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Macht mein i5 genau so, aber die 5870 dreht Däumchen. Dann ist das wohl normal so.
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Anaxagoras schrieb:Folgende Panzer im Moment: VK3601H, VK3001P, T-34, KV, KV-3, Hummel, JagdPz IV, Leopard, MS-1, Löwe, M3Lee, Tiger (kommt heute). Den VK3601H werde ich wohl behalten, der macht so einen Spass!!!
Dear Support Team.
Since the latest patch I recognized some new Bugs. Especially that very often tanks were hit, but has 0% damage. Before 0.6.4 there was nothing like that. These 0% hits aren't critical hits, because this would be announced by the ingame crew. As I read the forums i realized, that I am not the only one with that problem.
As you can see in this Videos from another user, there seems to be a bug in damage, calculation.
My second problem I encountered was, that there are often shells flying outside the aiming circle. I am aiming in sniper mode at an enemy tank, the circle is far samller, so that it could ONLY hit the hull of my opponent. When I shoot, there is no hit. Neither a bounce (black symbol flash) nor a positive hit (white symbol flash). Also there is no explosion that the bullet hit the ground.
I hop you can help me what's running wrong with that.
Thanky you in advance.
,Dear Player,
You hear the bell when you damage a tank module. Modules can be external (like cannon, optics, suspension) and internal (crew, ammo rack, etc.) External modules can absorb damage partially of fully; internal modules are damaged only when the armor is penetrated. You damage the tank when you penetrate the armor. Crew can be blemished with an HE shell while the armor is not penetrated. In this case you hear the bell, too.
The second answer -
That means that the shell miss its target completely. This is not a bug, it is a game design.
Best regards,
1. Anser: Ok, I partially understand this, but why is it possible in this Video that a IS3 can survive a load of shots from three tanks?
2. Answer: I don't understand this. Why, when aiming circle is smaller than the tank, should the shell fly outside it? I stand there aim up to 3-4 seconds (in high tier) and then the shell should go out of the circle? there is a reason for aiming time. To ensure that the object I am aiming at is hittet by a higher chance tahn without aiming down for long time. And if it's going out of the circle, why isn't there any animation that the shell hit the ground, or something behind the tank (wall, etc.) ?
It seemslike the shell is disappearing while flying.
I don't think that this is game design.
Thank you in advance.
Dear Player,
Also please remember that our game designed closely to the real life actions. So the rules of physics also in our game.
Shells are affected by gravity whether in flight or not, and, when they leave the barrel, they no longer have any physical support, so they begin to fall. In addition, they are traveling through air, so air resistance progressively slows their flight. The longer the pass, the greater the starting angle, and the higher the "rise" before the ball begins to fall.
In scientific terms, "thrown" objects, whether by hand, explosion, springs, compressed air, or other forces, are called "projectiles," their path in space is called their "trajectory," and the study of their trajectories is called "ballistics." Those who fail to understand the elementary physics of ballistics often misinterpret the configuration of barrel and the line of sight and assume that something "special" happens to the bullet during its flight. Many things happen, but nothing "special;" bullets fly just like any other projectile and are subject to the same laws of physics.
Best regards,
I know the Basics of ballistics and I can see that the game does the vertical correction of the gun. But this doesn't explain, why some of my bullets disappear during the flight. And I am talking about opponents that are standing still. Without any movement.
kind regards.
Dear Player,
We have tested the disappearing shells you have mentioned. So we can tell you that when you miss the target the shell does not disappear the hit the ground far behind the target. Being in the in the sniper mode you are not able to see it due to the limitation of your view range.
Best regards,
Dear Support team!
Some time ago, I asked you about these so-called 0% hits. Last time you told me this were external module hits.
After some more such hits (like 10 times in a row and so on) I tried this in a training match and in randoms.
In a recent battle I met an ex-clanmember. Faced him as opponent in Ruinberg in the city. I hit his Jagdpanther with my 122mm BL-9 (IS-3).
I shot his front. I heard the bell, got a white-flashing symbol and my crew told me "Critcal Hit" after asking him, what module I hit, he returned "not a single one". He had 0% Damage and no module was hit. After a second qustion if the shell has arrived him, he returned "yes but nothing happened". So it can't be that a module is hit like you told me last time. I a Module was hit he would see that. There seems to be a little bug in module damage calculation, or in the hitboxes.
Many player have that problem. Just take a look in forums
My second problem that I have is, that after playing on map ENSK, I get huge performance problems. The game runs fine at full details with FullHD resolution at about 25-50 frames. But as I play on Ensk the first time i get framedrops and really bad performance. th game doessnt run over 30 Frames until a restart of the game or even a reboot. Also if I turn down details to low, the game still rauns bad.
I don't think that my hardware would not be up to play the game
(CPU: Cose 2 Quad Q6600 OC @ 3,4 GHz // GPU: Palit GTX460 1GB // 4GB of DDR2 RAM)
I hope you can help me with that problms and tell my how to avoid them.
