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Assetto Corsa Assetto Corsa

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Von der Assetto Corsa Facebook Page :

Time to make some clarification about the rumours related to pre-orders. We confirm we worked on this matter in the last two months. When we supposed that the entire process was almost ready to be started, our lead programmer unofficially confirmed on his personal twitter account that pre-orders would start very soon. This was supposed to be true. Sadly, in our Country the laws related to e-commerce are very complicated and inadequate for the digital distribution. At the last minute, just a couple of days before to launch the pre-order, we have been informed about some additional documentation and rules that don't allow us to start the pre-order phase already set. This has nothing to do with Steam nor with the development of the game, it's just burocracy. We understand you can be disappointed about it, but well, you can figure how much we are too. Anyway, if we made any mistake or lack in communication, we apologise for it. Everyone can make mistakes, we are not better than any other.

Now we are working on a different strategy, with the aim to meet -as soon as possible - your wishes and our needs. As soon as we are able to give you more information, we'll update you with more details, through our official channels. Meanwhile, thank you for your kind patience and support.

Aris schreibt dazu :

Particularly unhappy with it, as I had pre-order website, e-commerce pages and everything else ready to go, just to find out at 1 o'clock in the night about that little "font 6px" things that would have severely hurt our business and the AC project.

Back to the drawing board and I guess we need to do something special for all you people patiently waiting.
Itlaliener... Wusste gar nicht das es mit Bürokratie noch schlimmer sein kann als hierzulande
Andregee schrieb:
Sagen dir die Begriffe Mafia und Schutzgeld etwas?:D

Am Ende wurden ihnen Betonreifen angedroht... :D
Andregee schrieb:
Die Entwicklung dieses Features ist für die Verspätung verantwortlich:D

100 Pro :)

so oft schon verschoben worden ist würde es mich nicht Wundern das Italien Schuld ist.
P.Cars wird eher erscheinen als Assetto hehe :)
Ok das glaube ich nicht. Kunos Simulazioni braucht langsam einfach Geld. Das muss denen ja auch langsam ausgehen.
The never ending Photo Story.
Unglaublich welche Schiene Assetto fährt.
Das gelaber Italien ist Schuld an der Verschiebung der Vorbesteller Geschichte können se wenn anderen erzählen.
Das Spiel ist einfach nicht fertig Punkt.
Wenn diese Erklärung gekommen wäre okay aber so.....unglaublich.

Fotos Posten auf FB und null Info ist einfach pure Frechheit.
:D Wo ist das ne Frechheit? Du hast noch nix investiert. Deswegen ist es doch völlig egal was sie machen. Mich würde es auch nicht interessieren wenn es nie rauskommt ehrlich gesagt.
Vor einer Stunde via Facebook :

Dear followers, finally the AC release is very close.

The Assetto Corsa's official site, www.assettocorsa.net is under maintenance: when it will come back online, all the information about the game, its contents and features, the hardware requirements and much more, will be finally available.

More importantly, the release of Assetto Corsa is imminent. Because of some issues (you can read about that here:

https://www.facebook.com/Assetto.Corsa/posts/726358147390506), we have had to change some assets of our strategy, finding the solution that will make you happy and will let the development team complete its job as soon as possible, and at its best.

Assetto Corsa will be available on Steam Early Access very, very soon. The game will cost 34,99 Eur (allowing to save 22% of the retail price!) and will give you access to the beta version, including its updates, plus the final version.

The latest news is that we have decided to include the Spa-Francorchamps track and three additional GT cars (Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, Mercedes-Benz SLS GT3 and Lotus Evora GTC) in the main build of the game, to offer to you the best selection of cars and tracks that we are able to deliver, without any additional cost. We hope you appreciate it. Thanks to this addition, Assetto Corsa will include in total 35 cars, 16 vehicle classes, 11 circuits and 3 additional scenarios. Other extra contents will be added in 2014, in order to guarantee a long-life to this simulation.

The first build of Assetto Corsa includes the main structure of the game and 8 classes of cars for a total number of 11 vehicles, with the aim to guarantee just from the beginning the chance to enjoy the dynamic model of the game racing with different kind of vehicles.

As part of the early access program, an update with new cars, tracks and features will be available every two weeks, adding new contents and improving the existing ones. All the vehicles and tracks will be released in a level of completion close to the final one, with the aim to deliver, starting by the first version, an enjoyable and satisfying simulation, featuring cars and tracks reproduced at their best, with the exception of unknown minor bugs that will be fixed and polished in time for Assetto Corsa 1.0.

During the whole process, the AI, Multiplayer and damage model features will be progressively added in the scheduled time, in order to close in short time the final release, that will include the career mode and other exclusive contents.

Gentlemen, start your modems!

PS: Der Post mit "The never ending photo story" kam von mir :D
Ok bin ich aber gespannt. Freuen würde es mich, und ich würde mir die Beta sicher auch sofort kaufen.
von Dir Modmaster :D
Beta...na ja habs e geahnt :)

alles rundum nur Betas :o
dann bin ich ebenso mal gespannt :D
Ob man sich dann den Early Access holt ist ja jedem seine Sache. Ich hols mir allein schon deswegen weil ich mir die Vollversion auch sowieso hole. Und es ist so ja etwas billiger.
Hab ich das richtig verstanden, dass es für 35€ dann irgendwann mal nur 35 Autos gibt und der Rest, der 2014 erscheinen soll, dann als DLC kommt? Oder gibt es 35 Autos in der Early Access Version? Nur, um das Prinzip hinter AC zu verstehen.
Bei dem Early Access ( Beta ) gibt es erstmal nur 11 Autos. Hier die Liste dazu :

1. BMW M3 E92
2. KTM X-Bow R
3. Lotus Exige Scura
4. Lotus Elise SC
5. BMW Z4 35is
6. Abarth 500 esseesse
7. Ferrari 458 Italia
8. BMW M3 GT2
9. BMW M3 E30
10. Tatuus FA010
11. Lotus 49

Im fertigen Spiel werden es 35 Autos sein. Der Rest kommt dann immer per DLC bzw. durch Modderteams.
Danke! Hm, dann warte ich lieber mal ab, anstatt mehr oder weniger die Katze im Sack zu kaufen, wie groß das Angebot durch Modder / die Preise des DLC werden. Ansonsten klingt das Spiel ja schon interessant.
xStram schrieb:
Hab ich das richtig verstanden, dass es für 35€ dann irgendwann mal nur 35 Autos gibt und der Rest, der 2014 erscheinen soll, dann als DLC kommt? Oder gibt es 35 Autos in der Early Access Version? Nur, um das Prinzip hinter AC zu verstehen.

Wenn man auf acarde ala FM oder GT steht sind 35 Autos nicht viel.
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