At the Game Developer Conference today both Microsoft and Nvidia are announcing a partnership which will mean we have real-time raytracing in PC games released this year. I’m banking on Metro Exodus being one hell of a high-end GPU benchmark test…
Microsoft and Nvidia have been working together to create an industry standard API designed specifically around interactive, real-time raytracing. The big M are adding DirectX Raytracing (DXR) to DirectX 12 as the industry standard API, and the green team are building that out to create RTX, a set of software and hardware algorithms designed to accelerate raytracing on the
Nvidia Volta architecture.
“It’s something that those of us in the graphics industry have dreamed about for the better part of two decades,” explains Nvidia’s Tony Tomasi. “What we’re going to do is take our first big steps towards real-time ray-tracing in games.
“The combination of RTX and DXR should enable developers to make incredible leaps forward in terms of real-time raytracing and start the developers working on – what I call – the next twenty years worth of graphics… I would expect that you’ll see games shipped this year that have real-time raytracing using DXR and RTX.”