Legendary power added
Chance to create an area of focused power on killing a monster. Damage is increased by 35-40% while standing in the area
Class-Specific Items
Bul-Kathos's Oath
Has been redesigned
(2) Set Bonus
Increases Fury generation per second by 10
During Whirlwind gain 30% increased Attack Speed and Movement Speed
Immortal King's Boulder Breaker
Now rolls +75-100% Call of the Ancients damage as a fifth primary affix
Immortal King's Call
Now has an additional set piece: Legs
Has been redesigned
(4) Set Bonus
Call of the Ancients' melee attacks deal 600% weapon damage in a 15 yard radius
Reduce the cooldown of Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients by 3 seconds for every 10 Fury you spend with an attack
(6) Set Bonus
New Set Bonus
The duration of your Wrath of the Berserker is increased by 0.25 seconds each time an Ancient deals damage
While both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active, you deal 500% increased damage
Mortick's BreechesBrace
New Legendary PantsBracers
Wrath of the Berserker gains the effect of every rune
Wrath of the Wastes
New Set
(2) Set Bonus
Increase the damage of Rend by 400% 500% and its duration to 15 seconds
(4) Set Bonus
Rend lasts 400% longer
While Whirlwinding you take 40% reduced damage
(6) Set Bonus
Whirlwind deals 400% more damage to enemies affected by Rend
Whirlwind gains the effect of the Dust Devils rune and the damage of the Dust Devils is increased to 2500% weapon damage
Roland's Legacy
Has been redesigned
(6) Set Bonus
Attack Speed bonus increased from 20% to 30% per stack
Drakon's Lesson
New Legendary Bracers
When your Shield Bash hits 3 or less enemies its damage is increased by 300-400% 150-200% and 50% 25% of the Wrath cost is refunded
Demon Hunter
Gauntlets of theCrashing Rain
New Legendary GlovesBelt
While Rain of Vengeance is active you take 30-40% reduced damage
Rain of Vengeance also summons a crashing beast that deals 3000-4000% weapon damage
Natalya's Vengeance
Now has additional set pieces: Gloves, and Legs
Has been redesigned
(42) Set Bonus
The cooldown of Rain of Vengeance is reduced by 1 second every time you cast a primary skill and by 2 seconds every time you cast a Hatred spender
(4) Set Bonus
Rain of Vengeance deals 100% increased damage
(6) Set Bonus
New Set Bonus
Rain of Vengeance deals 800% increased damage
After casting Rain of Vengenace, deal 300% increased damage and take 30% reduced damage for 5 seconds
Unhallowed Essence
New Set
(4) Set Bonus
Gain 40% 20% damage reduction and 20% increased damage for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you
(6) Set Bonus
Your generators and Multishot deal 10% 15% more damage for every point of Discipline you have
Inna's Mantra
Now has additional set pieces: Gloves, and Boots
Raiment of a Thousand Storms
Has been redesigned
(2) Set Bonus
Your Spirit Generators have 25% increased attack speed and 500% 250% increased damage
(6) Set Bonus
Your Spirit Generators increase the weapon damage of Dashing Strike to 5000%8750% for 3 seconds
Dashing Stike now lights up on your action bar when the increased weapon damage is active
New Monk Bracer (PH Name)Spirit Guards
New Bracers
Your Spirit generators reduce your damage taken by 30-40% for 3 seconds
Witch Doctor
Haunted Girdle
New Legendary Belt
Haunt releases 1 extra Spirit
Time to summon a Zombie Dog to your side reduced from 4-6 seconds to 2 seconds
Now rolls with +20-25% Sacrifice damage as a fifth primary affix
Raiment of the Jade Harvester
(2) Set Bonus
New Set Bonus
When Haunt lands on an enemy already affected by Haunt, it instantly deals 5 seconds worth of Haunt damage
(4) Set Bonus
New Set Bonus
Soul Harvest gains the effect of every rune
Zunimassa's Haunt
Now has additional set pieces: Gloves, and Legs
Has been redesigned
(2) Set Bonus
Your Fetish Army lasts until they die
(4) Set Bonus
You and your pets take 2% reduced damage for every Fetish you have alive
(6) Set Bonus
New Set Bonus
Enemies hit by your Mana spenders take 100% 150% more damage from your pets for 4 seconds
Zunimassa's LegsBelt of Transcendence
New Legendary PantsBelt
Summon a Fetish Sycophant when you hit with a Mana spender
Delsere's Magnum Opus
New Set
(2) Set Bonus
Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse reduces the cooldown of your Slow Time by 1 2 seconds
(4) Set Bonus
Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 1250%2000% weapon damage every second
This damage type will be determined by your highest equipped +% Elemental Damage
(6) Set Bonus
Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 500% 750% more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulse
Firebird's Finery
Has been redesigned
(4) Set Bonus
Your Fire Signature Spells cause up to 3 enemies to explode, dealing 250% 400% weapon damage as Fire to enemies within 10 yards
Nilfur's Boast
New Legendary Boots
Increases the damage of Meteor by 100%
Increases the damage of Meteor by 300-400% 200-250% when it hits 3 or less enemies
Tal Rasha's Elements
Now has additional set pieces: Gloves, and Legs
Has been redesigned
(6) Set Bonus
Attacks increase your damage by 75% 175% for 36 seconds. Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning attacks each add one stack (maximum of 4). Adding a stack refreshes the duration]
Note: The total damage bonus is now calculated differently
Slow Time Hat (PH Name)Crown of the Primus
New Wizard Hat
Slow Time gains the effect of every rune
Gesture of Orpheus
Slow Time cooldown reduction reduced from 50-70% to 30-40%
Several existing class-specific Legendary items have been updated to include a unique Legendary power
Note: Existing items will not be affected by the following changes. Only new versions of the items will roll with the added Legendary power.
Gavel of Judgment
Legendary Power added
Hammer of the Ancients returns 15-20 Fury if it hits 3 or less enemies
Now rolls with +30-40% Hammer of the Ancients damage as a fifth primary affix
Legendary power added
Your Signature Spells increase the damage of Arcane Orb by 60-80% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 3 times
Act I
Cursed Cellar
Farnham now spawns closer to the door
Farnham now has the Orbiter and Jailer affixes
Farmham now pursues the closest player
Nephalem Rifts
You can now increase your Blood Shard cap by achieving a personal best in Solo Greater Rifts
The cap will be increased by 10 shards per Greater Rift level completed
Some changes have been made to the way Pylons spawn in Greater Rifts
Now summons shadow clones
Has been given a breath attack
Now has the Waller monster affix
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
- Status
- Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
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