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Diablo III [Sammelthread Teil 6]

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fritte76 schrieb:
Was verlieren sie denn da genau ? Aber hier finden sich sicher ein paar nette Mönche. Die dich mal mitnehmen das geht ja in der Regel schnell die Teile in nicht "perfekt" zu finden.
Ihren Charakter. Von uns sind alle Anfänger, da hängt man an seinem Zeug. Zumal keiner bisher T6 erreicht hat. (Hab mal ein paar normale Mobs zum Gold sammeln gekillt, aber das war mehr weg rennen und durchsterben als farmen.)
Verstehe nicht was du meinst mit verlieren. Die können doch nen Season Char "erstellen" ohne das sie irgendwas verlieren.

Ich glaube aber es wäre besser wenn du einfach mal mit "uns" auf T6 mit kommst und die Teile dann bekommst die noch fehlen.

Dann müssen deine Clan Kollegen auch nicht mit der Season beginnen.
Ich glaub sie wollen selffound spielen als Gruppe und alles selber erkunden, finden, durchspielen.
Wenn sie es nicht machen würden, würde das als easy mode angesehen. So zumindest versteh ich es.

Denke auch, daß man am Anfang alles relaxed angehen sollte.
Hab eine Frage zur Konsolenversion:

Weiß oder graue Gegenstände verschwinden bei mir immer sofort nachdem sie gedroppt sind. Kann sie also nicht aufheben. In den Optionen hab ich nichts gefunden dazu. Weiß da wer was?
fritte76 schrieb:
Verstehe nicht was du meinst mit verlieren. Die können doch nen Season Char "erstellen" ohne das sie irgendwas verlieren.

Ich glaube aber es wäre besser wenn du einfach mal mit "uns" auf T6 mit kommst und die Teile dann bekommst die noch fehlen.

Dann müssen deine Clan Kollegen auch nicht mit der Season beginnen.
Ein Season Char ist wie ein neuer Account, alles was man bisher hatte ist "weg". Das stört einfach.
Der zweite Grund ist, dass wir im normalen Modus ja eh noch auf T3 rumkrepeln. Non-Season haben wir also noch gar nicht "durch". Und da jeder inzwischen seine Lieblingsklasse gefunden hat, will man nicht nochmal von vorne anfangen. Es ist nunmal ein großer Unterschied ob man bereits 2 Jahre Diablo spielt oder erst 1 Monat.
Eigentlich bin ich gegen mitlaufen auf t6, einfach weils öde ist. Außerdem, was mache ich wenn ich das Zeug habe? Dann bin ich ja "fertig"... Andererseits ists auch verdammt öde wenn man seit ~7 Tagen kein neues Item gefunden hat.
Hätte aber nichts dagegen mal bei einem von euch einen Riss oder so mitzulaufen, um zu sehen wie ihr da so durch rollt. :)
@spamarama...du musst nicht zwingend bei uns im clan Mitglied sein, es reicht ja dein battletag / id um dich ingame zu adden und inviten...so könntest du tatsächlich mal t6 mitlaufen, allerdings sind viele hier aktuell season only unterwegs, d.h abends zu Stoßzeiten wirst du wenige auf non-season zum mitlaufen finden....
Ist 2H immer das non plus ultra für n Mönch oder gibts auch dicke Dual Wield / Schild Varianten? Hab nämlich grade n fetten Himmelsschlitzer gefunden und überlege ob was sich lohnt...
Kann euch mal dringend den Wiz ans Herz legen, wenn es nicht unbedingt Grift 40+ sein soll. So viel Spaß hatte ich in D3 lange nicht mehr. Aetherwalker zum Dauerteleporten, Cosmic Strand für Wormhole und Teleport mit Calamity Rune, dazu momentan Frost Hydra und Sleet Storm sowie Frost Nova + Halo of Arlyse Ring.
Als nächstes werde ich aber versuchen, komplett auf den Teleport aufzubauen ohne andere Attacke. In die Masse porten -> alles tot :D
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hey :)

hab seit lange heute mal wider zeit ein bisschen zu daddeln und wollte fragen ob sich heute oder morgen vlt ein grüppchen finden würde in der mein kleiner Season Monk Para ~60 mit ranhängen könnte ??

wäre toll wenn es klappen könnte bei open game gibts ja in der regel nur splittfaming und den ring hab ich schon

Patch 2.2.0 coming to the PTR!
The patch is already available for download on the PTR but the server is not yet online. We are working on datamining the latest changes for you and will update this post as soon as we get them!

