The Foundation's committed to making sure that we don't suddenly up-sticks and change the platform under people's feet: the open community has been very good to us, and the last thing we want to do is to make the work they've done on the available software redundant. We want to continue selling the Raspberry Pi Model B for a good long time yet; we do have a final hardware revision to make, but the platform will be set in stone after that. We don't have plans to make a new Pi at the moment; what we are putting a lot of effort into is improving the software stack. We reckon there are orders of magnitude of performance increases we can shake out of Scratch, for example; and this isn't stuff you can expect the community to do, because it's a very long and fiddly job. So Scratch, Wayland, Smalltalk: you should see some big improvements coming over this year. We're also switching a lot of our concentration to our educational mission this year, after a year spent scrambling to get on top of manufacture.