Thank you in advance
Dear Player,
When a module is hit, it effectively gets a "saving throw". If it makes the "saving throw", it takes no damage. If it fails the "saving throw", it takes damage. If the damage is large enough, the module becomes damaged. If it is larger still (more than the modules HP), the module is destroyed. Damaging a module does not reduce the HP of the tank.
For more information on the issue please check following links:
As for your performance issue, please try to up to date your DirectX and VGA drivers
Best regards,
Hi robert. This quote of the wiki sounds reasonable. But what exactly is meant by the "saving throw"?
I am not a native english speaker. It seems this is something I cannot translate word by word
Thank you
Kind reagrds.
Dear Player,
To be honest, each hit received by module have a chance to absorbed completely without actually delivering damage to module.
In addition, even if damage is inflicted successfully, sometimes it can be not enough to actually turn module to damaged or destroyed state. However, inflicted damage persists (until completely repaired by Repair Module (or partially by crew members)) and is accumulable.
Best regards,
Hi Steve!
Thank you for your honest answer. Players appreciate such answers (me too)
I hope this will get fixed a little bit in the future, because I get such hits since the 0.6.4 Patch. I played the beta since autumn, and at 0.6.4 when these hits started it was very frustrating. I hop you know what I mean
Accourding to my performance problem.
I tried to update Direct X and uninstalled the latest nVidia Beta drivers and downgraded to latest WHQL drivers. But unfortunately it didn't help.
You need my DXDiag, or do you know another solution for this?
Kind regards and thank you very much.
Dear Player,
Thank you for your interest in the improvement of World of Tanks.
Also please, send us the screenshot of your game graphic settings. See sample:
Best regards,
Liebes Support Team!
Mit dem letzten Patch bin ich sehr zufrieden. Dieser ist dem Dev Team gut gelungen. Jedoch habe ich leider ein paar kleine Probleme.
Schon seit dem Patch 0.6.4 treten bei mir vermehrt diese sogenannten 0% Treffer auf. also das Gegner-Klassensymbol blinkt weiß auf (positiver Treffer) aber es wird kein Schaden abgezogen. Oftmals passiert mir das auch im offnene Kampf unter 100 Meter. gezielt in die seite geschossen. Panzer fährt einfach weiter als sei nichts passiert. Es ist mir schon bewusst, dass dies auch durch ein beschädigtes Modul auftreten kann, jedoch verstehe ich nicht, wie so etwas meist 5-10 mal hintereinander passieren kann? Liegt es vielleicht an etwaigen Einstellungen meiner Netzwerkkarte? Was kann ich dagegen tun?
Weiters habe ich unerklärliche Performanceprobleme. Meinen Prozessor (Intel Q6600) habe ich bereits von 2,4 auf 3,5 GHz übertaktet. Das kam der Performance sehr zugute, jedoch habe ich ein Problem, das sich zu 100% mit der Map Ensk verbinden lässt. World of Tanks läuft mit knappen 35 Frames auf höchster Einstellung in Full HD Auflösung. Spiele ich jedoch einmal Ensk habe ich auf dieser Map schlimme Performaceeinbußen, die sich ein Framedrops und Hängern äußern. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt habe ich diese Symptome auch auf den anderen Maps. bis zum Neustart des Spiels. Dabei ist es dem Spiel egal ob ich die Grafik auf Low setze oder sie so belasse. 1x Ensk und es ruckelt.
Weiters ist es mir schon des öfteren passiert, dass ein Panzer nicht getroffen wurde (Weder Bounce noch treffer) obwohl der Steukreis weit kleiner war, als der angezielte Panzer. es ist so als würde die Granate außerhalb des Streuungskreises fliegen. Jedoch sehe ich dann auch keinen Aufschlag. Als würde die Granate in der Luft verschwinden?
Was kann ich dagegen tun? Was könnte die ursache sein?
Ich danke im Vorhinein für eure Hilfe!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Lieber Spieler,
wenn Sie mehrfach in die Ketten oder Laufrollen eines gegnerischen Panzers schießen, ist es gut möglich, dass dem gegnerischen Panzer mehrmals 0% Schaden zugefügt wird. Damit beim Spielen keine Probleme auftreten, müssen Sie die Taktgeschwindigkeit des Prozessors auf den Anfangswert zurücksetzen. Im Spiel sowie in den statistischen Methoden der Ballistik wird unterstellt, dass die Trefferlage eines Schusses normalverteilt ( ) ist. Dementsprechend müssen sich die Trefferpunkte annähernd um die Visierlage streuen. Allerdings kann es manchmal passieren, dass das Geschoss außerhalb des Zielkreises landet.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Battle: Malinovka Montag, 18. Juli 2011 15:58:00
Vehicle: PzKpfw V Panther
Experience received: 1.620
Credits received: 44.514
Battle Achievements: Steel Wall, Scout