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
We are preparing to launch patch 2.2.0 on the PTR. You may notice that the PTR is currently available for download in the Battle.net launcher.

At this time, the PTR is not yet live, and you will receive an error if you attempt to log in.

Patch 2.2.0 includes migration to a new file system called CASC (which you can read more about here). As a result, the installation may take longer than you've previously experienced. We're also running additional internal tests before opening up the PTR to the public. Once the the PTR servers are available for testing, we'll update this thread accordingly and post patch notes. Keep an eye on our front page for more information.

We're excited to share our latest patch and thank you for your patience as we make our final preparations.
Jetzt habe ich mit para 154 fünf Teile vom feuervogelset gefunden und auch den prunkring
Ich kann aber nur qual 4 spielen da ich nur ne halbe mio schaden mache
Immerin! Ich sitze seit Wochen auf t3 fest. :D

War recht erfolgreich heute, habe den Prunkring gefunden, das Sunwuko Amulett und einen uralten Tzo Krin's Helm. Bringt mir nur alles nichts ohne den Weihrauchstab und die restlichen Sunwuko Teile...
Außerdem konnte ich bei Mr. Smith mitlaufen, gibt mir genug Motivation meinen Mönch weiter zu spielen.:)
Die Datamined PTR Patchnotes lesen sich nett. Das wird wohl das erste Mal das ich PTR spiele :p

Ich pack mal was in nen Spoiler aber wie gesagt datamined:
New and Updated Set Bonuses
Wrath of the Wastes 2 pieces: [Rend deals 400% increased damage.]
Wrath of the Wastes 4 pieces: [Rend lasts 400% longer.]
Wrath of the Wastes 6 pieces: [Whirlwind deals 400% increased damage to enemies affected by your Rend.]
Delsere's Magnum Opus 2 pieces: [Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse reduces the cooldown of Slow Time by 1 |4second:seconds;.]
Delsere's Magnum Opus 4 pieces: [Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 1250% weapon damage every second.]
Delsere's Magnum Opus 6 pieces: [Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 500% more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulse abilities.]
Unhallowed Essence 2 pieces: [Your generators also generate 1 Discipline.]
Unhallowed Essence 4 pieces: [Gain 40% damage reduction for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you.]
Unhallowed Essence 6 pieces: [Your generators and Multishot deal 10% increased damage for every point of Discipline you have.]
Roland's Legacy 2 pieces: [Every use of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack reduces the cooldowns of your Laws and Defensive Skills by 1 second.]
Roland's Legacy 4 pieces: [Increase the damage of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack by 500%.]
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 2 pieces: [Your Spirit Generators have 25% increased attack speed and 500% increased damage.]
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 4 pieces: [Increases the weapon damage of Dashing Strike to 5000%.]
Raiment of a Thousand Storms 6 pieces: [Dashing Strike spends 50 Spirit, but refunds a Charge when it does.]
Guardian's Jeopardy 2 pieces: [+250 Vitality] [Regenerates 8000 Life per Second] UP FROM 2000
Zunimassa's Haunt 6 pieces: [Enemies hit by your Mana spenders take 100% more damage from your pets for 4 seconds.]
Inna's Mantra 6 pieces: [Mystic Ally casts Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Seven-Sided Strike, and Wave of Light when you do.]
Inna's Mantra 2 pieces: [Increase the passive effect of your Mystic Ally and the base passive effect of your Mantra by 100%.]
Tal Rasha's Elements 2 pieces: [Damaging enemies with Arcane, Cold, Fire or Lightning will cause a Meteor of the same damage type to fall from the sky. There is an 8 second cooldown for each damage type.]
Tal Rasha's Elements 4 pieces: [Attacks increase your resistance to that damage type by 100% for 6 seconds.]
Tal Rasha's Elements 6 pieces: [Attacks increase your damage by 75% for 3 seconds. Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning attacks each add one stack. Adding a stack refreshes the duration.]
Immortal King's Call 2 pieces: [Call of the Ancients last until they die.]
Immortal King's Call 4 pieces: [Call of the Ancients' melee attacks also deal 600% weapon damage in a 15 yard radius.]
Immortal King's Call 6 pieces: [Increase the duration of your Wrath of the Berserker by [0.5|1|] |4second:seconds; every time an Ancient deals damage.]
Natalya's Vengeance 4 pieces: [The cooldown of Rain of Vengeance is reduced by 2 seconds every time you cast a primary skill and by 3 seconds every time you cast a Hatred spender.]
Natalya's Vengeance 6 pieces: [Rain of Vengeance deals 800% increased damage.]
New Legendary and Possible set Bonus Strings
Disclaimer: Item Passives are usually put on Rings for the sake of testing - chances are these will be put on other gear/armor slots for the final version.
Warning: also bear in mind we cannot tell as of now which of these are "revamped set bonuses", and any of these affixes/strings could be part of those!!!
Some pre-existing affixes that are already items have been re-added with a new ID. This might mean their values are getting buffed, or they are being brought back for this Patch (from beta).

