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ArmA 3 [Sammelthread]

AW: ArmA 3

Das ist mir schon bewusst, war mir auch vor dem Kauf etc. klar aber so ins Gefecht einzusteigen ist dann doch schwierig, hat aber trotzdem letzte Nacht Spaß gemacht, war auf einem Public Wasteland Server und da hat sich fast das ganze Team über den VoiceChat unterhalten und gemeinsam sind wir los gezogen :D
AW: ArmA 3

Smockil schrieb:
Besteht eigentlich noch intresse an einen Coop Abend?

Jawohl bin gerne dabei, bin halt momentan nicht so viel online weil ich viele Überstunden klopen muss und erst spät heim komme!
AW: ArmA 3

Gibt ein neues Update, Changelog hab ich aber noch keine gefunden
AW: ArmA 3

Hier gibts nen Changelog: http://feedback.arma3.com/changelog_page.php
- 0001126: [Engine] Speed of sound simulation missing (Nesquick) - resolved.
- 0006799: [Error Message] Cannot load texture a3\structures_f\data\windows\reshq_glass_nohq.paa (pettka) - resolved.
- 0005091: [World] able to walk through specific rocks (Peetrs) - resolved.
- 0000984: [World] Invisible doors in half-collapsed building (Peetrs) - resolved.
- 0006209: [World] Doors not functioning in central house in Girna (ID 48867) (Peetrs) - resolved.
- 0005884: [World] House in Agia Marina not enterable nor marked on map (Peetrs) - resolved.
- 0003579: [Game Crash] Looking through a holographic sight will crash the game (astaroth) - resolved.
- 0006980: [Error Message] "picture-not-found"-error occurs when a MXC is equipped with a Sound Suppressor (pettka) - resolved.
- 0006954: [Visual-Vehicles] AH-9 fuel gauge reads 100 lbs when full instead of the max reading of 300 lbs (pettka) - resolved.
- 0001903: [Visual-Structures] The Building House 2 (Big Inhabited) v1 is buged. (redstone) - resolved.
- 0004690: [Explosives] No smoke&fire seen through window (redstone) - resolved.
- 0003837: [Engine] Grenades cannot be thrown through windows (redstone) - resolved.
- 0005406: [Controls] Not able to get a seat in little bird (redstone) - resolved.
- 0000157: [Menu UI] Spelling error (Gekon) - resolved.
- 0006719: [Localization] Spelling error in mission editor (Gekon) - resolved.
- 0004237: [Menu UI] [Alpha 0.5.102980] Legal text for Nvidia's PhysX is missing from the License section of the Field Manual. (Gekon) - resolved.
- 0005210: [Multiplayer] Horrible rotational synchronization in multiplayer! (Nesquick) - resolved.
- 0006262: [Sound] Sounds do not attenuate with distance properly. (Nesquick) - resolved.
- 0004056: [Movement] Swimming at land (Smookie) - resolved.
- 0005511: [Menu UI] Game Options will not be saved / Difficult Changes / Colors (muf) - resolved.
- 0005709: [Visual-Environment] ammo box expolsion light not dissapear at night. (DarkDruid) - resolved.
- 0004189: [World] all fish swimmin north (DarkDruid) - resolved.
- 0004852: [Game Crash] Helicopter SC crashes on autosave /user save reload (no exception catch on corrupt save file loading failure?) (millhauz) - resolved.
- 0004662: [Engine] Server does not assign player a slot where forceHeadlessClient=1; - closed.
- 0006664: [AI Issues] AI Walking through doors (redstone) - closed.
- 0005834: [Movement] One passenger seat in Ifrit is not used - closed.
AW: ArmA 3

sagt mal ist das euch auch aufgefallen das das spiel performance technisch ziemlich spät Abends um einiges flüssiger läuft ? ich war mal nachts um 2 uhr auf einen vollen 40 mann coop server und das spiel lief sehr flüssig. Nachmittags mit viel weniger leuten teilweise ziemliche Ruckel orgie. Hab das mit ein paar servern ausprobiert, bei mir läuft das spät Abends viel besser als Nachmittags oder früher Abend. Mein Ping schwankt auch nicht groß und die INet Leitung ist auch ok....
AW: ArmA 3

Bei mir ist das so. Ich habe alle Einstellungen auf Ultra, oder maximale Auswahl.
Ich Singleplayer läuft alles butterweich. Online, bei manchen Servern auch, aber bei manchen Servern nur eine Ruckelorgie.
Hoffe, die kriegen das bis zum Release hin.
AW: ArmA 3

Soso ich war die letzten Wochen im Urlaub, aber Ihr scheint ja leider nicht sonderlich viel veranstaltet zu haben oder seh ich das falsch?
AW: ArmA 3

