DonDonat schrieb:Vorsicht bei der Begriffswahl: "Diebstahl" ist klar definiert und trifft hier absolut nicht zu.
Es ist einfacher Vertragsbruch und aus dem geht dann eben der Schadensersatzanspruch hervor, da eine Partei eine Leistung nicht erbracht hat, die potentiell zu Gewinn geführt hat.
Ich habe das Wort "theft" aus der Klageschrift übernommen und frei als Diebstahl übersetzt.
Shortly after 2:00 a.m. on August 13, 2020, the morning on which Epic would activate its hidden commission-theft functionality, Mr. Sweeney again emailed Apple executives, declaring that “Epic will no longer adhere to Apple’s payment processing restrictions.”
Hours after Mr. Sweeney’s 2:00 a.m. email, Epic triggered the “hotfix” it previously planted in Fortnite to push through a new external payment runaround—which Epic had deliberately concealed from Apple’s app review process—that usurped Apple’s commission and brazenly flouted its rules. This was little more than theft. Epic sought to enjoy all of the benefits of Apple’s iOS platform and related services while its “hotfix” lined Epic’s pockets at Apple’s expense.
Epic’s flagrant disregard for its contractual commitments and other misconduct has caused significant harm to Apple. Upon information and belief, Epic has reaped millions of dollars in in-app purchases through its unauthorized external purchase mechanism,17 thereby diverting to itself commissions that Apple was entitled to possess under the License Agreement. This is theft, period. In addition to the loss of Apple’s contractual commissions, Epic’s actions have caused Apple to suffer reputational harm and loss of goodwill with consumers who rely on Apple to offer the apps they want to download, like Fortnite, with all of the safety, security, and privacy protections that they expect from Apple. Left unchecked, Epic’s conduct threatens the very existence of the iOS ecosystem and its tremendous value to consumers. Apple is entitled to relief for Epic’s breaches of its contractual obligations and other unfair and tortious conduct.
Es ist nicht meine Aufgabe zu bewerten was da steht. Das machen Richter.