P2_ItemPassive_Unique_025 - Enemies hit by your Furious Charge take [VALUE]% weapon damage over 3 seconds.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_026 - The first enemy hit by Furious Charge takes [VALUE]% additional damage.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_027 - Increase the duration of your Wrath of the Berserker by [VALUE] seconds every time an Ancient deals damage.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_032 - Wrath of the Berserker gains the effect of every rune.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_043 - Ground Stomp causes an Avalanche.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_048 - Call of the Ancients' melee attacks also deal [VALUE% weapon damage in a 15 yard radius.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_004 - Increase the damage of Whirlwind by [VALUE]% weapon damage.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_001 - Rend lasts [VALUE]% longer.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_002 - Rend deals [VALUE]% increased damage.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_003 - Whirlwind deals [VALUE]% increased damage to enemies affected by your Rend.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_028 - Attacks increase your damage by [VALUE]% for 3 seconds. Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning attacks each add one stack. Adding a stack refreshes the duration.
ItemPassive_Unique_914_x1 - [VALUE]% chance on being hit to release a Frost Nova.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_037 - Increase the damage of Meteor by 100%. When your Meteor hits 3 or less enemies, the damage is increased by [VALUE]%.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_013 - Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse reduces the cooldown of Slow Time by [VALUE] seconds.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_015 - Slow Time gains the effect of every rune.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_012 - Enemies affected by your Slow Time take [VALUE]% more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulse abilities.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_010 - Enemies affected by your Slow Time take [VALUE]% weapon damage every second.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_050 - Your Fire Signature Spells cause up to 3 enemies to explode, dealing [VALUE]% weapon damage as Fire to enemies within 10 yards.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_029 - Mystic Ally casts Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Seven-Sided Strike, and Wave of Light when you do.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_033 - Increases the weapon damage of Dashing Strike to [VALUE]%.
ItemPassive_Unique_915_x1 - Seven-Sided Strike performs an additional seven strikes.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_034 - Your Spirit Generators reduce your damage taken by [VALUE]% for 3 seconds.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_049 - Increase the passive effect of your Mystic Ally and the base passive effect of your Mantra by [{VALUE1}*100]%.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_022 - Your Spirit Generators have 25% increased attack speed and [VALUE]% increased damage.
ItemPassive_Unique_541_x1 - Your Spirit Generators generate [VALUE]% more Spirit.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_021 - Dashing Strike spends [VALUE] Spirit, but refunds a Charge when it does.
Witch Doctor
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_030 - Enemies hit by your Mana spenders take [VALUE]% more damage from your pets for 4 seconds.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_035 - Summon a Fetish Sycophant when you hit with a Mana spender.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_041 - Gargantuan instead summons three smaller gargantuans each more powerful than before.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_039 - Increase the damage of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack by [VALUE]%.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_040 - Every use of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack reduces the cooldowns of your Laws and Defensive Skills by 1 second.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_042 - When your Shield Bash hits 3 or less enemies, its damage is increased by [VALUE]% and 50% of its Wrath Cost is refunded.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_045 - Justice spawns a Blessed Hammer when it hits an enemy.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_046 - Slash attacks in all directions.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_047 - Blocks release forward a Fires of Heaven.
Demon Hunter
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_031 - Rain of Vengeance deals [VALUE]% increased damage.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_005 - Your generators and Multishot deal [VALUE]% increased damage for every point of Discipline you have.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_007 - Your generators also generate [VALUE] Discipline.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_017 - Multishot hits enemies below [VALUE]% health twice.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_020 - Gain [VALUE]% damage reduction for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you.
ItemPassive_Unique_916_x1 - Chance on kill to raise a skeleton to fight for you. Upon accumulating 5 skeletons, they explode for 300% weapon damage and the sword transforms into Ashbringer for a short time. Attacking with Ashbringer burns your target for [VALUE]% weapon damage as Holy.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_036 - Attacks increase your resistance to that damage type by [VALUE]% for 6 seconds.
ItemPassive_Unique_917_x1 - Grants a [VALUE]% chance to block attacks. Blocked attacks inflict 20% less damage. After blocking an attack, your next attack inflicts 20% additional damage.
ItemPassive_Unique_918_x1 - Attacking enemies below [VALUE]% Life freezes them for 3 seconds.
ItemPassive_Unique_919_x1 - Your skill cooldowns are reduced by [VALUE] seconds.
ItemPassive_Unique_920_x1 - Reduce the remaining cooldown of one of your skills by [VALUE] seconds each time you spend resource.
ItemPassive_Unique_921_x1 - Summons a Fallen Lunatic to your side every [VALUE] seconds.
ItemPassive_Unique_922_x1 - Chance to create an area of focused power on killing a monster. Damage is increased by [VALUE]% while standing in the area.
ItemPassive_Unique_923_x1 - After 5 consecutive non-critical hits, your chance to critically hit is increased to 100% for [VALUE] seconds.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_038 - Gain [VALUE] increased damage to a single element for 5 seconds. This effect rotates through the elements available to your class in the following order: Arcane, Cold, Fire, Holy, Lightning, Physical, Poison.
ItemPassive_Unique_Axe_1H_005_p2 - [VALUE]% chance to Smite enemies for 1500-1800% weapon damage as Lightning when you hit them.
ItemPassive_Unique_Belt_016_p2 - Picking up a Health Globe increases your maximum Life by [VALUE]% for 30 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
ItemPassive_Unique_643_p2 - Blocks have a chance of summoning a charging wolf that deals [VALUE]% weapon damage to all enemies it passes through.
ItemPassive_Unique_597_p2 - After falling below [VALUE]% Life, all attacks are guaranteed Critical Hits for 4 seconds.
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_018U_x1 - Enemies you attack also take increased damage from allied players, followers, and pets.
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_019_x1 - Gain [VALUE]% melee damage reduction.
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_019U_x1 - While below [VALUE]% Life, you may move unhindered through enemies.
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_020_x1 - Your overhealing from Life per Hit and Life per Second are applied as an absorb shield for up to [VALUE]% of your maximum Life.
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_021_x1 - Your cold skills now apply chill effects and your chill effects now slow enemy movement by an additional [VALUE]%.
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_021U_x1 - Gain [VALUE]% increased chance to critically strike chilled and frozen enemies.
P2_Legendary_Potion_07 - Restores [VALUE]% resource when used below 50% health. (up from 25% - change to Potion of Rejuvenation)
Class Skill Changes