Soweit ich weiß ist der down. Smockil kann da bestimmt mehr zu sagen.
AW: ArmA 3

Server (TS als auch Game) ist vorübergehend abgeschalten. Wir werden sehen ob zur Beta-Phase wieder etwas Wind in die Sache kommt.
AW: ArmA 3

Gibts nen grund für die abschaltung?
AW: ArmA 3

Keine Spieler ? Das Interesse ist denke ich erstmal etwas eingeschlafen bis zum ersten richtigen Contentpatch.
AW: ArmA 3

Naja, ist nen bisschen sinnfrei nen Server für uns 4 oder 5 alleine zu unterhalten. Wir haben den ja hauptsächlich geholt damit viele andere auch was davon haben, aber es kam ja in der letzten Zeit keiner mehr. Und da reicht es auch nicht einmal am Tag kurz im TS vorbeizugucken ob jemand on ist und wieder abzudampfen. Wenn man eine Community am leben halten will, ist auch etwas Eigeninitiative gefragt und ein bisschen mehr Geduld. Ist ja auch egal jetzt. Wir hoffen das bald wieder etwas Leben in die Bude kommt. Zur Zeit sind wir auf ein Mumble-Server umgezogen den hobbicon noch "übrig" hatte und spielen viele andere Spiele wie z.B. Warframes, SWAT 4 uvm.
Game Update: 0.58


Game Update: 0.58 (Dedicated Servers, lighting and audio tweaks, combat and stealth radio protocols)
SIZE: ~855 MB


Dedicated Server files added to the root of the game (arma3server.exe and supporting libraries)
Comprehensive lighting tweaking (details)
Environmental tweaks: sun, lens flares, material changes for changed lighting
Lights optimization
Lighting tweaks for vehicles (headlights, positional lights) and flashlights
Increased light intensity of muzzle flashes
Added: dedicated combat radio protocol
Added: dedicated stealth radio protocol
Fixed various radio protocol issues
Asset audio overhaul: volume balancing, WAV to WSS conversion and more (details)
Alarm sound now also configured under CfgSounds, as “Alarm”
Improved Ka 60 fire geometry
Various types of lights on the Ka 60 improved (placement, parameters)
Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7401 (Ka 60 rotor collisions)
Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1219 (wrong Ka 60 horizon indication)
Adjusted mass distribution of MH-9
Fixed: Position lights of helicopters have been adjusted
AI helicopter handling improved
Improved ‘fording depth’ for helicopters to deal with ‘landing’ on water better
Speedboat (minigun) now uses correct muzzle points
Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7584 (top-speed gear change for the Hunter)
Fixed: Tweaked fire geometry (mostly glasses) for the Hunter
Tweaked MRAPs' maximum light radius to improve performance
MRAPs should have tracers every third shot now
Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=8384 (helicopter wreck's smoke and electricity effect did not stop after wreck was deleted)
Launcher AI settings and weapon performance configuration tweaked
Various (missile) ammunition behavior tweaks (maneuvering, locking, etc.)
Material penetration properties modified
Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6682 (MXM suppressor)
Holosights have been replaced by ACO for Katiba
12.7mm HMG Rate of Fire fixed
Tweaked missiles for AH-9 to be better used by AI
Adjusted DAGR locking cone and adjusted its AI characteristics
Fixed: NLAW and RPG-32 optics rotated by 0.7° down, muzzle 0.7° up for better aiming by both for players and AI
Fixed: MXM and MX SW handles have better materials
Range Master character added
All chest rigs should be of better visual quality
BLUFOR marksman's has changed its color to match his uniform
Removed hand grenades from helicopter pilots and crew
Diver UW magazine count modified
Automatic rifleman shouldn't have a tracer round every bullet anymore
Removed little cubes from BLUFOR rifleman's right wrist
Fixed: Missing texture of backpack has been re-mapped
Movement speed tweaking and unification deployed
Various little tweaks and fixes on common houses
Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=802 (fuel station coloration after destruction)
Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3333 (telephone pole collisions)
Added numberOfDoors parameter to structure configs
Added numberOfHatches parameter to structures configs
Reduced durability of reflectors and markerlights on structures
Added baked lighting for crowns and trunks of trees and shrubs (macro maps)
Last / distant LOD for plants improved
Fixed: various bush material / alpha shaders
Smoke shell effect tweaked
Rocket effects tweaked
Blood hit and fire dust effects tweaked
Added small settlement near Kamino firing range
Stratis bridges improved for characters and vehicles
Stratis environmental settings tweaked: lighting (night and underwater), fog, haze, colors
Tweaks to Stratis lamp placements
Fixed: Sandbag barriers adjusted on Stratis
Added: New system for displaying scenario overview information
Side colors are now customizable. Two presets are available; one based on previous Arma 3 colors (default) and one recreating the Arma 2 scheme
Author's name in scenario overview is formatted like "by %s". If undefined "by Unknown Community Author" is displayed
Added tooltips to CListBox and key presets
Added: When the default (GUI) color is updated, it will be forced for all users who were using the previous default
Welcome Screen no longer shown for new profiles made during the same session
Fixed: White background when downloading scenarios looked like the game stopped responding. Custom color used instead of white
Added: Debriefing now shows number of respawns instead of reverts in multiplayer
Fixed: Quick command linked to the old communications menu
Added: Correct cursor for supports communications menu
Added: Framework for respawn templates - custom scripts and functions executed when player dies and respawns (details)
Added: Currently existing respawn effects (e.g., seagull, spectator camera, ...) moved to the respawn templates
Added: Communication menu manager
Function BIS_fnc_objectsGrabber would sometimes not close the output Array
Fixed: Functions viewer was not working when launched from mission editor
Added: Adding new control presets and their tooltips
Fixed: Notification area is now wider
Fixed: Debug console was not visible when launched from Splendid camera in non-editor mission
Field Manual Commanding / Move hint improved
BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle added to functions
Fixed: BIS_fnc_infoText was using obsolete sound
Added: A notification is displayed when a new communication menu item is added
Fixed: allowFunctionsRecompile description.ext param had no effect
Added: BIS_fnc_loadInventory throws an error when non-existent uniform is added
Added: BIS_fnc_MP now accepts SIDE type as a target. Function will be executed on computers of all players on the given side
Optimized: BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted
Added: Variable header added to local functions
Fixed: BIS_fnc_sortBy ignored entries with duplicate values
Danger FSM: Script command setUnitPosWeak used instead of setUnitPos. Priority of event DCCanFire is higher now
Fixed: Chromatic aberration remained when camera was launched from the pause menu
Removed: pauseOnLoad.sqf redundant script
Optimized: Module framework now loads modules significantly faster and takes less time during a mission
Added: BIS_fnc_startLoadingScreen and BIS_fnc_endLoadingScreen - a simple loading screen manager which gives a designer the ability to control his / her loads without fear of breaking others
Added: Error message will now interrupt loading screen
Fixed: The default editor template was still calling functions
Fixed: Feedback FSM optimization
Fixed: When respawnOnStart was set to 1 in description.ext, death scripts were sometimes executed after respawn scripts
Added: Correct ETA for mortar support in SCUBA mission

