FlorianGTX schrieb:
Aber kann mir jetzt mal jemand veraten warum es nicht ging/was sie versucht haben und was der patch jetzt bewirkt?^^
As far as I know:
Test Drive Unlimited 2 Update 1 info:
- Fix for club-related exploit
- Several connection problems have now been corrected
- Enabling of Co-op multiplayer races once club functionality is online
- Enabling of Weather when offline
- Fix for "Lancia with purple wheels" has been applied, and is corrected for players who are currently affected by the issue
- Clothing options no longer disappear in dressing-rooms
Test Drive Unlimited 2 Update 2 info:
- Friends list should no longer disappear
- Friend invites should consistently work
- Club issue should be fixed, Clubs should go live some time after the patch is released
- Further enhancements to prevent file corruption
- Additional back-end functionality to recover previously corrupted save files