Nerves of Steel - Fatal damage instead reduces you to 15% Life. For 3 seconds afterward, you take 95% reduced damage and are immune to all control-impairing effects. / This effect may occur once every 60 seconds.
Call of the Ancients
Ancients' Blessing: Each point of Fury you spend heals you and your Ancients for 966 Life.
Duty to the Clan: Enemies hit by the Ancients are Chilled for 2 seconds and have 10% increased chance to be Critically Hit. / The Ancients' damage turns into Lightning. (from Cold)
Near Death Experience When receiving fatal damage, you instead restore 35% Life and 35% Spirit and are immune to damage and control impairing effects for 2 seconds. / This effect may occur once every 60 seconds.
Fetish Sycophants When you hit enemies with your spells, you have up to a 15% (up from 10) chance to summon a dagger-wielding Fetish to fight by your side for 60 seconds.
Hex Cooldown: 15 seconds / Summon a Fetish Shaman for 12 seconds that will hex groups of enemies into chickens. Hexed enemies are unable to perform offensive actions and take 10% additional damage.
Slow Time Cooldown: 15 seconds / Invoke a bubble of warped time and space at your target location up to 60 yards away for 15 seconds, reducing enemy attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 60%. This bubble also slows the speed of enemy projectiles by 90%.
Time Warp : Enemies caught in the bubble of warped time take 15% (up from 10) more damage.
Point of No Return : Enemies that enter or leave the Slow Time area are stunned for 1 second (down from 3).
Exhaustion: Enemies caught by Slow Time deal 25% less damage.
@Euronymous: klingt interessant. Hab mir Deine sorc mal angesehen. Kann man das T6 auch ohne high CDR und ohne den Ring/Ätherwandler spielen? Oder sind das essentials? Und wofür stackst du soviel CDR, wenn der cooldown vom Teleport ja wegfällt durch die Waffe? Nur für schwarzes Loch/Zeit verlangsamen? Oder ist das Profil gar nicht aktuell? Fragen über Fragen :D

Edit: ah ok, die o.g. skills passen schon mal nicht zu deinem Profil (Du bist doch der Atzenpeter? :D)
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