New Dedicated Server parameters for configuring ports for Steam services (should allow multiple DS per OS-instance) (details)
Updated to Physx3.2.4
Fixed several MP synchronization issues
Fixed several crash opportunities in SP and MP
Several inventory interaction and stability fixes
Removed destroyed buildings from PhysX simulation
Fixed: Wheel speed in damaged or destroyed state
Dynamic light influence to AI visibility tweaked
Tweaked darkness coefficient computation for AI visibility and NVG threshold for AI
Fixed: Hard limit usage while performing light sorting
Added: New hard limits implemented into particle lights
Added: New parameters for particle effects (global variants of surfNormalX, Y and Z)
Fixed: Starting scenarios from subfolders did not work correctly
Fixed: Audio distance curve
Added: Radio filter / effect
Fixed: MX UGL had a displaced crosshair
Added: Loiter waypoint
Fixed: AI will not eject before player
Fixed: Taking additional ammo for pistol would play reloading sound
Fixed: Certain magazines could not be moved to another container from backpacks
Fixed: RMB in inventory (moving from backpack to your own backpack) lost the item
Fixed: Headgear items when on the ground (WeaponHolder) were missing the 'Take' action
Fixed: Backpack items when on the ground (WeaponHolder) were missing the 'Take' action
Fixed: Sidearm taken from enemies are duplicated if put into the vest or backpack
Fixed: Texture flickering on wrecks
Fixed: Tooltip crash in MP sessions listbox
Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7673 (crash when trying to bind controls - drag and drop)
Added lbSetTooltip script command
Removed redundant CfgFirstAid >> firstAidScript
Small optimization of face mimics
Fixed: enableFatigue command was not working
Fixed: Manual control for locked missiles works again
Added: Most detailed shadow lod is now displayed in view pilot
Fixed: Helicopters engines now are damaged correctly upon contact with water
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: ArmA 3

Also ich bin dann auf jeden fall wieder dabei. :)
Ich Blick das nur mit der E3 + Beta nicht richtig. Ab wann gibts dann die Beta über Steam?